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We got to my apartment and I unlocked the door and set my keys on the kitchen counter.

"I'm going to go change but feel free to make yourself at home."

I then walked to my bedroom and started to undress. I threw on a random t-shirt and some forever 21 pajama shorts.

I then walked out of my bedroom and into the bathroom where I took out my contacts, put on a face wash and scrubbed my face to get off all the dirt, and then brushed my teeth. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, and put on my black glasses.

I wish I was prettier, I really do. I'm constantly comparing myself to others and even though it's not right, I still do it. Then I look at him sitting there, on my couch, watching tv and still looking effortlessly perfect.

He doesn't try to look like this, he doesn't try to make me like him, and he doesn't try to be somebody he's not. He doesn't try, and that's all I do. I try to smile more, I try to grasp the concept of staying positive, and I try to not get hurt. But what if I don't want to try anymore? I want to fall for the guy sitting on my sofa, and I want him to fall for me too.

We all want things in life, but somehow I know that what I want is too ludicrous. He still hasn't noticed me admiring him from the bathroom doorframe.

I finally gathered all my thoughts and feelings and padded to the kitchen.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I questioned.

"Uhm yeah, what do you have?"

"I have water, lemonade, coke, sprite, dr pepper, orange soda..."

"I'll take an orange soda por favor."

I grabbed a water and a can of orange soda and handed it to Hayes.

"Did you find anything on tv?"

"Grown ups 2 is on, I was hoping we'd watch that, if you want to."

"I LOVE THAT MOVIE, OF COURSE WE CAN WATCH THAT!" I shouted like a little kid.

woah jas, find your chill. I told myself.

"I'm going to make popcorn," I tried to laugh out the awkwardness after my outburst.

I grabbed the bag of popcorn and popped it into the microwave. I leaned against the counter as I watched it spin round and round on the microwave plate. It was almost hypnotizing, till the microwave went off and snapped me back to reality.

I walked over to the couch and plopped down on the left hand side. I put the popcorn in between us, and curled up into a ball, since the AC was on.

"Do you want a blanket?" Hayes asked.

"There's a lot of things I want. That I don't need, but a blanket would be nice."

He then got up and went to the hallway closet to grab a big blanket. He put the popcorn on the coffee table and threw it over us.

"It'd be easier to share it if you were closer to me."

I moved to the middle cushion, and bought my knees to my chest. I continued to watch the movie, while kind of dozing of a bit on Hayes.

I felt Hayes slide down a bit and readjust, making me cling onto his torso. I would be lying if I said this didn't feel perfect, because it did. It was just way easier when he was with me, life was just way easier.


Jas was fast asleep while clinging onto my side. Truth is that Jasmine was the only girl I loved. All those other girls were distractions while I was trying to find myself.

Grow ups finished like 5 minutes ago so I was just laying here watching the credits. I grabbed the remote and started to flip through channels, when I didn't see anything on sports center I just went to Disney.

My eyes scanned the TV and on the screen was no other than high school musical.

I held Jasmine closer to me than before, when she mumbled,
"I love you wildcat."

"I love you more." I sighed even though she wasn't awake. This girl will be the death of me, but I still love her, so so much.

a/n: kinda cute right??? I think it was very cute. I'm just a 14 year old girl looking for a cute cuddly relationship. just kidding food over boys am I right ladies?! okay bye lolz.
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