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Hayes POV

This month was finals. If there was one thing I've learned over the year, is that I always, just make it. What's crazy is that all the assholes in our school are really smart, including Ashley?

I know it sounds like a bad thing, but she offered to help me. I wasn't going to just turn her down. I mean is Ashley a whore, yeah everyone knows that. Do I like her? No, not one bit. Do I still love Jasmine? That shouldn't even be a question.

Jasmine has been coming over every other Friday to see Sky, and that's not helping me get over her. They say if you love something let it free, and if doesn't come back it was never yours in the first place.

Well, that's what I'm doing for Jasmine. She's going to make it big in Hollywood, while I stay here and probably continue my football career, like Will.

We've been through hell and back, and it seemed to only make us stronger. If it was anyone else it'd most likely be the complete opposite.

During school, she ignored me. During lunch, she'd walk right past me. When we would walk home, she'd be more than 100 yards in front of me. I guess she's over it. I guess she's over us.

School ends in around a month, so most likely I was going to be do nothing. I mean I usually go to Nash, Bryant, and Cam's place for a few weeks. Which is also in California, Los angles to be exact? It'd be really awkward running into my ex in Cali.

Wow, I'm already calling her my ex. That's what this has become. Even my mind is getting into routine. I thought our love would last forever.


"Okay, class as you know today you will be taking your final exam. This is what we've been preparing you for all year. This will be put as a separate grade on your report card, and count as 1/9 of your 4th marking period grade. There are 100 questions, so if you don't know an answer skip it. Then go back to it when you're done. You have the next 2 periods, good luck."

1. "Who was the 7th president of the United States?"

A. Gorge Washington

B. Andrew Jackson

C. John Adams

D. Abraham Lincoln

I remember Ashley saying something about this, what was it? Well, it's not A or D. I'm pretty sure John Adams was the second president, so I chose B. Andrew Jackson. Before I knew it I'm on question #74 and I still have around a half hour.

74. "How many deaths have been caused by the first World War?"

A. 2 million

B. 10 million

C. 18 million

D. 56 million

I guessed because I honestly didn't know the answer. I circled C, and went to the next one.

82. "In which year did the United States invade Canada?"

A. 1945

B. 1812

C. 1219

D. 1941

Really. 1945? It's obviously B. When I was done I checked my answers, and it looked like B and C were used the most. I hate when its like the same number in a row, it makes me feel like I've done something wrong. I learned to just go with my first instinct, because there has been a myriad of times where I've changed my answers, and then my first choice was right.

The bell rung and everyone darted out the classroom to head to lunch. Unlike before, I haven't been going to Jas' locker and walking to lunch with her. Instead I "coincidently" bump into Ashley and she walks with me.

"Hey Hayes," it comes from the last person I'd suspect, Megan.

"Hey, what's up?" I try to seem friendly.

"Alright Hayes, cut the shit."


"What has been going on between you and Jas? She seems so distant?"

"I guess that's exactly what's wrong with her, now if you'll excuse me."

"I'm not done talking to you." Megan gripped my arm.

"Okay, what else do you want then?"

"What happened?"

"Can you be more specific?

"Why are you guys splitsville?"

"We got into an argument about her leaving. Words were exchanged, but I honestly didn't mean anything I said."

"Well did you tell that to Jasmine?"

"The damage is already done. She's leaving to LA in less than a month, and there's nothing I could do. I think we should let it be this way, it's probably easier on her behalf."

"Whatever Hayes, it's always better to end on good terms." She then walked away.

Good terms? A breakup that was mutual, seems like good terms to me. But I know, that I have to fix this before she leaves.


A/N: I'm updating at a New Year's party ya'll are welcome.💩💕 VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, AND FOLLOW😼❤️

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