Chapter 14

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Sometime later this month, L has been waking up in his side of the bed, then remembering how Light isn't going to come back for a while as he truly needs space from him, just until things get better with their relationship and the future of it. Watari was upset that L would do something like this, but he also knew that he didn't mean for it to happen, as it's his own fault for not giving relationship advice to his adoptive son. Watari then went to L and found him upset and heartbroken. He cleared his throat, speaking to him. "It'll only be for a month." He simply said and he nodded. L truly knew Light was really angry at him as he hasn't answered his texts or calls. Same for his emails and video calls.

"L, this is all my fault for not giving you relationship advice. But I want you to know you can't expect Light to forgive you. If he wants his own space, you have to give it to him. He truly needs it and I know it would make him feel better, as well as you." He told him and he nodded, sighing after and went to take a hot shower, crying his eyes out. Meanwhile, Light was in his room, doing nothing as he didn't feel like working or even anything else worth interesting. He knew the way he acted towards L was horrible, but he also knew he had to understand how he felt.

He truly knew if the world's greatest detective could understand how others feel, then he should be able to understand how he feels. It's not that hard or difficult to comprehend. He was deeply angry and disappointed in him, knowing he's been a total jerk now and doesn't want to even acknowledge it. Soichiro showed up and saw Light in a very upset mood. "Light, do you want to talk?" He asked softly, trying to remain calm.

"No!" He shouted, clearly angry right now as he's still angry at the fact he and the Task Force chose to take L's side during their argument. He thought out of all people, his own father would know how he is feeling and everything, but instead. He goes and confronts his fiancé. "You can't take L's side in everything! He hurt me badly and all you can do is help me during this time, but instead, you just don't care. I'm really starting to believe you don't care or love me anymore." Light ranted, fuming deeply.

"That's not true. I was trying to help him as well. What was I supposed to do?" Soichiro said, noticing him tearing up.

"You're supposed to be there for me. But I guess you found a new son more than I expected. I'm truly sorry that you won't see me as yours anymore." He sobbed, crying under his pillow, then hugged him.

"Light, I'm truly sorry you're feeling this way. You're always going to be my son and the brightest light of our lives, including mine. You'll be okay. We're all here for you." He told him, rubbing his back as he cried some more. That same day, Light was outside for fresh air and laid down in the tree by the backyard. Ryuk flew by and saw him.

"Hey, Light! I got my Nintendo DS and I'm super excited to play with you!" He said, grinning as usual and Light stared blankly, tears flowing in his eyes again.

"That's nice." He simply said, then looked at the Shinigami and wiped his eyes. They started playing New Super Mario Bros DS and Light broke down in tears. "Ryuk, I really can't play with you. As much as I wanted to, I just can't." He said, crying again and then vomited his entire guts out.

"What happened?" Ryuk asked and Light explained, crying some more and placed his hands on his face, sobbing harder. "I'm so sorry that L was being this way to you. But I don't think he meant to hurt you and be a jokester. He just really was worried about you, seeing as you haven't been the same." He assured him and he nodded.

"It's just that I am still not over the miscarriage and never will. I even started believing that God truly hates me for all the things I've gone through. Finding the Death Note and everything." He cried some more, crying onto Ryuk's arms and continued to do so. Sachiko saw this from inside and went to Soichiro.

"How's Light doing?"

"He's really upset, even as far as to saying God hates him for everything he's been through, including the miscarriage itself."

"He shouldn't have said that. All these things happened because it's part of life. The miscarriage itself wasn't his fault either. It just happened."

"Tell it to him. He really is hurting."

"I know. For now, I'll take some time off for so we can check up on him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself again."


Meanwhile, L was in the park with Misa as they were having a picnic as friends. He was not doing well either, knowing he truly messed everything up with him and Light. He couldn't help but feel horrible for doing so and wished he could talk to him again. But he knows that he will never forgive him ever. Especially after all the shit that's happened lately. "Ryuzaki, maybe we should have a picnic another time. You don't look good at all." Misa said, rubbing his shoulders for a massage.

"I just expect Light to forgive me and kiss me shortly after. He said, taking a deep breath shortly after. He just wanted to go home and sleep this whole thing off, knowing it's already torturous as it is. Especially knowing Light isn't just his fiancé, but his best friend in the world.

"He will forgive you. It'll just be a month until he realizes what he said was not a good thing." Misa told L and assured to him it will be okay. He nodded, wiping his eyes from any tears forming.

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