"Are you a warrior ..... "

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March 10, 2022

"Are you a warrior..."

What is your name? He didn't say much concerning other questions I had asked him.

I guess I really didn't expect him to tell me his name. He then blurted out, "Paul." 'They call me Paul."

I wondered about him when he said Paul the second time and who is they? Is Paul really his name? There was something he wasn't saying to me. I've met a few people already prior to meeting Paul. I felt all of them were not telling me all that they could when I asked about where

I was or asked them questions about themselves and yet I feel I have a gift in this forsaken place.

A gift of truth. I know when I'm not being told the truth.

Paul walked away before I could ask more questions and get answers. I must find him, who they call Paul. He is a link. A link to many other's that I believe I have been sent here to help in some way. I got to thinking why else would I have been able to come here. A miracle I say to have sliced through some sort of time continuum.

I haven't quite explained it to myself but that faint glow off in the distant, what is it? I figured it's in the East if my calculations are correct.

Calculations.... I laughed, because at home I'm always figuring out where I am in relation to the mountains or one of the compass pointers.

I'm doing the same here too.

It seems it is dim and distant not in miles but in theory. I mean spiritual theory. I now believe it is dim due to the fog like air and smokey conditions of this place that one only sees a faint glow from over the horizon peaking out from the jagged rocky cliffs and peaks of a strange and distorted mountain range. Maybe from a different vantage point I'd see better. I'll consider that later on.

Help me! A voice calls out. I scrambled over to a room where I found a young boy kneeling over a woman. His hands clutching hers as he sobbed.

Tears running down his cheeks filling in the crevices of his cracked and chapped lips only to gather and then overflow onto her hands.

He appeared to be a lot older than he should be.

Face wrinkled yet he spoke as though he were young and fair, not aged. Actually he seemed to be just a little older than me. There was a sort of innocence about him. I think it was in his eyes.

Yes, in his eyes I could see something.........,

I blinked and the trance like feeling left as

I glanced down looking on a lifeless body laying as if dead. She was beautiful. At least that was the first thought that came to my mind.

Her clothes were ragged. Her hair a mess.

But she was beautiful. There was something about her that was special. It was a feeling.

What was I thinking? I'm seeing things that aren't really there. How can I see her beauty when she's in such disarray?

No one stopped to assist. There seemed to be a casual scurring about by the few that passed by. Almost as if the attitude was, you're on your own type of mindset.

I asked, "What happened?" He said, "She just collapsed and fell." I asked what his name was and he said, "Tom." I felt moved and full of compassion for Tom. Tom asked me to say a prayer for his mom. He explained that he had heard of people praying for others to get better. He half smiled at me only to lower his head and say, "Those feeling better weren't seen again."

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