Chapter 18

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"Emerson? He's still alive?!" Abby asks, her voice raising with every word she says. Bellamy covers his open mouth with his hand. The entire group is in shock, each one unable to form a sentence. Bellamy finally speaks up after a while.
"He was never killed. I remember, he was there before we irradiated level 5. He had the marrow treatments, which means he is still out there. And he has Clarke." He pauses. "What does the rest of the note say?" Abby holds the note back up, because she put it down in shock once she read the first two sentences. She starts at the beginning again, trying not to tear up.
This is Emerson. It reads. I have Clarke. I've been following you guys, watching you as you desperately look for your leader, Clarke. Well, you killed every single one of my people. Now I get to play a little game with you. I have Clarke locked up somewhere, somewhere you'll never find. You'll have to travel far. But here's the catch: Every time you make a wrong move, Clarke gets hurt. Good luck on my little trip, I hope you like it!
Signed, Emerson.
Kane wraps his arms around Abby.
"How are we going to find her now?" Abby asks.
Everyone shakes their heads.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I should go. They need us back at camp, and honestly I think it's of our best interest to go back. Anyone else who wants to come can come with me, and whoever wants to go on this desperate mission to find Clarke can go," Jasper announces. Raven, Wick, Jasper, Monty, and Bellamy all decide to go back to camp. They say that it is too dangerous to continue, and that they need to watch over the rest of the survivors from the original 100. After a few minutes, they all head off to go back to camp.
That leaves Kane and Abby.
"I guess it's just us," Abby tells Kane after a while. He simply nods.
Kane and Abby still stand in the room they found the note, with Dante still dead. Their noses twitch from the smell of death. "I need to find Clarke." Abby announces. "Who knows what Emerson is going to do to her?! I thought I would be fine with not finding her, but I'm not. If Emerson has her... he's probably torturing her. I can't let that happen! I will search for the rest of my life if I have to, but I'm not giving up on Clarke."
"But how could Clarke let this happen?" Kane asks her in disbelief. He doesn't understand how as strong as Clarke is, she let one person take her.
After a while of silence, Kane shakes his head. "The only thing we can do is search. Search for any evidence. But first, I think we should go back to camp."
Abby looks at Kane, confused. "Why would we go back to camp?" Abby asks him.
"Listen, we can just go back for a few days." They're so close they can feel each other's breath. He places his hands on her shoulders. "I just want to relax a little bit with you. We can look for Clarke in a few days!" He brushes his lips across her forehead.
"Okay," she agrees as she laughs flirtatiously.
"Good," he whispers back and places his lips onto hers. "I love you," he whispers.
"I love you more," Abby whispers. She laughs giddily as he plants kisses up and down her neck.
"We should get going," she says. "We need to get back by tomorrow, and this place stinks of death and regret."
Kane nods, and they head on their way.
When Kane and Abby get back to camp after a long day and night of walking, they nearly collapse at the gates.
"Kane! Abby!" Everyone screams and rushes towards them. Abby was, in fact, still the Chancler. A loud murmur grows throughout the camp as they crowd around Kane and Abby. They get the chance to take a look at their surroundings.
The few tents and remnants of the ark that once made up the camp, have now grown into at least 50 sturdy wooden houses. They weren't too big, but they were sturdy, and they would stay up through storms. The grass had grown thick and strong in the middle of camp, and there were people working on building more houses. Directly in the middle of camp is a large bonfire surrounded by packs of food and water.
Jackson runs up to Abby and wraps his arms around her. "Abby! I'm so glad you're back!" Abby smiles at him, happy to see him.
"Jackson! How's medical?"
"It's going great, actually. I'm training a few young adults here to help, but once you get back you can take over again. So what happened with Clarke?"
Abby looks down, remembering what happened with her. "Clarke was captured by the one survivor of mount weather. Kane and I are going to set out to find her in a few days, but we need to catch up here at camp first."
"So you're leaving again?" Jackson asks, looking slightly disappointed.
