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After reaching the hospital Jungmi registered her name in the appointment Jungkook did online. As her name was called Jungmi looked at Aera.

Aera: Can you go alone or want me to come with you?

Jungmi: Come with me please. I have never met the doctor alone, my mom used to be with me.

Aera: Alright let's go.

They both went in and greeted the doctor."Hi Jungmi, you brought new face today I see, who is she to you?" asked the Doctor.

Jungmi: My...uhh relative. Yea relative. Mom wasn't able to be here today and she is my closest relative, you can talk about my health to her.

Aera: Hello I am Kim Aera.(bowed)

Doctor: Hi, please be seated. So, how's your condition so far Jungmi?

Jungmi: (sigh) I-I heard those voices a-again, yesterday. I...I wasn't in my senses. I don't remeber what happened exactly. All I remember is that I heard t-those foreign voices.

Aera: (clearing her throat) She tried to make a cut on her wrist, thankfully her brother reached at right time and saved her.

Jungmi: W-what?! I did..that?(looked at Aera)

Aera: Don't panic. You weren't in your senses.(Caressing Jungmi's cheeks) Doctor, I feel like CBT will be effective in her case.

Doctor: CBT as in Congnitive Behaviour Therapy? How do you know about it?

Aera: Being a psychology student and to be psychiatric I have a lot knowledge about it. I found out that you had been doing medications and till she was having the medicine her mental state was fine but after you consulted not to take them she got in the extreme stage of PTSD where she tried to suicide in her subconscious state.(sigh) I know I don't have license and experience but I will be licensed in two to three months. I want  to assist you in her case. I suppose she would be comfortable sharing her thoughts with me. Is it okay Jungmi?

Jungmi who was quite after hearing about herself trying to suicide came to her senses as she heard her name being called.

Jungmi: Sorry, I didn't hear. You said something?

Aera: I asked if its okay if I assist the doctor to treat you.

Jungmi: I am fine with it.

Doctor: If Jungmi trusts you then I have no objection. Lets start with it from tomorrow then.

Aera: Thank you doctor and sure.

to be continued...

Here you go guys as I said I published the new chapter and I will update daily. But... but ...but... it will be short as I said yesterday.

Have a good day or night


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