Chapter 8

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Abby and Raven sit alone in a room.
"He's been gone for 4 days now", Abby says. "I'm worried. He can't be out there alone."
"Well if he can't be out there alone, why don't we go with him?" Raven suggested.
"Are you serious?" Abby asks Raven.
"Yeah, we could totally do it! Get a few tents, guns, knives, walkies, a good search crew, and go find Kane to help look for her!"
"Wow! I didn't think we could actually do it." Abby says in disbelief.
"We can. Let's gather our stuff and our team tonight, and we can leave tomorrow." Raven tells her.
Abby is so excited to see Kane again. She didn't even care what everyone else thinks, as soon as she finds him she plans on jumping into his arms and attacking him with kisses.
4 days is far too long to be away from him.
"Hey, Jasper!" Raven says.
"What's up?"
"Well, Abby and I were wondering, if you're up to it, if you and Monty would like to come with us to go find Clarke?" She asks him. "We wouldn't be coming back to camp until we find Clarke. We'll bring all of the necessary supplies, and we are going to try to find Kane first."
"I'm in", Monty says, turning around from the project he is working on.
"Well I guess I'm coming, too!" Jasper says.
"Who else is coming?" Monty asks Raven.
"Right now it's just us and Abby. Who else should we invite?" Raven answers.
"Bellamy for sure. I'm positive he's going to want to see Clarke as soon as he can." Jasper responds.
"Alright well let's go ask!"
"Alright, Abby. So we have Bellamy, Kyle, Jasper, and Monty. Anyone else?" Raven says.
"Sounds good to me! I think we'll bring 5 tents. One for Bellamy, one for Wick, one for you, one for Jasper and Monty, and one for me."
"Oh, you can just bring 4. Wick and I can share", Raven says, trying to hide her smile.
Abby raises her eyebrows. "Oh okay, but I better not catch you two doing anything funny in that tent!" Abby shakes her head and chuckles.
"I can say the same for you and Kane", Raven says, trying to beat Abby at her own battle.
Abby laughs and blushes.
"Just get the supplies, Raven."
"Good morning!" Raven says to Abby. The sun has just risen the next day.
"It's time to get going!" Raven says.
Abby lifts her head up to find Raven, Wick, Bellamy, Monty, and Jasper all circled around her. They all have their backpacks on and are ready to go.
"Alright", Abby says. "I just need to get my stuff and we'll be ready!"
Abby grabs her backpack and takes one last look at the room. Hesitantly, she opens the door and motions the others to leave, her following them.
Once they get to the front gates, they all take a look at what they're leaving behind.
"I'm gonna miss this place", Jasper admits.
"Me too", Monty says.
"I'm not", Raven says. Abby gives her a confused look. "We're on earth, yet we still stayed in a small space. We were trapped in that thing our whole lives, I mean, it's time to breath! We just need to explore. Adventure!" Raven says.
Wick looks at her. God I love her Wick thinks.
"Hey, Wick, why are you staring at Raven?" Monty asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Sorry", he puts his hand on his head, very embarrassed.
Jasper bursts out laughing.
"Well come on!" Raven shouts as she jogs out of the gates into the woods.
They all follow her until at one point she stops.
"Why are we stopping?" Bellamy asks her.
"Where are we even going?" Raven asks.
"That would've been nice to know", Monty adds.
"Well", Abby starts, " Knowing Kane, he would probably stick to somewhere he is familiar with. Maybe we can try TonDC?"
"Sure. Let's go!" Bellamy says.

They walk/jog for the next 2 hours in silence.
"I thought Jasper was mad at you, Monty? You two friends again?" Bellamy asks them.
"I was being unreasonable. They did what they had to do to let us survive", Jasper says, as he lets a single tear fall from his watering eyes.
"Thanks, buddy. I'm really sorry about Maya." Monty tells him.
Jasper falls to the floor and lets the tears pour out of him. He couldn't stand to think of Maya. She was so innocent. All she did was help. If it weren't for her they might all be dead right now. She gave her life to save his people.
"She was a hero", he says through his tears. "She... she didn't deserve this."
"I know, buddy. I know." Monty says as he kneels to the ground and rubs his friend's back. The others have all turned around, leaving Monty and Jasper alone.
Monty gently kisses the top of Jasper's head. "You'll be okay."
"She was the love of my life", he says after a while.
"It's okay", Monty says.
Monty has started crying too, for 2 reasons:
1) He hates seeing his best friend so hurt, and knowing that he is part of the cause,
And 2) Hearing how upset Jasper is about Maya only makes him more upset. Why? Because he was in love with his best friend. All of their lives Jasper has gone on about all of these girls, but he was oblivious to the fact that his best friend loved him! It's no use, though. Jasper isn't gay, and he would never love Monty back.
After about 25 minutes of tears and emotions, Jasper and Monty are ready to go again.
The group starts jogging for the lost time.
"Sorry we held you up", Monty says.
"It's totally fine", Wick says. "We're not in a rush."
After another half hour, the group is right outside of TonDC.
"This is it." Raven says.
Abby looks at it. "Hopefully, Kane is right through that gate."
"Then what are we waiting for?!" Bellamy asks.
The group enters through the gates, to see the expected: ashes.
Abby looks around everywhere, to no luck. Kane isn't there.
"He's not here", she says. She sits down on a fallen log, tears threatening to fall from her tired eyes.
"It's okay, Abby", Raven says as she sits down on the log next to her.
They sit in silence for a few minutes until Monty calls from the other side of TonDC.
"Hey guys, I found something!" He yells.
Abby jogs toward Monty to see what he's found.
"Look! Someone's been here since the explosion!" Monty sees fresh footprints and the remains of a fire. "This looks like it could've been set up as late as yesterday. He has to be close!"
"Okay, so I say we should split up into groups of two and search around the camp." Bellamy says.
"Alright", Raven says. "Jasper and Monty, you search south. Here's your walkie.
"Bellamy and Abby can search the north, here's your walkie.
"And Kyle and I will go east and west. If you find anything, make sure to tell us on the walkie. Got it?"
"Got it", they all say in unison.
They all searched for about an hour, before Bellamy shouts out to Abby.
"I found something!" He says.
Abby walks over. "It's Kane's backpack. He has to be close!" She says in excitement. Abby continues to look while Bellamy calls the others over on the walkies.
Soon enough, the whole group is met up where Bellamy found the backpack.
"Well, it's definitely Kane's", Raven says.
"Okay", Wick says, "so we should all split up and look for him."
"Maybe it would be a good idea if-" Abby is cut off by a loud rustling in the trees to the left of them.
"I thought I heard something." Someone says.
"Kane!" Abby screams.
Next thing you know they are running towards each other. Abby jumps into Kane's arms, automatically going in for a long, long kiss.
They can hear the laughter and the 'ooo's coming from the children watching, but they didn't care.
"I missed you so much", Abby said.
"Me too."
Hey guys! I've been waiting to post this chapter since Wednesday, I've been so excited because of the KABBY REUNION!!!!! YAY!!!!!
I was gonna post it last night at like 3 am because technically it was Friday, but I decided to wait. Sorry ;D
I think this is the longest chapter I've written and I plan on making most of them like this so yay! :)
Also, I know I've said this, but I am writing a collection of one shots about what happened on the ark before the show started, and I could really use some suggestions to know what you guys would like me to write! If you could go check that out it would be awesome!
Anyways, vote if you liked it and comment any suggestions. LOVE YA ;D

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