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triple update so don't pressure me to update if I don't update in like 3 days because I'm going to be really busy these next few days...


We arrived at the beach and I set down our towels, and sprayed sunscreen on myself.

"Do you want to go in now?" I asked.

"You go in, I'll be there in 5."

I walked to the edge of the beach where the waves were crashing. When someone tapped me on my leg.

"hey um, Jasmine I'm a big fan of yours and I wanted to get a picture with you." A little 8 year old girl asked me. She was so freaking adorable.

"Of course honey, do you want to stand next to me, go on my back, I can pick you up if you want?"

"Can we do all of those?" She asked shyly.

"absolutely!" I stood there for about 5 mins taking all these different pictures and then I posted one of them to my Instagram and Twitter.

"met this little cutie on the beach today, and I already miss her presence ): "

"Jasey Rae!" Gilinsky said sweeping me up.

"Woah tanline!" I laughed.

"Calibraska life, you know." he smirked.

"where's Madison??" I questioned.

"Beach scene isn't really her thing so I think she said she was going to go out with some friends instead."

"Ah I see."

"So you and Hayes."


"Do you like him?"

"Do I like him? yes, but do I want to get hurt by him? No."

"So you're not giving him a chance?"

"I'm giving him a chance, but I don't know. He's starting out his career, mine is starting to grow a lot. I auditioned for like 3 other movies that start filming in 2-6 months, and that schedule will be hectic. I just don't want to not be fully in the relationship."

"I feel you Jas, but if you think it's right being with him, then be with him. If he's the reason you smile all the time, then hold on tight and don't let go. There will be other fish in the sea but they're not going to be exactly like him."

"Thanks Jack, you always know exactly what to say."

"No problem, now go spend some time with your bae." He gave me one last hug, before I walked away.

a/n: I love Jack soo freaking much ): follow me, vote, and comment

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