Episode 2 Enter The Opponent

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Strangers pov

Listen I didn't ask for this job.

Like most things in my life I had no say all I know is I do this and I'm free. This being knock off the richest duck in Duckberg. All you need to know is this man has alot of haters ok? Far as my involvement goes one moment I'm training as a rookie beat cop next I'm coerced.

Maybe a little introduction? Sorry I have a sassy streak around strangers, you can call me Vivian. I'm a fox...ah literal fox that is. My skills are what got me in this mess, see I got a knack for stealthy fighting.

Not to mention my observations skills though those aren't helping here.

This dang butler is Everywhere and I tell you he has eyes on my position. The only information I had was there was a butler , maid and child with Scrooge. My employers obviously don't care if I came back.

Heck with that butlers skills I probably wouldn't. Not as though I had anything to go back to. A miserable thought as I watched the maid take care of the child.

I jumped as my phone alerted me.

"What ?? I'm busy." I answered irritable.

A disguised voice replied. "I'll bet you are. No luck on the job I noticed."

"I'm working on it you didn't say the butler was a soldier."

They just chuckle in a teasing way. "Oops slipped our mind. Just get it done Vi , don't forget what you're risking." They hung up.

I huffed. "What ever."

What I was risking wasn't much but hey ones identity and freedom is something right.

Duckworth's pov

Well I was correct I had something new to focus on.

For the last few days after master returned I had a nightly visitor. They were quite sleek and stylish in their movements so this was not the usual suspects. Though I ran into them as well.

"Allow me Mr. Glomgold." I said smoothly lifting him out.

"That's right! It's me Glomgold and it always will be!"

I rolled my eyes tossing him of the premises and couldn't help noticing a certain thief watching. Wondering I did not simply catch them? Simple curiosity is all, I can protect my master easily.

And honestly? I could see their head was not in this, I was planning to try to talk sense later.

Oh pardon I meant Now.

"I do believe you dropped this." I smirked catching a katana.

The figure froze, by what I could see of this shadow it had a feminine physique. They growled slightly eyeing me.

"Well aren't you going to turn me in butler."

The voice was indeed female and sounded exhausted. "No, in fact miss I'm curious to see where this goes." I replied twirling the sword. She snatched it backing up.

"You'll regret this choice butler." She said jumping in a tree.

I smirked and teased. "I can give you a head start madame~."

She responded in a sassy distant tone. "No! I can find my own target thankyou!"

Ducktales 2017: The Team Before (Complete) Book 1 Of 2Where stories live. Discover now