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We parted our ways.

I am now 19 years old. We are now 19 years old. We haven't crossed paths in the past 5 years.

I'm currently working on a movie called , "undergoing society." It's about a girl named Claudia who honestly hates life. She thinks about how everyone now a days can be so fake and how people make promises they can't keep. Somewhere down the road after graduating high school, she finds herself roaming the streets of Los Angeles.

She goes to parties, gets completely wasted to the point where she can't remember anything. One day, she goes to a party and is about to do something, when a random guy from her old highschool stops her. His name was Luke, and he's caring, compassionate, and wise. This makes Claudia reminisce of how she use to be, which angers her. She gets up and leaves the coffee shop, Luke took her to.

The next day she runs into him again, and he wants an explanation for her leaving like that. She doesn't want to tell him the real reason, so she gives him some bullshit excuse. She wants him to stop weaving his way into her life, but something inside of her is telling her to let him in. They go through a lot of ups and downs mostly because Claudia can be a bitch most of the time. In the end can love conquer all the complications of their dysfunctional relationship? No, it can't. I'm just kidding, but if you want to find out just read the book.

We start filming tomorrow, and I can't help, but feel nervous. I've been asking Matt to run over lines with me, since he's literally my best friend. Ever since I moved out here, he's been there for me. Is there some chemistry going on? You can say that, but we're taking things pretty slow. He's 22 right now and still doing his thing. He's making a name for himself in LA. He even auditioned for a movie, and got the part as the supporting actor.

I was living by myself. I know a 19 year old in her own apartment, but I kind of like it this way. I was sitting on the couch in my studio apartment, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and automatically jumped into his arms.

"Matty!" I screamed while he twirled me around, hugging me tightly.

"Hey babygirl, how was your day?" He put me, back down on the ground and took off his shoes.

"It was okay, I went food shopping, did a little more decorating in the apartment, I wanted to film a new youtube video, but i figured I should wait for you to get here."

"Well, I say we should film first, then I'll help you run lines, and eat later as our big finale for tonight. Sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." I said smiling at him. It's just that when I look at him, I get butterflies in my stomach and I can't fight the smile that appears on my face.

He picked me up bridal style, and decided to film in my guest bedroom, since mine was still filled with boxes and such, since I moved in my apartment around 2 weeks ago. I set up my lights, camera, and MacBook.

"Okay so what video do you want to do?" I questioned.

"How about ask #Jatt?"

"Okay, ready?" I ask while, standing in front of the camera ready to press record.

"Hey guysss Jas here." I smile while waving, "And today I'm joined with Matt Espinosa, and we-"

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