Chapter 22

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The excitement in Abby's voice grows and grows as she tells Kane all about her discovery.
When Abby got to medical earlier, Kane was still unconscious. So, instead of leaving Kane to go work on her discovery, Abby sat next to Kane. As much as she needed to figure out her plan, she knows it is much more important to take care of Kane. She took his hand and held it tightly, staring at the person she loves, being grateful that he is alive.
"I love you," she whispered, and kissed his hand.
A few minutes later, Kane gained consciousness. Still feeling the throbbing pain coming from his leg, Kane was more than willing to listen to Abby as she shared her new discoveries, because they distracted him from the pain. They gripped each other's hands tightly,
Abby finishes off telling Kane her theory, and Kane just sits there and stares at her.
"What?" Abby asks, the worry on her face growing. Kane's lips curve upwards revealing a smile, and he lets out a small chuckle.
"This is amazing," he finally says, causing Abby to practically leap in joy. The smile on Kane's face grows wider at the sight of Abby being happy. All he really needs is for Abby to be happy, and for everything to be better.
He tries to sit up, but the shooting pains in his leg tell him that his body is not yet ready to move. He lets out a small groan, and Abby frowns.
"Are you okay?" She asks, even though she knows that he is experiencing pain.
He nods.
"Are you sure?"
He shakes his head, and then slightly smirks, with a glint of mischief showing in his eye.  "I know what could make it better," he says, and she smiles.
Kane reaches his arm out and pulls Abby in, letting their lips fiercely collide. For a moment, all of his pain disappears, only leaving the fulfilling feeling of love and Abby's lips. He longs for more than just a kiss, but knows that he is not up for that. Not yet. He doubts that he will be able to get anything more until they find Clarke safe.
Abby pulls away after a minute or two, and she lays down on the table beside him. Secretly, she is surprised there is enough room for the both of them.
Kane swiftly grabs Abby's hand and holds on tight, squeezing it whenever he feels pain. Both travel deep into thought; Abby about Clarke, and Kane about Abby. But eventually, Abby's thoughts wander back to Kane. She knows that Kane loves her with all of his heart. He risked his life just to save her! She smiles at the thought of this, but frowns again when a haunting thought comes to mind: what if he loves her more than she loves him?
Relationships should always be an equal balance of love, but Abby worries that she's taking advantage of him. To Kane, Abby is his world. To Abby, Kane is only one small puzzle piece to a big world, and a puzzle she hasn't quite put together yet. But is this just a different perspective on life, or should she love Kane just as much as he loves her?
This question haunts her thoughts for hours. She wonders if Kane has thought the same thing: that Abby doesn't love him as much as he loves her. The minutes of the day tick away, and Abby tries to convince herself that just because Kane is not her whole world, doesn't mean she doesn't love him. But the doubt in her mind over takes the hope, until a frown is seemingly permanently plastered onto her face.
She glances over at him and finds that he is asleep, his chest moving up and down in a rhythm. For a moment, Abby worries that he is dead, but she quickly realized that he could not be creating if he were dead. Still, she checks his pulse, just in case.
She truly doesn't know what she would do without him. She never could've made it on this journey without him, and she also would never find Clarke. She sighs and plants a kiss onto his forehead, waking him up from his slumber.
"How long was I asleep?" He asks groggily, rubbing his hands onto his face and wiping the sleep from his eyes. He tries to get up once again, but groans.
"Don't move, Marcus. You can sleep for as long as you like, and as soon as you are better, we can start planning to find Clarke."
Kane shakes his head. "We can't wait until I'm better. What if Clarke doesn't make it until then?"
"You and I both know Emerson, and we know who he is. He won't kill her, and he isn't even doing this for her. He doesn't enjoy watching Clarke suffer as much as he enjoys watching us suffer to find her, so he won't kill her. He will keep her alive, just to mess with us. Except now, we've figured out his plans, and we are going to be smarter than him. But not until you get some rest and recover, your injury will only hold us back it we leave before you're ready."
"But-" Kane starts, but Abby cuts him off.
"No," she says. A look of hurt flashes on his face, but Abby turns it to love when she pulls him closer and slowly places her lips onto his, being slow, but not as much gentle.  When their lips part, their foreheads stay together. Abby closes her eyes in relaxation, and Kane wraps his arms around the back of Abby's neck, clasping his fingers together.
"You can't even imagine how much I enjoy kissing you," he says.
"Yes I can," she starts, and Kane puts on a half smile preparing for the rest. "Because I enjoy kissing you even more."
And with that, their lips intertwine again, moving just as slowly as the last time, both of them praying that they will meet again.
Hey guys! I did enjoy writing this fluff, but you guys can probably see this was mostly a filler :/
I have been really busy, like I've said, and I actually had homework tonight which wasn't fun. I'll update as soon as I can, love ya ;D

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