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February 7, 2022

Hello Sister Burton,

What a great start of a new week. A blessing to repent and start a new. How glorious is the plan of salvation that we know who we are. We know our purpose. We know the direction to go.
Just imagine being lost. Having a compass would help. Knowing the stars would be nice.
Having markers in the mountains and
great White Pine's to guide very helpful indeed.
So it is with our Savior. He is the way. He's the marker standing tall. The star bright in the heavens. Our directional pointers that show the way in our darkest of hours, lowest of points, and confusion if we but look to Him we will always find our way! ie....... ie.................

How are your investigator's progressing?
How's your companion? The district? Zone?
How is your neighborhood? :)  The ward,
ward leaders, and ward mission leader?

It's such a joy for me to speak with you each week. I enjoy hearing about your stories.
The people you're teaching and the going on's living in Cleveland. Did you get a new microwave?

Always smile. Smile at the snow. Smile at the cold chill blowing in off the Great Lakes.
Smile at the no's. Smile at the sunny days feeling the warmth from the sun. Smile at the disappointment that inevitably happens.
Smile at the progress of those you teach.
Smile at the end of the day, tired and missing home! Smile at the knowledge your dad thinks of you always! Smile that you have the gift of another day. Smile at the great plan of happiness.
Smile that you are a servant of The Lord.
Smile at the thankfulness to Heavenly Father that overflows from your heart for your knowledge and testimony.

Harry has left to enter the military. He headed to Sacramento Sunday. He will be sworn in Monday morning 7 Feb and then on a plane to Georgia.
He'll go through basic training that everyone goes through then off to his specialized training for special forces. I had some really nice visits with Harry this past week when I was in Reno.
I'll miss him. Miss not seeing him. Miss knowing he's close by. I'm proud of him and have seen his heart and know that it is good.

I headed to the mountains to speak to the wind.
I raised my voice high unto the evening sky only to hear the echo of my aching soul.
ie........ ie..................
                         ie........ ie...................
I wrestle with this mortal state we dwell in wanting the desires of my spirit to be heard. I search with my heart reaching heavenward that the very stars and the glow of the outer edges of Celestial land may extend blessings upon my son, as granted from our Heavenly Father in my behalf I so pray.
I then cry. And cry............
I'm a dad of most incredible children. I dad unto spirits so valiant and true. A dad that from time to time is reminded of how special my children are.
I know of their potential. I know of their weaknesses. I know of their strengths. The spirit has said unto me many times, "Look" and I have beheld and received revelations of each of my children's doing's.

Love you Gussy. Love you more than all the stars in the nighttime sky. Remember that.
I'm so proud of you. I'm pleased that you are serving a mission. Keep your chin up.
Enjoy the ride. Soon it will be over and you'll have the memories of time gone by——


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