Chapter 9

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"We've been walking for hours!" Jasper whines. "When can we take a break?" He asks, letting his feet drag.
"We need to find a place to set up camp before dark, and look", Kane points up to the sky. "The sun is already setting. We need to hurry!" Kane tells him.
"Fine." Jasper gives in.
They continue to walk for about half an hour, barely anyone talking.
"Hey guys", says Raven, who is about 50 feet in front of them. "I think I found somewhere to set up camp for the night!" She calls out.
They all run out beside her and look at the setting.
"It's perfect!", Abby says to her. In front of them is a large grassy clearing, with a huge oak tree in the middle. The oak tree has a hollow hole in the center of it; big enough to fit a head in. "Alright", Abby says, "Let's set up camp!"
After an hour or two, the four tents are all set up, and they all sit around a fire in the night.
"Kane", Bellamy says, "Are we gonna find Clarke?"
Kane thinks about this. He wants to give them hope, but he doesn't want to lie. So he decides he'll say his honest opinion.
"I don't know." Kane states.
Bellamy looks at Abby across the fire, who is looking at the ground. They both need Clarke right now.
"Dinner is here!" Jasper yells, carrying a dead wild pig in his arms.
"Great, I'm starving!" Raven shouts.
Bellamy cuts and prepares the pig while everyone else talks.
"I love you", Abby says, burying her head in Kane's shoulder.
"And I love you", Kane puts a finger on her nose playfully, making her giggle. Kane proceeds to plant a kiss on her nose, and moves down to her lips. This causes Abby to blush, making her look even cuter to him.
He moves down even further, placing kisses on every part of her next until...
"Dinner's ready!" Bellamy shouts.
"Did he interrupt something?", Monty smirks at them.
Raven, Jasper, Bellamy, and Wick all start to laugh while Kane and Abbys' faces turn bright pink out of embarrassment.
"So, um..." Kane starts, rubbing his head, "You said dinner was ready?"
"That was one of the best meals I've had in a while", Jasper says; patting his belly.
"Me too", Monty imitates Jasper's actions.
"Glad you liked it", Bellamy says quietly.
"Bellamy, are you okay?" Abby asks him.
He looks down at his feet. "Yeah, I'm fine." He lies.
"Dude", Jasper says. "Even I know you're lying."
Bellamy is on the verge of tears, but he won't let himself cry.
"Look Bellamy", Abby says. "I know you may feel like you're alone right now. But you're not. You have us! And maybe, in a few weeks, you'll be sharing a tent with Clarke." There is a long pause, before Abby adds, "I miss her so much."
"Me too." Bellamy agrees, who is now crying.
"Speaking of tents", Monty says, "Why are there only 4 tents? There's 7 of us."
Kane responds. "Well Abby and I are sharing one." He hears Raven giggle.
Abby finishes for him. "Raven and Wick will be sharing one, Bellamy gets his own that he share with Clarke when we find her, and I guess we assumed you and Jasper would be sharing one. Is that okay?"
Monty smirks and then casually says, "Oh yeah, that's totally fine." At that moment, fireworks are going off inside his head.
After that, everyone started having their own conversations. Bellamy was talking to Jasper and Monty, and Raven and Wick were making out on the grass.
"Look at them", Kane says.
"That's cute. Think we can beat them?" Abby asks flirtatiously.
Suddenly Kane crashes their lips together, trying to beat Raven and Wick. Abby sure knew how to get to him going.
As their kiss grows longer (and they start making out), Jasper, Monty, and Bellamy just stare back and forth at the two couples, their mouths wide open.
Kane wraps his hands around Abby's neck. When they take a quick break so that they can breath, Abby whispers out, "They're staring, Kane."
He goes into another kiss and when their lips part, he whispers in Abby's ear. "Call me Marcus." And they continue to do that until they become worn out.
When their lips part for good, it leaves both of them gasping for air. Now they had a crowd of 5 people surrounding them, all of them either laughing or with their jaws open.
"I think we beat them", Abby says quietly, blushing.
"You know what, I think it's time to go in our rooms!", Jasper says, to break the awkward silence.
"Good idea", Monty says, and they race each other to their tent.
Wick and Raven stand up. "You two better be careful!" Raven tells them. "Wouldn't want you getting hurt!" She smirks, and Wick and Raven walk over to their tent.
"I'm just gonna go. See ya!" Bellamy quickly makes his way to his tent.
"So it's just us now", Kane looks down at Abby.
Abby collides their lips together again.
"Wait", Kane says. He drags Abby to their tent and zips it up. He proceeds to take off his shirt, and they continue where they left off.
After a while, Kane lifts Abby's shirt over her head so that she is just wearing a bra. He's about to unclip her bra when-
"Hey gu-" Raven is cut off by what she is seeing. "Woah you're going fast."
Abby's face is now white as a ghost.
"I thought we said nothing funny was to happen in the tent", Raven says, "but I have to admit, this is pretty funny." She laughs.
"What the hell, Raven? Why would you just burst in like that?"
"Well..." Raven starts. "I was hearing some strange noises coming from your tent and I wanted to make sure you were okay. But obviously, you were..."
"Well do you mind, Umm..." Kane say awkwardly. "Leaving?"
"Sure. Keep it PG in here, kids!" She shouts back as she leaves.
Kane just stares at Abby for a few moments. "That happened." He says and starts to laugh. Abby takes this opportunity to unclip her bra herself. Kane realizes what she is doing and he stares at her as she takes it off, his mind going to dark places...
"Kane?" She asks, bringing him back into reality.
Kane puts his lips on her skin, making sure not to miss an inch. He unbuttons her jeans, and she does the same to his.
This was going to be a wild night.
Okay, so I planned to make this chapter a lot different, but I really wanted fluff! I had planned to do fluff and add some more things to the plot, but it got really long, so I decided to leave it there. But you should be excited for the next chapter!!! :)
I'm going to be really busy this week, but I promise there WILL be a chapter Friday! I want this story to last a long time, and since I'm updating twice a week I decided that I'm only going to make my chapters like 10-15 pages long. Sorry :/
Anyways, I'm sorry that I'm really sucky at writing about this stuff, but vote if you liked it and comment if you have any suggestions! See ya next time!

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