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Place Duckberg
Residents  McDuck Mansion
Occupancy Scrooge, Duckworth,  Bentina and infant Webby

This takes place back in Duckworth's hay day as they say. Back when Bentina had retired from being an agent to take care of Webby. Scrooge however was still treasure hunting .

But of course we all know of Scrooge , what you don't know is what his butler goes through daily. Be aware of course we don't have all details. Some are simply lost in time we do however ask you take a subjective opinion .

What occurred to dear Duckworth is unfortunate and perhaps no one's to blame. But we'll leave that to open opinions.  This goes between the collective memories of Duckworth,  Bentina and a very unique lady.  Do enjoy.

Ducktales 2017: The Team Before (Complete) Book 1 Of 2Where stories live. Discover now