Chapter 23

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The sun shines brightly through the small cracks in the walls of Kane and Abby's house.
"You ready?" Abby asks Kane as she picks up the large backpack that contains all of her necessities.
"I believe so," Kane answers, with a small half smile as he watches Abby from behind, his hands shoved into his pockets and pack hanging on his shoulder.
After 4 days, Kane's leg has almost entirely healed, and he has been ready to start his adventure with Abby.
"And you're sure you want to come with me, Marcus? This is really my battle, and I shouldn't have dragged you into this without making sure you know what you are getting yourself-"
Abby's voice gets cut off by Kane, who swings her around and places his gentle arms around her hips.
"Everything will be okay," He whispers, their faces only inches away. He places his lips onto hers, moving his hands up around her shoulders and pulling her closer. When their lips part, Kane straightens his posture and grabs Abby's hand. With a reassuring nod, they leave the safety of their own tent, and head off to go on their new journey.
Abby goes over the plan in her head. She knows what she needs to do, but her heart fills with fear at the thought of her daughter's life depending on her own thoughts and actions. One wrong move, and Clarke or herself could be killed. But she will not let that happen. She has to be smart, and out think Emerson. It may be a crazy journey, but she knows she will be able to do it.
Abby looks at the gates in front of her, and the crowds of people surrounding her and Kane. Her eyes flicker over to him, and she feels a warm hand slip into her own, providing a gentle squeeze to remind her that she will be alright. They share a glance with each other, and with a nod of Kane's head, they head out of the gates into the woods.
The first thing they do as they step out of the gates is reach into Abby's backpack. In it, she brought food, water, first aid, a map, a compass, and a tent. But what they need right now is Abby's intricately detailed map, showing all of the places that they have passed since the last attack.
Following the map, they walk through the forest, the two small guns they brought held high. They pass trees of all different colors, occasionally tripping on twigs and logs. The two have planned this out for days, still, they know they need to find a safe place to talk to go over what will happen next.
With this in mind, they try and find a safe place to talk and plan.
"Come on, Marcus, we have no time to lose!" Shouts Abby, who is quite a few feet in front of Kane as she shuffles her way through trees, the map getting brushes by branches of trees and backpack being coated with dirt from above branches. Kane smiles and laughs a little, shaking his head as he follows her.
She's so cute, he thinks.
They walk a little further, until Kane speeds up until he's right behind Abby. He walks silently, until suddenly, he grabs Abby by the shoulder and turns her around so that he's facing her.
"What the hell, Marcus?! You scared the crap out of me!" Abby exclaims, her face bright red as she hits the rolled up map onto his shoulder.
Kane continues to stand there, his head high and a pleased, victorious look on his face.
"You're such a jerk, Kane!"
"Oh, so you're back to calling me by my last name, Griffin? Why so formal?" He fakes a pouting face and turns around. Taking a few steps forward, he fake sulks as he waits for Abby to recognize him.
"Hey, Marcus," Abby whispers, her voice a bit seductive as she steps forward and slightly tugs on the top of his jacket.
"Oh, yes Abby?" He turns around, one eyebrow lifting and his hands smoothly snaking around her waist.
Slowly, her arms wrap around his neck and their lips touch, sending Kane stumbling back leaving one of his feet against a tree. Her hands dig into his hair and they struggle to breathe, but don't stop. The map drops to the floor as Abby presses her body into his, pushing Kane into the tree and sending a branch crashing down from it. Startled, they pull away from each other, getting just enough time to gain back their breath and fix their posture.
"Hey, where are we?" Kane asks, reaching down towards the map.
When things grow silent, he looks back up at Abby, to find her eyes wide and hands shaking.
"M-Marcus?" She whisper-screams. Kane slowly stands up and raises his gun towards whatever Abby is looking at. "There's someone in the woods," she whispers.
An eerie silence is in the air as Kane and Abby, alert to their surroundings, slowly rotate around themselves. Their hands shake as their grip around the guns in their hands tighten. They are ready, so ready, to fight anyone that may come. At least, they think they are.
For 4 whole minutes they stand there, guns held high, and adrenaline rushing through their veins. And then, it happens.
Boom. All around them, the ground explodes.
"Marcus!" Abby screams, swinging the gun over her shoulder, grabbing his hand, and taking off as fast as she can. Burning trees fall in front of them, behind them, and next to them as their feet pound on the ground, frantically searching for an exit.
"A-Abby," An out of breath Kane says as he follows her through the woods.
She wants to look back, but knows that it's too dangerous.
"A-A cave," he shouts. "There's a cave!" There, far away, he spots a small rock opening in the ground, one that he knows leads to a cave. Abby smiles and begins to run in that direction, avoiding the exploding ground all around them and the loud sound of bombs.
Her feet move fast across the floor, getting quicker and quicker as Kane lags behind. She swiftly dodges burning trees as she runs across the forest towards the stone cave.
