Chapter 17

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Abby wakes up in her tent, the sun way to bright for her liking.
"Hey, Abby."
"Marcus." She rolls over to find herself face to face with Marcus.
"Are you ready for today?"
Abby shakes her head. "It's... it's the last note. I'll never be ready."
Kane gives her a pitying look, and then pulls her closer into a hug. "Don't worry. We'll have Clarke back before you know it."
Abby accepts his embrace, but she's still worried that they won't find Clarke. What if they find her and... what if she's dead? Abby shudders and pulls Kane as close as can be. He places a kiss on Abby's neck, and proceeds to slowly move up until he reaches her lips.
"We should probably get going. Long day today."
"In a minute, please. I want to stay with you!" Abby begs.
"Okay, fine. But only because you're so cute!" He exclaims, putting a finger on Abby's nose. She smiles, taking up to her nickname.
"You think I'm cute?" She smirks.
"Very cute."
They continue to do this for another half an hour, until Kane finally convinced Abby that they should wake the others and leave.
To their surprise, they were already awake and in the process of taking down their tents.
Eventually, all of the tents are gone, and they start their long journey to mount weather.
"I remember this!" Jasper exclaims. "This is where we went on our first day on the ground. It's where I got a spear stuck into me and Octavia got pulled around by some sort of snake."
"Yeah," Monty agrees, looking at the river. "That was a nice day. We were so... carefree then. No worries about war."
"That lasted about half a day, you know, before I got speared!" Jasper laughs.
"Yeah. Who was there? Us, Finn, Clarke, and Octavia?" Monty asks.
"Yeah, I think so." Jasper answers. "So how is Finn, anyway?"
Raven's heart jumps. No one told them. She walks away, going to sit against a tree, letting the tears flow out. Wick goes to comfort her.
"Finn..." Bellamy starts. "Finn massacred a village full of innocent grounders."
Both Monty and Jasper are so surprised they almost fall into the river. "But Finn was the peacekeeper..." Monty says, trying to understand.
"He wasn't in the right state of mind. He was trying to save you guys, save Clarke, but he... he thought you guys were in the village. They had your clothes. Clarke's watch. He thought that they had captured you. So, in order to get a truce, their commander said we had to give them Finn. Death by a thousand cuts."
"So... they killed him?" Jasper asks, horrified.
"No." Bellamy answers. "Clarke did."
Jasper and Monty's eyes both widen at this news. They both thought Finn was still alive. They never would've thought...
"We should get moving." Kane breaks the awkward silence.
"Y-yeah... I guess so..." Monty whispers, and they make their way towards mount weather.
"There it is," Abby chokes out. The entire group is now standing in front of mount weather. Abby holds Kane's hand tight, both of them fighting off the memories that happened within these cold metal walls. Abby glances over at the rest of the group, to see Bellamy crying into Raven's shoulder, and Jasper crying into Monty's. Monty looks as if he's seen a ghost: not crying, but staring at the place in horror. He and Bellamy both played a part in ending all of those people's lives, and they both suffered here. Wick and Raven hold each other's hands tight, just as Abby and Kane are doing.
"Marcus?" Abby asks.
"Yes, Abby?"
"Clarke said that we will find the last note in here. But where?"
"I have no idea." Kane answers truthfully. He looks over at Abby to see tears streaming down her face, and he wraps his arms around her. Kane gently kisses the top of Abby's head. "It's okay, Abby." She starts to sob, and Kane pulls her closer and holds her tight. The entire group is a mess, all crying, holding each other, or just plain spooked. They had walked hours to get to Mount Weather, dreading it more and more every step they took.
They stand outside staring for half an hour, until Kane decides it's time to go in.
"Are you ready?" He asks Abby.
"Ready as I'll ever be... so not really."
Together, their hands linked, they walk into the place containing thousands of dead bodies, including the bodies of the people who helped them. The place wreaks of the smell of death, and they immediately have to cover their noses with their shirts. Abby, Kane, Raven, Wick, Bellamy; Jasper, and Monty all stare in horror as they reach level 5. Jasper is now sobbing, knowing that Maya is somewhere in the sea of dead bodies. Monty holds him tight. They all split up after passing out walkie talkies, desperately looking for any sign of Clarke.
After an hour, they reunite.
"I can't find anything," Abby states, holding on tight to Kane. Everyone else agrees. Except Bellamy.
"I think I might know where it is," he explains.
"It might... it might be where we pulled the lever."
Kane and Abby look at each other, realizing that Bellamy might be right. "Okay, then... lets go, I guess." Kane says.
"I... I can't go in there, Kane," Bellamy responds. "All of those people!" He motions to the dead bodies. "They're all dead. Because of me!"
"Bellamy, we needed to do this. To save our people. I know it may not seem like it, but you did the right thing." Abby puts a caring hand on Bellamy's shoulder. Together, they all walk into the room where they pulled the lever. First, they see Dante, still dead on the floor.
But then they see it.
Carefully balanced in between the lever that sucked the air from the lungs of thousands of innocent people, is a note. It's in an envelope, but it looks different than the others. This one is neat, and it has a stamp on it. Shakily, Abby reaches to grab the note. The first thing she reads:
This is Emerson. I have Clarke.
Ooh! A cliffhanger! Sorry for the late update, I've been very busy with my other fanfiction. So what do you guys think will happen next? Leave your answers in the comments! Love ya ;D

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