Chapter 12

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Another month, which is three have passed by and L went to Light and asked him if he was willing to see his therapist. He told him he would agree if he would see his. But then told him he was afraid he couldn't go and bring up the miscarriage without shame and judgement. L assured him that if it happens, to stand up for himself and not care what anyone would say, then kissed him passionately. "Okay, I think I'm ready." He answered, taking a deep breath in and then out, repeating this until Watari went to the building for his therapy appointment.

An hour later, Light finally saw his therapist, Dr. Martinez. The man greeted him and allowed him inside his office. Light sat down and spoke. "The reason I came to you is because I have to tell you something. Three months ago, I was pregnant and I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks." He simply said, tearing up again as he still had it difficult to bring it up.

"I am so sorry for your loss. How do you feel, other than sad about it?" He told him and then asked, writing this down in his clipboard.

"Angry, depressed, truly a bunch of feelings, but never happy. It's just so horrible this all happened. It even made me get stressed again and I've recently tried to use my medication I was given but it didn't work. I don't know why and I can't stop trying." He answered and started sobbing.

"Light, it would take some time for your body to get fully back to normal. Try to understand that. Got it?" Dr. Martinez said to the sobbing 22 year old.

"I'll try...this hurts too much..." Light said and then sobbed harder. We then see L in his therapy appointment as well and Dr. Nakamura has been very understanding about this whole thing as she has had female patients about this tragedy.

"I truly was upset and still am. Before that, Light and I were discussing about our future and what it'll be like. I have two brothers adopted that are like my sons to me as well and I want them to simply be my sons more. What do you think, Dr. Nakamura?" He asked her.

"I think it's a wonderful idea. You sound dedicated to that and given you've taken care of them in your own way, I think you can truly readopt them again and have them as your sons." She smiled, knowing this is something really smart of L to think as such.

"Light thinks it's a great idea but then started crying as he didn't want to be like his father. That's when he ended up passing out as he was bleeding and miscarried." He explained some more, tears flowing from his eyes.

"L, this whole thing isn't your fault you know. And it's not Light's either. This happens and when it does, none of us can control it. It'll all be okay." She confronted him, hugging the dark haired 22 year old this as he sobbed hysterically too.

"It's crazy, I didn't even think Light was even pregnant but him crying to me on how he wants to be a good father and not abandon my brothers/sons, whatever you prefer, could be a sign as emotions are part of pregnancy hormones. Right?" He asked her and she formed a line in her mouth.

"L, I don't think it's because of that. But if you strongly believe it's hormones, then you are right. You're the world's greatest detective and you solve cases quite well for your age. This one is probably something you could've solved easily." She told him and he nodded, crying some more.

"I really feel bad for this whole thing in the past three months. Even now when I think of others having babies, I cry into a ball and feel like it should've happen to Light and I." He sniffed, wiping his eyes and started shaking as the thought of being a father would be interesting, but probably not until he's much older. Once his appointment ended an hour later, L went to call Watari. He did so and ended the call, feeling himself okay but sick to his stomach right now. He knew that chicken salad he ate was messing him up but he didn't care.

Watari finally showed up and L went to the back of the limousine. He wiped his eyes from crying, but knew he was still extremely sad right now and couldn't stop sobbing. "So, L. How was your day?" Watari asked him as he was driving.

"I don't want to even talk about it right now. But if you want the truth, my appointment was good." He simply said, crying and fell asleep in his seat. He was just emotionally exhausted and needed to rest, given how tired he's been. That same day, L felt a little bit better but not entirely. Light was sleeping a lot as well, trying to take things easy for himself. When he woke up, he felt okay but never happy again. He tried to eat something but when he did, he felt like he was going to puke.

He didn't eat much after and went to brush his teeth and took a bath afterwards. He stripped his clothes off and saw how flat his stomach completely is now and sighed, crying as he really couldn't still believe he was pregnant. He shook his head at the thought of the whole thing and started laying in the water. L decided to join him and saw how tired he was, giving him a little surprise. He grabbed the cup that is sitting on the sink, poured it with cold water and dumped it to Light's hair.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed, alarmed by the cold sensation itself and L snickered to himself, quietly placing the cup back in the sink. He then closed the door and went to playing on his Nintendo DS some more. He was playing a brain game as opposed to Mario or Pokémon, seeing as he prefers handheld games to be educational more. That night, Light was shivering a lot and Watari saw this.

"Light, you're not doing so well. Go to bed and I'll get you a warm glass of milk." He told him this and he nodded, sneezing after. He went to his room and went to his side of the bed not long after. L went to see him and took a deep breath in, exhaled after.

"Light, I'm sorry for what I did earlier. Please accept my apology as I'll be sleeping in the couch." He told him and then left the room, only to get stopped.

"L, I accept your apology. Thank you." He said, kissing him passionately and then hugged him as well. It was then Light started to cry as he is still grieving over their unborn child. He continued crying, feeling like he will truly never get over this feeling at all and L cried alongside him, knowing he feels exactly this way. Watari then came back and handed Light the glass of warm milk and he thanked him, drinking the whole thing and fell asleep afterwards.

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