As she gets further and further into the woods, the chaos begins to die down. Still, this doesn't stop her feet from pounding on the ground, as she doesn't trust that whoever caused this to happen isn't still there. She looks forward, and realizes that she is only a few feet away from the cave.
"Marcus!" She shouts behind her. "I'm almost there, come on!"
His response is the silence that comes from empty woods.
Panic rushes through her. "Marcus?!" She screams louder, adrenaline rushing through her veins. She stops in her tracks and turns around, but he is nowhere to be seen.
"Marcus?!" She shouts, her head throbbing, now running every which way trying to find him. She passes trees and bushes in a blur, her eyes skipping around every way possible. She finds it impossible to focus on anything except finding Kane.
"Abby!" She hears him shout, and sees his masculine figure running from a spot in the woods. Ignoring everything in her path, she runs as fast as she can towards him.
"Marcus!" She says, overjoyed to see him. She runs into him as fast as she can, immediately throwing her arms around him, his arms wrapping around her waist and her arms around his neck. She buries her head into his shoulder as tears begin to soak into his shirt. "I was worried sick," She whispers, soft sobs coming from her.
"I'm right here, sweetie. Don't worry," he replies, closing his eyes as a tear falls out of his eye, as well. "I love you so, so much," He whispers, stroking her soft brown hair.
"I love you too," she says, her voice almost inaudible.
Suddenly, they hear a rustling in the bushes behind Abby. She unwraps her arms from Kane and slowly retreats to a position next to him, her gun raised and herself alert. But instead of a person, as they expected, Kane spots a small envelope resting peacefully on a bush.
"Emerson," he whispers, walking forward and reaching for the note. Abby follows him, swinging the gun over her shoulder again and waking forward.
Kane picks up the note and begins to tear at the opening, but stops and looks up at Abby.
"Do you want to do it?" He asks, handing her the note with a sweet smile.
She shakily reaches her hand out and grabs the note, tearing the envelope and handing it to Kane.
"Okay," she starts, mentally preparing herself for what is to come.
It looks like you have passed this test unharmed. Lucky you. It seems that you have taken your little "friend" again. Marcus, is it?
Oh, and one more thing. Poor little Clarke is just begging me to kill her. The look on her face is so sad, so pathetic, that it almost made me want to give in. But, no. Without her, what fun would this be? None, of course. Good luck!
"Clarke..." Abby whispers, falling to her knees.
Kane bends down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Abby. Listen to me," he puts his hand on her face and tilts it towards him. "Emerson... he's just trying to trick you and mess with your mind. Clarke will be okay, I promise."
Her eyes are filled with hurt, but she hopefully asks, "Really?"
They sit in silence, but in a few minutes, Kane grabs Abby's hand and helps her up.
"Wanna go to that cave now?" He asks.
"Sure," She replies, and so they go.
A few hours later, Kane and Abby have both had a big dinner and have set up their things in the small cave.
"Marcus," Abby starts, from halfway across the cave. "It's cold in here."
He pulls out a few sheets from his backpack and motions for her to come over, and she willingly walks over and takes a seat next to him. Kane outstretches his arm around her, pulling her in closer so that her head is resting on his chest.
The fire in front of them burns bright, giving a warm glow to the room.
"Marcus... I'm so glad that you're here with me," she says into his shirt.
"I'm glad, too," he replies.
They sit in silence for a while, listening to the soft crackle of the fire and finding comfort in each others arms. 
"Really, I don't know what I would've done without you, Abby," Kane says, his voice soft. Abby lifts her head up a bit so that she can see his face, and all she can think of is how perfect he is. "When I think about all that's happened... all the things I've done to you... the way I treated you... and you forgave me for all of it. In spite of all of that, you still love me," he pauses. "Abby, I am so desperately in love with you. You can put up with all of my nonsense, you make me smile, you are my everything. To think of how lucky I got to have someone like you, someone who I could never deserve in a million years, it makes me feel so amazing. Your heart is kinder than every person there ever was, Abby. Your smile can light up the whole world! Your smile, which I haven't seen much of lately. I love your smile so so much, just like I love every single bit of you. Inside and out, I am in love with you, and I am so glad you're mine," he says, his eyes filled with love.
Abby sits there speechless, looking at him like he is her world. "I-I love you too, Marcus. So, so much!" She moves her head from his chest and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek and then his lips. She works off his shirt and pushes him onto the ground, leaving herself on top of him. He pulls off her shirt as well, their lips still moving slowly. This was not from lust, or from a need for someone, this was from pure love. He unclips her bra and let's it fall to the side, and their lips disconnect for a minute and she sits up a little as he stares at her, his arms stroking her back.
She leans back in and places a long kiss on his lips. "I am so in love with you, Marcus," she whispers.
I am so sorry that I haven't updated, I have a lot of excuses but they are probably all really stupid, but here it is! I don't want to bother you any more with my authors note, so I'll wrap it up now.
Comment what you thought of the chapter, and vote if you liked it! LOVE YA ;D

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