Chapter 1

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"Light, I've been thinking. Seeing as Near and Mello are like my brothers, I'm also very close to them like a father. How would you feel if I straight up chose to adopt them as our sons?" L asked Light as they were home alone again and currently in the fort Light made in the winter several months ago.

"I think it's a great idea. You really are very loving and so wise. Plus, you're super intelligent for our age. I can see you as a father. And myself as one. Or simply a mother as Matsuda would say as a joke." Light smiled, holding L's hand.

"True. You and I will be the best daddies in the world. Why? Because I faith in us for it. Even you." He told him and kissed his forehead. Light nodded, tears forming in his eyes. He is actually terrified to be a father as he doesn't want to be like Soichiro, making life or death situations with his job as well as never being there for his family. "Light, you won't be like Soichiro. You have taken care of Sayu as well. You're practically also like a second father to her." L told him, confronting the younger Yagami this as he kept crying.

"I just don't want to be a shitty father and I don't want to even be–" He said, then stopped mid sentence as he passed out for unknown reasons.

"Light, wake up! Wake up, damn it! Light!!!" L said, seeing how he straight up passed out and tried waking him up, but no response was occurring. L knew he had to get his phone out and started calling for 119. It was later that day, Light had woken up and was in a hospital bed.

"What happened?" He murmured, not sure what was going on. L kissed him and stroked his hair, telling him to remain calm and wait for the doctor to get here. Light felt his entire body shaking uncontrollably and L placed his hand on his shoulders, assuring him it will be alright. "Ryuzaki..." His voice trailed off, crying at this point and he couldn't stop.

"Light, I know it's scary. But you need to remain calm. The doctor will be here soon and when she or he does, I'll explain everything. No need to cry." L said, holding his hand and kissing it.

"I can't help it..." He answered, sobbing harder. He just wanted to go home as he hates being in a hospital more than anything and worst of all, being there in a day like this when he and L are in their day off. Few minutes later finally, a doctor showed up and L remained his calmest, while Light was still crying.

"You must be Light and I'm guessing you're Ryuzaki. It's a pleasure to meet you both." The doctor said as she introduced herself to the young 22 year olds.

"Nice to meet you as well." L shook his hand with her, staring at Light with the fact he hasn't said a word and is still shaking and crying uncontrollably.

"So, what happened?" The woman asked and L gulped, telling her exactly as such. She nodded, seeing what he was getting at and went to perform an ultrasound to be sure.

"It's okay, Light. Try to remain calm like I said." L whispered to him as he nodded slowly, tears flowing from his amber eyes some more. During the ultrasound itself, Light didn't say a single word even more so. He kept freaking out mostly as he was super anxious.

"Mr. Yagami and Mr. Ryuga, I know this will come off as a shock to you both, but there is no heartbeat. I'm truly sorry for you two." The doctor told L and Light this, which made Light cry even more than ever. L was starting to cry as well, feeling his heart thumping alongside.

"How many weeks would you estimate the baby was?" He asked, hiccuping a sob.

"About 12 weeks." She said and he nodded. Light was still crying and hurting a lot, knowing he doesn't feel like he will ever recover from this feeling ever. That day, the two 22 year olds were mourning a lot and couldn't stop crying. Even Light kept staring at his belly and sobbing hysterically at it. L hugged him and held his hand, really not saying anything as he really wasn't in the mood to talk.

Watari then came back the following day as his vacation lasted two weeks. He saw L and Light crying in each other's arms and wondered why they're doing so. "Are you two okay?" He asked them, placing his suitcase and duffel bag down. L didn't say a word and Light was still silent. Watari knew something was up but didn't know how to figure it out, so he ordered food for them as he doesn't feel like cooking right now. During dinner itself, Light wasn't eating, while L simply ate as he could.

That same night, L was on his laptop, looking up miscarriage causes and everything on them. When he found out about they can be genetic, he felt his eyes watering up and saw Light was crying still. Even in his sleep, he was like this. L knew that he had to support him in his way possible and vise versa. Otherwise, their relationship is a problem and they'll have communication issues. The next morning later at headquarters, Light stayed quiet the whole time, still not talking. L went to the Task Force and told Watari to be in the main room for a meeting.

"The reason why I asked you all for this meeting is because Light and I have something heartbreaking to say." He told everyone this, trying to not breakdown in tears. "He was pregnant with my baby and not anymore. We both suffered a miscarriage yesterday and it still hurts." He said, crying again and went back to the sofa. Light was in his desk, crying too. The Task Force were deeply heartbroken and upset to hear this.

Soichiro took his glasses off, wondering as such how could this have happened. His son being pregnant after talking about the birds and the bees with him, then wondering how is a man able to get pregnant, anatomically speaking. He then cleared his head of that thought, given he doesn't want to upset or anger Light during this time. He kept his head down, remained calm and held his anger and disappointment in.

Watari was actually truly angry, thinking L should've known better to knock up Light and to wait until they were both married and having stable lives. He tried his best to not let the anger itself show. But it was obvious.

Matsuda thought Light was just really stupid for getting himself pregnant and not thinking properly on the fact his future is more important. Hell, Matsuda even knew to never get Sayu or any girl pregnant so young because it'll complicate things entirely.

Aizawa just felt disappointed in both L and Light, knowing they are great co-workers and friends, but to know they did something careless like getting one another pregnant so early in their adult lives? That's wrong and immoral. Even he knows he won't allow his children to do so, especially at a young age.

Mogi didn't know what to say. Just a hint of disgust and embarrassment. Same with Ide. He felt this way too. He didn't want to talk to both L and Light, knowing they just ruined everything.

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