another day

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April 7, 2022

Good morning Sister Burton,

Just a note to remind you the thoughts of your dad are are near you. I miss you and love you.
I support you and believe in your purpose.
You are an inspiration to me!

We're blessed with another day to perform our labors. What an opportunity for all of us to labor in our fields to support our families and find the souls of men to save.

Be not afraid. Be strong in your convictions.
Have faith. Study and pray. Stand tall in the promises given unto the faithful. Be abound in good works always. To the spiritually thirsty,
give a little here and there until they are prepared for greater knowledge and truth.

Circulate through your three pools:
Finding, Teaching, and Baptizing.
Circulate means people are constantly progressing in or out.
A number represents a goal.
Names represent people.
Find a balance in all three, not over spending time in any one. The pools work together not individually. This is one of the keys to effective missionary work.
Is it any wonder then, that you're constantly finding, teaching, and extending the invite for a baptism date? I say yes.
I'll write more when I can. Sorry so short this time.
God bless Halle.......


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