just because

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March 26, 2022

Hello Sister Burton,

Just a note to say that I love you. I think of you all the time. Always keep your chin up.
Remember, people have to work out their salvation and on their own time. :)
That goes for servants of The Lord as well, even companions. :)

Lift up your chin. Find in this day to be glorious.
You may say glorious? Glorious in what?
Glorious in another wonderful day to perform our labors. Be of good cheer Gussy. Think of one of your favorite scriptures. Think of that family or individual that showed thanksgiving for you.
Think of that memory of the mountains and sage brush. It's ok to think of home. It's ok to be uplifted and smile. Memories my dear daughter are what transcends down through the oracles of time, even beyond the years of the wisest of them all. Memories can weigh us down or they can build us up. Choose to be built up.

Have a great day. You are on The Lord's side.
I love you more than all the stars in the nighttime sky. You are special. A piece of granite from
Monitor Range in The Great Basin.
You may say, "Dad, why do you say these things?"
"Awh, shucks", I'd say with a slight smile as I'm thinking of some genius thing to come up with......... 'just because!'


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