Chapter 20

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Kane wakes up with a cold spot on the bed where Abby used to be, and panic immediately kicks in.
"Abby?" He asks, getting out of bed. "Abby?!" He shouts louder, breaking out into a sweat. He looks all around the room for any sign of her or where she might be. But instead of finding a note or a message, what he finds is Abby's bag missing from the corner of the room where they left it, and all of the clothes that were rested beside it, gone. He runs out of the house, despite the fact that he was shirtless from sleeping.
"Have you seen Abby?" He asks a passing Arker.
"No," they reply.
He continues to ask the same thing to every passing Arker he can find, until he decides to go into medical.
"Jackson, have you seen Abby?"
Jackson glares at Kane. "I would really hope you haven't lost her! I told you to keep an eye on her, she's Abby. She was born to break the rules and push her limits, and she still will have trouble walking," He tells him. Kane shakes his head.
"Do you have any idea where she might be?" Kane asks.
"I'm sorry, no," Jackson replies. "Just find her, plea-" Jackson gets cut off by someone coming into medical, which is Kane's cue to leave.
He leaves even more worried than when he came in, breaking into a sweat yet again. He frantically turns his head every way possible looking for Abby, hoping she is somewhere in camp, but it's no use. She's not there.
Kane runs up to the front gates and finds the arkers guarding it. "Have you guys seen Abby?" Kane asks them. They give each other a knowing glance, until one of them finally speaks up.
"I think I saw her leave about half an hour ago. She was wearing a backpack?"
Kane's heart drops. She went out to find Clarke.
He runs as fast as he can into his tent, throws a shirt on and grabs some water, and then heads out of the front gates to go look for Abby.
As soon as he leaves the gates, he stops. He has no clue where to go or what to do. Kane looks left and right for any evidence of Abby being there. He crouches down and looks for footprints, but they all must've already disappeared.
Think, Kane! Think! He tells himself mentally. He looks around for two more minutes, until he decides to just go straight. He can choose which way to go later.
Kane has no time to lose, so he takes off as fast as he can, running at a fast pace, his heart pounding. The sound of the forest passing by him is louder than his own thoughts, and his heavy breathing could be heard from miles away.
"Abby!" He screams through large breaths. "Abby!" He continues to scream.
He stops to take a break and catch his breath, when he sees something. More like someone.
He could've just been seeing things, but he could swear he saw something running through the woods. They were swift. Very quiet. In the millisecond he saw them, they looked sort of like a grounder, yet, not. All he knew is that it certainly wasn't Abby. A little scared, but mostly determined, he sets off after this person, in hopes they might lead him to Abby.
He starts to run again, definitely not as swift and quiet as whoever he thought he saw pass through. After a few minutes, he starts to think he may have been seeing things, until he sees them again. He picks up his pace, and tries to decide whether he should ask them where Abby is. When he gets a better look, he decides against it due to the bow and arrows that he/she is carrying and his large spear.
They are definitely faster than him, but Kane made sure not to lose this mysterious person. He continues to run after him, going faster and faster, until he makes a bad, bad mistake. He steps on a large twig, which makes a loud cracking noise that could probably be heard from miles away.
He freezes.
He prays that the man didn't hear the noise, but even he knows that it is not possible. In the blink of an eye, the person turns around and shoots a long arrow at Kane.
Kane is shocked by this quick move, and in the spur of the moment, ducks down, shooting his hands over his head. The attack missed him by a millimeter and landed in a tree behind him.
Kane doesn't know what to do. He runs as fast as possible in the other direction, hoping that the mysterious person doesn't follow; but not surprisingly, the person continues to move while shooting arrows at Kane, Kane dodging them each time.
He doesn't know where to go, because the person would follow him anywhere.
Can I escape this? Kane thinks to himself.
Just then, he hears a loud shriek coming from the woods to the left of him.
Panic kicks in, more than before.
"Abby!" He screams louder than he thought he could ever scream. His response is another shriek dining from Abby. Kane follows the sound of her shrieks, but his attacker comes closer to him. Kane can tell he isn't a grounder.
He continues to shoot arrows at Kane. Kane dodges them, but one of them skims the side of his ear, taking off a chunk, causing blood to pour down. This doesn't stop him. He ignores the loud ringing in his ear and the pain it is causing, and continues to move through the trees to find Abby.
He runs for about five minutes while trying not to be killed, when he spots something out of the corner of his eye.
Abby was tied up to a tree, three more of these people surrounding her. Kane's heart jumps and he realizes that he didn't bring any weapons. The three men are all circled around Abby, each one taking turns cutting her with long swords.
Kane freezes in his place.
These people aren't like any he had seen before. Their backs are hunched and they only have two fingers, one of them with three. They looked to be some sort of mutations, and luckily, they haven't noticed Kane yet.
How am I going to save her? Kane thinks, but his thoughts are interrupted when one of the creatures turn around and stare him right in the eye, their eyes bloodshot red. They say something in a different language to the others, and they all turn around, preparing their swords.
"I come in peace," Kane attempts to negotiate. "I-I have water." He says, and shows them the thing of water he brought. They scowl at him, and Kane knows it's no use. He's about to run, but he glances back at Abby. He will defend her with his life if he has to.
"Let her go!" He shouts at them, and they charge.
They may be small, but they are strong. Each one lunges at Kane, making deep cuts with their sharp swords. Kane thinks of Abby again, and gains the courage to fight back. He throws his fist at one of their faces, hitting them full on and sending them flying back. He kicks another one in the stomach, but it only makes him more angry. They attempt to lunge at Kane again, but Kane shoves them back and grabs their sword. With it, he stabs both of the men in front of him, leaving them to die.
He urgently runs over to Abby and cute the ropes and vines off of her, freeing her from the tree.
She is finally down, when her eyes grow wide with panic. "Kane! Watch out!" She screams.
He swiftly turns around, but not in time to dodge the spear being thrown by the remaining grounder, which ends up right into his leg.
That was so different than anything I've ever written tbh, because I've never actually written an action scene. So what did you think? Did I do well? Is there something I can improve? Leave your answer in the comments section, vote if you liked it, and I will see you monday! Love ya ;D

Love is Weakness- A Kabby Fanfiction {DISCONTINUED}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz