Chapter 12

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The next morning Abby wakes up to see Kane; who was watching her sleep while playing with her hair.
"Good morning", she says.
He smiles at her. "Good morning to you, too. We should get going. It takes hours to hike to TonDC, and we want as much time as we can get to look for the next clue once we get there."
"Wait", Abby says, before pulling him in for a kiss. "Now we can go."
They go outside of their tent to see that everyone else is already in the process of taking theirs' down.
Once everyone is all packed up, the group meets near the entrance of the bunker.
"Ready to go?" Bellamy asks.
Wick, Monty, Jasper, Abby, and Kane all nod their heads.
"Wait", Raven says. "Can I just check something?"
Abby nods, and Raven takes off into the bunker. She looks around and takes in a deep breath, making sure to breathe in the scent of Finn that lingers throughout the bunker.
Raven frantically looks through drawers and under mattresses, until finally she spots something out of the corner of her eye.
In between the pages of a book titled 'To Kill a Mockingbird', Raven spotted a silver chain.
She jogs to the other side of the bunker and pulls the book out of its shelf.
"I knew he would keep it", Raven whispers and smiles to herself as she puts on the Raven necklace that Finn gave her for her 18th birthday.
As she puts the silver chain around her neck, she feels as if a hole in her heart is being filled. Like even though Finn isn't physically there, he is still there.
She rushes up the ladder in the bunker to meet the rest of the group. "I'm ready now." She tells them as she plays with the chain around her neck.
"Good. Let's get going, then!" Jasper answers, proceeding to lead the group in the direction of TonDC.
"Let's stop here", Kane announces. They look at him in confusion.
"We're nowhere near TonDC." Bellamy walks up to Kane.
"But aren't you guys hungry?" Kane asks. They had skipped breakfast that morning, which wasn't anything compared to the scarce amount of food they had on the Ark. Regardless, the group nods their head in agreement to have a small snack.
They all sit down on two hollow logs and take out some berries that they had packed.
They eat in silence, each one deep in thought. While they eat, they listen to the sounds of nature, sounds that they couldn't hear before. Not over the sounds of war drums and the wounded pleading for help.
They had come to appreciate the different sounds that the forest makes at times. It was so peaceful and relaxing, unlike the constant sound of electricity they heard nearly their whole lives.
However, about 5 minutes after they stopped, they hear a noise they hadn't heard before.
"What was that?" Jasper asks.
Suddenly, beetles swarm all around them, running in the opposite direction as if they were screaming "get out!"
"What are they running from?" Monty asks shakily, leading everyone to look all around for something dangerous.
Out of the corner of her eye, Abby spots something move. And then, about 50 feet in front of them, Abby sees it.
A 18 foot long, fast animal; covered in black and brown long fur; that was running straight towards them.
"Run!" Abby screams before they all take off. They dart through the trees, going various ways to try and escape the vicious creature that was approaching them.
As the rest of the group runs at full speed, Raven falls behind due to her leg injury. Wick's new brace can only help Raven's leg a certain amount. Suddenly, Raven falls to the ground, unable to move anymore.
"Raven!" Wick screams as he starts to in the opposite direction towards her. He swiftly picks her up and carried her, continuing to run as fast as he can with this new weight on his shoulders.
"This way!" Abby screams. "I found a cave. It won't be able to fit!"
Abby enters the cave first, followed by Bellamy, Kane, Monty, Wick, and Raven.
The animal was now only a few feet behind them, but they would be safe due to the new shelter.
"We're missing somebody." Monty says.
He peeks outside of the cave, where he spots Jasper, who had tripped on a fallen tree and fell.
"Jasper!" He screams.
Monty gets one last glimpse of Jasper before the creature grabs Jasper by the leg and takes off; leaving Jasper's goggles on the ground behind it.
Hello my beautiful readers!!! Hope you liked my(I think first) CLIFFHANGER!
So, I know I was supposed to update Monday, but I've been VERY busy lately and I haven't had much time to write. On top of that I had writers block which is annoying!
Also, sorry for the late chapter, but I'll probably post an extra chapter sometime this week to make up for it.
And yes, this chapter is short. I'm very sorry. That's all I have to say about that.
So Comic Con was today!!! If anyone went, that is totally awesome and I hope you had a great time! But for me, I'm stuck watching the videos and reading the articles about it. Wish I could've gone!
Anyways, comment if you have any suggestions and vote if you liked it, and I'll see you next time! LOVE YA ;D

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