"I'm afraid so," Abby responds before pulling him into a heartfelt hug.
On the other side of camp rests Kane, sitting on a log with Octavia and Lincon.
"I was afraid I wouldn't see you guys again," Octavia states as she sharpens her knife. "I'm glad you're back."
After a few hours, Kane and Abby had greeted everyone, and the sun was just setting.
"This house is for you guys," Jackson tells them, and shows them to a nice wooden log house that wasn't too big, but the perfect size for the two of them.
"Thank you," Abby tells him and places a hand on his shoulder before he disappears into the next row of houses, where Abby assumes his house is.
Kane and Abby exhaustedly trudge into their new house to find a nicely made bed and thin sheets waiting for them. They both plop down onto it in unison.
"Long day!" Kane says with a sigh.
"Yeah." Abby agrees. They both just lye down on their bed for a few minutes, gaining back some of their energy.
"What do you want to do tonight?" Abby asks, raising up one eyebrow.
Kane gives her a knowing smile. "Well," he starts, "We have this new nicely made bed. Care to try it out?" He smirks, and Abby replies with a nod and slightly red cheeks.
He admires her for a few seconds, but then crashes their lips together and works with more force then ever. They work their shirts off, and get started on their busy night.
Abby and Kane get their first good night of sleep in weeks that night. They both wake up well after the sun rises, because not much light can get through the thick wooden walls of their new house. Kane wakes up first, finding himself with his arms wrapped around Abby while they both sleep. He decided he should start his day.
When he gets out of his house, he finds everyone hard at work. There are people who are building more houses; cleaning the multiple levels, rooms, hallways, and airlocks of the ark; some people are helping cook meat that our hunters and guards shot; and others are doing work and various chores that come with building a village and society. Slowly, each person in our camp is healing and growing from their experiences. They've all been through so much in their lifetime, which was supposed to be a transitional one. They were supposed to be born in space and die in space, but that's not what happened. They are all survivors one way or another.
Kane looks over to the entrance of camp Jaha, and he sees a group of guards (and Octavia and Lincon) that look as if they're about to go on a hunting mission.
"Mind if I join?" Kane asks, chest held high. They nod and hand him a gun.
As they're about to leave, Abby rushed up to Kane and kisses him swiftly. "What are you doing?" She asks.
"Going out to hunt. Care to join us?" He asks.
"I'm not too good at hunting," she admits. Kane turns and faces the woods.
"Then you'll be my moral support!" He smiles. She laughs and grabs a gun, leading the rest of the guards out to the woods.
"Woah!" Abby exclaims as she chases after a glowing butterfly.
"Don't go too far, Abby," Kane calls after her, treating her like a rambunctious child.
"Yes, sir!" She calls, stepping a round bushes and trees into the great unknown. He sighs.
"You're gonna scare away all of the animals!" He shouts.
"Oh well!" She says giddily.
"Abby, did you have any moonshine this morning?" He playfully asks her. When he gets no response except for the chirping of the far away birds, he gets concerned. What if something happened to her? He asks himself, preparing for the worst. Just then, a pair of hands wrap around his eyes.
"Boo!" Abby shouts at him.
He pushes her hands away. "You jerk! You really scared me! I thought something had happened to you," he pouts at her.
"I'm sorry," she says with puppy dog eyes, and then places her lips on his.
After that, Kane hunts while Abby plays around, and he comes back with 2 birds and a two headed deer.
"I feel bad for them," Abby explains on their way back to camp.
Kane lifts his eyebrows, not really listening to what Abby was saying, but thinking that she was quite adorable as she rambles on about 'animal cruelty'.
"It is one of our only sources of food, Abby. Are you suggesting we all become vegetarians?"
She laughs and he kisses her head as they head back into camp.
Hi guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I will get back into my schedule! I've had a kind of writers block or something. I wrote this chapter SOO many times!!! Comment what you thought about the chapter, and vote if you liked it. Love ya ;)

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