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Today Hayes wanted to hang out, but I said I still "wasn't feeling well." He then started acting salty and shit and replied with "ironic." I honestly didn't have time for his bullshit so I didn't reply back.

I got ready for my meeting with my manger, and put my hair in a ponytail. I started my car and hit the road.

"Okay so you turned down how many?"

"I turned down 2 but I want to also reject the one that shoots in Japan, since I don't spreak Japanese and that'd be really difficult for me."

"Well everything takes practice, we could get you a Japanese teacher for you! If you accept that deal that will now open more doors of filming and making international movies. Plus you're only going to speak Japanese for about 10 minutes."

"Okay I'll take it."

"I think that'd be best for your career, trust me you won't regret it. Okay now onto-" Her phone then started ringing, and she raised her finger as in the "give me one minute way."

"Really? Well that's amazing, of course she'll take it!" and she hung up the phone.

"What's going on and what am I taking?"

"The producers from teen wolf want you to guest star for like 4-5 episodes, and I said yes that you'd do it!"

"Oh my god!! TEEN WOLF? I LOVE THAT SHOW SO MUCH. I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING. What am I going to wear? Oh lord I'm finally going to meet my babes. TYLER AND DYLAN I LOVE THEM LOTS! I think I'm going to start getting emotional," I fake sobbed while my inner fangirl side came out.

"Okay, but remember when you get there you have to act professional and then goof around."

"got it."

"Okay and another thing I wanted to talk to you about is your next EP that's dropping in a month."

"What about it?"

"Well the record label wants to drop it in 2 weeks and have a big launch party."

"Okay, I love to party anyway!" I said while doing little dance moves.

"Okay and digi wanted to have you join their summer tour."

"But wouldn't that interfere with filming and stuff?"

"Yeah. So you can either cancel one of those other movies or do digi."

"I don't know I like filming and all but I like to meet new people and fans."

"Well you're going to have to choose, before the end of this week. We have another me meeting on Thursday and hopefully by then you'll make your mind up, she said while getting up and leaving the room.

"Wow not even a goodbye love you sweetie." I rolled my eyes and left.

a/n: should Jas decline another movie and let her career decline or just not do digi ??

& sorry I didn't update but I mean fr fr if I didn't do a triple update then you guys would have gotten an update probably every 2-3 days. Anyways why I didn't update was because my cousins moved into my town, which took 3 days!! I'm so excited like I love them so much. and right now I'm at my grandmas house spending time with her, but I also coach cheer Mon-Thurs 6-8, so that's been taking up time too. So yeah that's a little life update but I'll update soon!!

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