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I woke up at 5:30 to go for my morning run. I usually go for a run anytime there's something on my mind, and in this case there's a lot. I put on a pink sports bra, and running shorts.

I excited the building, put in my earphones, and started to shuffle my playlist. I usually run only a mile around town, well two since i have to run back to my apartment.

I started to look around at the beautiful city of Los Angeles, and felt myself get relaxed instantly. Even though I was relaxed I could still feel my thoughts trying to intrude my peace. I was starting to slow down, until one of my favorite songs at the moment came on.

Is this shallow love?

Or is it something real?

You make it hard to deal

Not knowin' if this is shallow love

The way we live so well

Can make it so hard to tell

What you in it for?

What you really in it for?

The song then started to push me to run harder. It's ironic because thats exactly what I'm going through with Hayes. He makes me happy, yet so frustrated at the same time, and it's starting to tear me apart. I feel like he had good intensions, but now I'm starting to question it.

To make matters worst I have to see him in less than 2 hours. I'd have to either fake like Nash didn't tell me anything important or confront him about it. If I do fake it then that'd be easy since he's not the only one good at acting.

Maybe if I fake sick, I can just film a couple of the scenes he's not in, and go home. That sounds good. I wasn't that far away from my building so i started to jog back. When I got into my apartment standing there was the last person I wanted to see, Matthew Espinosa.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Well, good morning to you too darling." He scoffed, "I came here to apologize and you're already acting like a bitch."

"So you came here to insult me, and the fuck did you get in?"

"I know where you put your spare key." he shrugged.

"Listen. I know you have the whole, oh my god I just love everything and everyone image to live up to so how about we just settle an agreement?"

"I'm listening."

"I'll go and tweet out a picture of us and, you know what I'll post it to every social media app I have saying how we "worked everything out and it's water under a bridge."

"And what do I have to do?" he questioned.

"Just stay the hell away from me, because I'd rather not have to file a restraining order against you." I smiled while crossing my arms.

"it's a deal." he put out his hand, and I just ignored it and walked away to my bathroom so I could shower and get ready for my day.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" I yelled, "actually let it hit you!" I then heard the door slam and I chuckled lightly.

"Cause baby now we got bad blood, you know we use to be made love, so take a look what you've done, cause baby now we got bad blood." I lightly sang to myself.

a/n: kians_bae followed me and I may or may not have freaked out a little... or a lot. but vote, comment, and follow me 'n all that good jaz.💗

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