Chapter 14

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Raven immediately runs into the cave to get Abby.
"Abby, Jasper's not breathing!" She urgently tells her.
They run outside and find Wick and Jasper, Wick holding onto Jasper's hand and waiting for Abby to come over. Abby automatically gets on her knees and starts CPR.
While she's doing this, Wick realizes he forgot to radio in to Bellamy and Kane. "We found Jasper, well Lincon did, and we're at the cave now. No Monty." Wick radios to Bellamy and Kane. "Find Monty, and bring him back here as soon as you can!"
"Do you think he's okay?" Bellamy asks Kane.
"I think he got lost looking for Jasper. Monty's fine."
"But why do you think he ran off like that? He should've thought about it."
" Because Monty cares about Jasper the way you care for Clarke."
Bellamy turns away. What was that supposed to mean?
Bellamy and Kane have found no sign of Monty, so they stupidly decided to start calling his name.
"It's no use. We need help." Kane says.
He pulls the radio out of his pants and radios the others. "Hey, how's Jasper doing?" He asks.
20 minutes earlier
Abby sits on top of Jasper and pushes down on his chest repeatedly.
"I need to get his heart moving again." She says, still continuing to push his chest. Raven say on the other side of him, trying to feel a pulse. It takes a minute until Abby finally stops.
"He's... he's gone." Abby says, looking at Raven and Wick.
All of the sudden, Jasper takes a big gulp of air. "He's breathing!" Raven says in joy.
Abby investigates him. There is a big puncture in his hip where a fang was, but it didn't appear to go as far in as the spine. "You got lucky", she whispers into Jasper's ear.
Raven thinks back to the time Finn was hurt, and Abby was helping Clarke through the radio. "You hear that?" She had said. "You got lucky."
Raven leaves Jasper and Abby to go to a tree to think. Finn is haunting her memories, every one of them. He was family, and everything she thinks of brings her back to a memory, and Finn's in every memory she has. She thinks back to the time Finn found her dying on the floor on their first day of kindergarten. How they became best friends, and how he became her boyfriend. How she broke up with him when she was sick, and gave him back her Raven necklace. She plays with the chain around her neck.
"I'll never forget you, Finn", she whispers.
"He's lost a lot of blood", Abby says, but if I could get a transfusion, then he would live with no severe injuries. "Any volunteers?"
Since Raven was no where to be seen, Wick decided he would do it.
"I need a needle and a small tube. I collected them, can you find them in the cave for me?" She asks him.
Wick comes back 30 seconds later with the right things.
"This will punch a little", she says before putting the needle and small tube into his arm. As soon as she pulls it out, she sterilizes the needle and transfers the blood into Jasper.
Wick hears Kane speaking to him on the radio. "How's Jasper doing?" He asks.
"He'll live", Abby responds. "He should wake up in an hour or two. It may be a little hard to walk for a month or two, but he'll be fine."
"Alright, well then can one of you come over here? We need your help." Kane asks.
"I'll go", Abby says. The real reason she wants to go is because she misses Kane, even though they've only been apart for two hours. Abby asks Kane where he is, and how she could get there; and then she heads off.
About half an hour later, Abby finally finds Kane.
"Marcus" She shouts before leaping into his arms and going in for a much needed kiss. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too", he leans down, planting a kiss on her forehead.
Bellamy fake coughs, reminding them why she is there.
"Right", Abby says. "Where could he have gone?"
Just then they hear a rustling in the woods, followed by Octavia coming out from some trees.
"I found this scrawny guy while I was hunting with Lincon." She says, holding Monty by the back of the shirt and Lincon following them.
"Octavia!" Bellamy runs up to her, pulling her into a big hug. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you, too. But we need to get Monty back to the cave. Are you coming?"
"We can't. They arkers need their food, and we don't need to break their trust again."
"Again?" Bellamy asks.
"That's not important. Good luck guys!" Octavia says, before disappearing into the woods.
With that, they head back to the cave to check on Jasper.
Hi guys! I know I'm posting early, but there might be another chapter tomorrow. No promises. And I'm sorry if I got everything medical wrong in this chapter! :/
Although I do promise to write more fluff next chapter :D
I might not be able to update Monday, depending on how much stuff u have to unpack and clean (I'm going on vacation :)
Oh yeah! And I'm writing a Flarke fanfiction, so if any of you guys ship/shipped Flarke, you should go check it out on my profile ;)
Well, vote if you liked it and comment if you have any suggestion. Love ya ;D

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