Chapter 7

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Kane watches Abby as she tries to fall asleep. She's so beautiful. He is so glad that what happened that night happened. It may have been the best moment of his life.
But Abby worries about Clarke too much. She can say she doesn't, she can get distracted, but he knows that Abby is still worried.
He needs to do something. He can't just sit there and let the love of his life be miserable.
As much as he knows it would hurt Abby, he picks up a piece of paper and starts writing a note to her.
He would leave. He would go find Clarke, and then come back. Take a gun, maybe a knife, and would come back with Clarke. It is the only way to make Abby happy again.
So he walked over to Abby. He placed the note on his pillow, and took one last look at her. He made sure to study every detail of her face, and of her body. He wanted to remember her. Quickly, he sneaked a kiss onto Abby's lips before taking one last look at her, turning his back, and leaving.
*Flashback over*
It has been 2 days since Kane left camp. He wonders how Abby took him leaving. He knows that she must've been devastated, but it was the only way that everyone can be happy again.
He missed her more than he has missed anything before. Maybe this is how she feels about Clarke, he thinks.
Kane watches the sun rise, preparing to start another long day at search.
"I love you", Abby says into her pillow as Kane rubs her back, planting kisses on her neck every once in a while.
"I love you, too, Abby."
"Can we be done with this so we can get to the fun part?" Abby asks Kane.
"Alright. But don't go too crazy." Kane tells her.
Before Kane can say anything else, Abby turns over, looks up at him, and crashes her lips into his.
As the kiss gets longer and more intense, Kane takes Abby's shoulders and pushes her down into the bed, where he places himself on top of her.
Their lips part leaving them both gasping for air as Abby slowly lifts Kane's shirt over his head and throws it on the ground beside them.
Kane leans in again, asking for another kiss when-
"Abby? Abby?" Abby wakes up to Raven shaking her shoulders and repeating her name.
She groans, realizing that it was just a dream, and going back into reality where Marcus is gone and so is Clarke.
"What is it, Raven?" She asks.
"I just thought you might want to be woken up. I don't know how it used to work, you know, with you and Kane." Raven says awkwardly.
"Oh yeah, well it's fine", Abby says as she rubs the back of her head.
"So, what exactly were you two, anyway?" Raven takes a seat on Abby's bed.
"Oh, well... I'm not actually sure. I guess he would be my boyfriend, but it wasn't official or anything."
"Oh really", Raven raises an eyebrow. "Well it sounded pretty official in your dream and everything", Raven says with a wide grin on her face.
"Oh", Abby says as her face turns bright red. "You heard that."
Raven bursts out laughing, causing Abby's face to turn an even deeper shade of red.
"Sorry Abby, I couldn't help it!", Raven says as her laughter slows down.
Abby rolls her eyes at Raven.
That kid sure is something, Abby thinks to herself as Raven continues to laugh.
Kane doesn't even know where to start. Why did he think that he could do this? Go out on his own to look for Clarke. He doesn't know her very well. He at least should've asked Bellamy.
But now, he's stuck out in the middle of no where looking for Clarke, who could be anywhere in this continent!
Where would she go? He thinks. Surely she would not be in the middle of no where, but isn't everywhere the middle of no where? It was all so confusing to him. But every second he wastes thinking is another second he could've been with Abby.
Not knowing where else to go, Kane heads to the one place that he knows he can find: TonDC.
Abby, Raven, Wick, Bellamy, Jasper, and Monty sit around the fire.
"Can someone remind me why we have a fire during the day?" Raven asks out loud.
"Maybe because it reminds us of you", Jasper says to Raven. Raven rolls her eyes at his annoying comment.
"Yeah", Wick says. "I agree with Raven. She doesn't even need a fire to keep her warm while she has me", he smiles as he wraps his arm around her.
"Don't push it, Kyle", Raven says, looking up at him.
"I think I can say the same thing", Monty says to Jasper, wrapping an arm around him.
"Dude", Jasper laughs, taking Monty's arm off of him.
"Just messing with you", Monty winks at him.
Bellamy and Abby sit off to the side, half listening to their conversations, and being jealous that they have each other.
"Bellamy", Monty says, "are you okay, dude? You seem a little out of it."
"Yeah, I'm fine", Bellamy lies as his eyes stay glued to the floor.
"You don't look too good, buddy. Are you missing Clarke?" Jasper asks him.
Bellamy starts crying at the mention of Clarke. Jasper immediately runs up to Bellamy to comfort him.
"It'll be okay. She'll come back", he says.
Next thing you know, Jasper is crying about Maya, Abby is crying about Kane, and Bellamy is crying about Clarke.
"Guys?" Monty asks them. "Guys it's going to be fine. Please... please stop crying!" He says in a desperate attempt to fix things.
Raven and Wick start laughing at Monty's attempt, and suddenly it becomes a big emotional circle, everyone crying or laughing (except Monty).
After about 15 minutes all the cries turn to laughter and they are all laughing about who knows what.
"I'm so lucky I have you guys", Bellamy says through laughs.
"Same", they all repeat.
Hello my little 100 lovers!
I know I was supposed to update yesterday, but where I am, I'm only 45 minutes late. I write better at night :)
I've actually been planning this thing out, and I'm super excited for the next chapter!!!
I know that my chapters are short, but I do update twice a week so I hope that it's okay. We good?
Well please don't forget to comment any suggestions you have for me, vote if you liked it, and I'll see you next time! Love ya ;D

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