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"And now Cam's talking about how he wants to start magcon again, and fans are going crazy, but they don't even know what's going to happen." Matt ranted on and on to Jasmine.

"Well, maybe magcon is better to keep it in the past. Magcon is great because it helped get you where you are today, but you can't find out what the future holds, if you're still in the past." Jasmine tried soothing him.

Jasmine would love to see all the guys together again, but she knows that it wouldn't be the best idea. Shawn's on tour, Jack and Jack are starting to tour again, Nash, Hayes, and Cam are still in the process of making movies. And as for the other guys she doesn't really know what's going on with them. Jasmine hasn't really encountered anyone over the past 3 years, except for at the occasional movie and music awards.

When she sees them the conversation usually goes, "Hey, I haven't seen you in forever, we should hang out," Or "Wow, I've seen you like everywhere, I'm glad you took up acting," and the best one of all, "hey, I've been really busy lately, sorry I haven't had the time to call. How have you been?"

"I don't know Jas. I'm kind of aiming towards wanting to start it again for the fans, because they did help get me to where I am." Matt says while looking down.

"Well, you can't please everyone, but you can choose wether or not to please yourself." She calmly states.

"Okay moving on from these deep talk about my life, how's filming going?"

"Terrible," Jasmine has been dreading these past two days, because tomorrow she will actually have to encounter Hayes and film a couple of scenes.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because tomorrow I will have to film a scene with Hayes. Like I can't believe he took up acting just to tick me off and-"

"He's really good at acting Jas."

"I know I've seen him but-"

"I'm sure Hayes didn't change his whole life career just to piss you off. Just walk onto the set tomorrow with your head held high, and do your absolute best."

Matt knows that he'll never compare to Hayes when it comes to who Jasmine should be with. He knows that at the end of the day Hayes will always be her first love. Even though he's been there for her for these past couple years, he still gets the feeling in his stomach where he's scared he'll lose her. And he knows that no matter how much he tries to help Jasmine forget about him, he'll just comeback again.

Later that night Matt left to meet with his agent, because he was starting to work on a new project. That meant that it was going to be one of those nights where Jasmine would be left alone, with nothing to do, except drown in her own thoughts.

But this time Jasmine wasn't going to just sit in her apartment and bawl her eyes out. She was going to go out, and find things to make her happy again. She gathered her penny board, sunglasses, phone, and her keys from off the counter.

Jasmine knew that Hayes wasn't doing this on purpose, but it's just that by him being here, it's making all the old memories come back.

After an hour of riding up and down the streets of Los Angeles, Jasmine decides to go to the beach. She takes out her earphones from her back pocket and puts them in her ears.

Now you've hit rock bottom and you're feeling lost at sea, yeah.

Just keep your head above the water
And I know you'll find some way to breath.

Jasmine was listening to one of her favorite songs by her best friends and they couldn't have made her any prouder.

She slips off her sandals and sits down in the sand, close enough to the water so that it just touches up to her toes.

"excuse me miss, but is this seat taken?"

"sorry to break the news pal but I don't want company right now so I suggest you--" Jasmine wanted to be alone at this time more than anything else, and this guy was ruining it.

"wow okay Jas, be that way." he cuts her off.

"Noah! oh my god I can't believe it's you, why are you in LA?" she asked him in disbelief.

"Oh I'm here working on a movie." Jasmine's eyes pop out of her head for a second, till she tries to recover from her shock. It's like everyone she knows has just suddenly taken an attraction towards acting.

"woah, woah, woah, I'm just kidding. Acting had always been your thing, I wouldn't take that away from you." Noah says.

Jasmine just tries to laugh off the mini heart attack he gave her.

"I'm actually out here because I decided to take up modeling. Which means I get paid for my face, body, and more. "

"Well it was great seeing you, but I have to go to set tomorrow. We should me up and recap about the past 5 years, yeah? Just text me, believe it or not it's the same number."

Jasmine then road her penny board 5 blocks to get back to her apartment. She set her keys down on the kitchen counter, and made a bag of popcorn. While the popcorn was cooking in the microwave she decided to change into her pjs.

She took the popcorn out of the microwave and plopped down on her couch. She thinks about how much her life has changed and thinks about how different things would've been if she never caught feelings. She knew that it was bound to happen again, but she knew that she wanted to be with Matt, not Hayes. She was then interrupted by her phone going off.

*new text message*
unknown: Hey Jas

to unknown: hey Noah, what's up?

unknown: This isn't Noah...

to unknown: Then who is this exactly?

unknown: Hayes.


↠ A/N: HEYY GUYS!! here's the first chapter to the sequel! I wrote it in 3rd person pov and I kinda like it better🌞

↠do you guys like it in 3rd person POV? Comment what you think!😏


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