Episode 9 Let's Do This

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Duckworth's pov

I hated having to interrogate Vivian this way, but sometimes a little tough love is needed.

"Vivi dear you understand what's at stake I trust?"

She sighed sitting in my room with myself and Bentina. I could tell the incident was much humiliation and I cannot blame her. A muzzle? Of all the gaul, Bentina looked as livid as I felt really.

"We don't ever want to see you treated that way. " Bentina sat on her other side hand on her shoulder. " You must tell us whom you worked for previously. "

Vivi's ears folded looking upset. "I ....alright but it might only make Scrooge worse." She paused looking at me , I gave a reassuring smile. " It's FOWL their who sent me."

I sat down , oh dear. Fowl for reference is a sort of legion of doom type organization, Bentina and Scrooge know them well . Basically their a ring of criminals led by mad scientists and to think they held Vivian captive.

"I'm sorry. " Vivian said standing up to leave.

I took hold of her hand gently tugging her to stay. "Vivian, I can't say I'm thrilled you kept this so long after all we've done. But in regards to Us please tell us your situation with them?"

Bentina gave her a stern scolding look which Vivian responded to as a child in trouble. She sadly told us everything, before fowl she was a respected warrior in China. However things went south leaving not only her reputation but her body in shambles. The physicians were not able to fix all damages that's when a Fowl agent snuck in. They promised the technology to fix Vivian seamlessly .

"In return for my skills. " She sighed heavily. "So there we go I'll start packing."

I did the only thing I could think pulling her in a kiss to say what I felt.

"Oh honestly. " Bentina said as any sibling-like friend would.

"Well wasn't expecting that." Vivian said in a sweet flustered tone.

"We'll discuss why you did not tell us sooner. For now my dear we need a plan to get you from this. Did they tell you anything else?"

She blushed . "Well...all they said was if I did this the world chaos would stop. I mean I've seen sure Scrooge is chaos but not knock off level."

"I'd disagree but I'm just biased by experience. " Bentina joked. "Right, Vivian this agent whom fixed you, did you get a name?"

"No I was kind of drugged up on pain killers. Although I saw shadows, one was thin and tall, had short hair and long beak."

Bentina froze. "Black Haron, of course she'd use medical science to coerce a broken soldier."

I sighed, this was worse then I thought. Not only was master targeted but my love was being used in the worst ways. I held Vivian close that night as she rested and we planned. Not only did I have to protect my master but I had to clear Vivian's name here and free her from Fowl.

I'd say this is par for myself but heh the girlfriend is a new twist.

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