Chapter 5

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Abby looks over at a sleeping Kane. He looks perfect.
She thought she had no one. She was so caught up in the idea of having no one, she was oblivious to the fact that she had someone who cared about her right in front of her.
She was oblivious to the fact that Kane loved her, and that she loved him back.
After everything that's happened, Abby thought that she had nothing good in her life. Kane helped her realize that she did have something good. She had him, and that's all she needed.
But, if there's one thing that she learned down on earth, it's that nothing good stays.
And she should've known.
"They're back." Raven came bursting through the doors; Bellamy following her.
Abby's eyes lit up with hope. "Well?"
The 4 men looked at Abby.
"We only found 12 bodies." One of them said. "They looked like they were lit on fire."
Another one took over. "As far as we can tell, there was some sort of explosion. We don't know what the source of it was. Everything that was being rebuilt has been destroyed again."
"Sadly, we have found no evidence of Clarke being there."
"It looked like the only people in TonDC were workers, which means that Clarke shouldn't have been there."
Abby was relieved, but at the same time she was disappointed.
"How do we know where she is, now? How are we supposed to find her? What are we supposed to do now, just wait for her to come back?" Abby says, her voice cracking.
She has a heavy feeling in her chest. Her eyes are watering up, on the verge of tears.
No, she tells herself. You will not cry, you will not cry, you will not; she gulped; cry.
Abby closes her eyes, trying to get her pulse back to normal. When she opens them again, everyone is gone except Bellamy.
Bellamy places a hand on Abby's shoulder.
He thinks back to when Clarke left.
"I bear it.
So they don't have to."
"Where are you gonna go?"
"I don't know."
Why did he let her leave? He was so, so stupid.
But it is wasn't until then that he realized, Clarke wasn't coming back.
Clarke never thought of herself. Everyone else always came first.
I bear it, so they don't have to.
She couldn't live with herself. Knowing what she did, and constantly being reminded of it.
She had nothing to come back to that wouldn't make her fall apart. She had no reason to come back.
She loved her mom. She loved her friends. But love is weakness. Seeing the faces of those she loved would only remind her of the people she killed. So she could not stay for the people she loved. She had to leave.
"She didn't even know where she was going", Bellamy says, breaking the silence that the room had been drowning in. "How are we supposed to know?"
Abby looks up at him. "We aren't."
Because it was true.
"Wherever she is", Bellamy explains, "She doesn't want us to find her. That's why she left. She left to protect us from carrying the weight of hundreds of deaths."
There is a long, deafening silence.
"That's the thing about Clarke. Just like her father, she puts everyone else's needs before her own. But now, she has forgotten that her needs actually exist. That's why we need to find her." Abby says. "To remind her that she means something. That we can get through this together. She doesn't need to be alone."
Bellamy sighs in agreement.
"Now", Bellamy says, "We search."
Abby tosses and turns in bed, having an argument with herself.
Clarke is just a kid, she'll never make it alive. She can't survive on her own.
Clarke can make it, of course she can! She lead a war.
Maybe the war was too much for her. It broke her inside and now she cannot live with herself. What if...
Abby shuddered at the thought of Clarke committing suicide. She wouldn't do that... would she?
Abby feels a warm arm wrap around her chest.
"What are you thinking about that causes you to shake this much?"
Abby didn't realize that she was shaking. She turns around and looks over at Kane.
"I'm scared." She admits.
"I am, too. But try not to focus on the bad things. Focus on what's good."
Abby thought for a moment. "Like what?"
"Like me. I'm right here for you. Think of that."
That's all she needed. Someone to be there for her. As long as she has someone, nothing is too bad. At that moment, the world didn't seem like it was too terrible. She thought that maybe, with time, everything would be better again.
Boy, was she wrong.
A/N- Hello my fellow 100 lovers!
Wow! I may have actually written a normal length chapter. Did I?
I wrote this at 3 am last night, so I'm sorry if it's awful. Forgive me?
Anyway, I had to include a flashback from 2x16 in there. I just had to. I don't personally ship Bellarke (don't kill me, please!), but WOW did that scene bring in the feels. What did you guys feel about that?
I WILL be starting a schedule! I am planning on putting a new chapter up every Tuesday and Friday.
Also, I have a new book! It is going to be a series of stories from the Ark before the show, and I actually finished a story. It is how Finn met Clarke, and I will be posting a new chapter every Sunday and Thursday!!! I am very open to ideas on stories, so you should go check it out and give me some ideas!
Well, until next time, then. Don't forget to comment what you guys think or if you guys have any tips for me. It would mean the world to me! LOVE YA ;D

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