Chapter 3

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Abby wakes up with a start as she feels her shoulders being shook.
"What the hell are you waking me up for, Raven?"
"I'm worried about Clarke", Raven says.
"Yeah, I'm worried, too. But why is this a reason to wake me up in the middle of the night?"
"There was an explosion. I saw it. It was near TonDC. I'm worried Clarke might be there, and if she is we have to do something!" Raven says in a panic.
"Okay, Raven. Calm down. How long ago did you see this?"
"It was about 20 minutes ago. I was up... talking... to Wick, and I heard a noise coming from the distance. I looked around and I saw a fire in the woods near TonDC. What if something happened to her? What if-"
"What are you two up for?" Kane says, still half asleep.
"We're worried something happened to clarke. There was an explosion in TonDC." Raven says.
Kane's smile immediately falls. "Well we have to go look for her."
"I agree we have to do something. But it won't do any good to go out in the dark. So how about this: We can get a good night sleep tonight, and then tomorrow morning we can organize a search party to help us find her." Abby says.
"Alright. Well then I guess I'm gonna go get some rest so that I'm ready for tomorrow. You two should do the same."
"Goodnight", Kane tells her as she walks away.
"Poor kid," Kane says as Raven walks away. "She's been through a lot, hasn't she?"
"She has. Now it's best you get some rest, too, Kane." Abby tells him.
"Abby" Kane says. "I can't sleep."
So Abby silently wraps her arms around Kane.
"It's gonna be okay. I know it."
As soon as the sun rises, Abby and Kane meet Raven in the middle of camp Jaha.
"Alright, I'm ready to go," Raven says, determined.
"You're not going anywhere", Kane replies.
Raven's expression hardens. "I am going with you, and you can't stop me. After all I've done, don't you think I've proven myself mature enough to take care of myself?"
"I think she could be useful", Abby whispers to Kane.
"Fine. But it's not my fault if she gets hurt."
"It's settled then. Who else is coming?" Raven asks.
Abby and Kane motion towards the search party behind them. 4 people.
"Let's get moving" Abby commands.
Abby had to stay strong. For Kane, Raven, and herself. She couldn't show any sign of weakness. But inside, she felt like her heart had been crushed by a hammer and then sliced into a million pieces. Her only daughter is out there alone... they needed to find her. She wouldn't stop until she found her daughter.
Sorry it took so long to update! I have had so many exams lately. But school's out so now I should be able to update regularly.
I'm thinking of getting a schedule for when I'm going to update, but I'm not sure what it is yet.
DO NOT WORRY!!! Kabby will happen soon... very soon.
So what other ships would you like to see or not to see in this story?
Do I have anything I should fix or improve throughout writing this story? This is my first fanfic so I need all the help I can get!
Thanks guys!!!

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