Chapter 6

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That same exact day, Light was in a bedroom at headquarters, laying down in the bed there, sobbing as he really didn't want to go to work today. The reason he decided to go was for a distraction from the miscarriage itself and it wasn't a great idea as he had a mental breakdown and destroyed his laptop in the process. Which L and Soichiro confronted him about and continued to do so. Light truly was in a horrible place and he couldn't stop feeling this way. All he feels is anger, numbness, grief and sadness. L has been feeling guilty and sad a lot, but he has tried to remain strong for himself and Light, knowing death is an important part of life and he has dealt with it all his life.

In a way, he knows his and Light's unborn child is now in heaven, but barely as it was a small fetus. He hasn't told Light this as he doesn't want to anger him or make him more sad than he already is, so he kept it to himself.

"L, are you okay?" Aizawa asked him, currently healed from being punched in the shoulder and kneed in the balls. They didn't hurt much, but holy shit, Matsuda is a fighter and it's insane for a guy like him to be this full of physical violence.

"I...I...I...don't...know..." He said in between breaths, stuttering and fainted afterwards. Aizawa tried to wake him up, but couldn't get any sign of him. He checked his pulse and breathing, which are fine but still concerning to why he isn't waking up.

Aizawa went to Watari and immediately told him what was happening. He assured him that he could be stressed and fainted because of that. So, it's not the end of the world, but it is at least a somewhat fresh start in a way. Still, Aizawa needed Watari's help to get L in the sofa and he agreed to do so, following him to the main room where the dark haired 22 year old is laying down.

"I'm going to check up on Light and see how he is doing." Soichiro told Mogi and Ide this, taking his glasses off for a moment and wiping them, getting them on shortly after.

"Alright." Ide responded, while Mogi was doing his work and focusing more in it. Soichiro then found Light in the bedroom at this floor. He was crying a lot, not saying anything but still sobbing hysterically. He looked at Soichiro and cried in his arms, hugging him.

"Light, I get that you still don't want to talk. But you truly need to. It's understandable you don't want to, but we all love you and are worried about you. Even L wants to make sure you seek counseling or talk to someone for this loss." He told his son this and he refused to do so, crying some more.

"Why not? Please answer truthfully." He insisted and Light breathed, finally talking after a month of being silent and mourning. Which he still is doing.

"It's my all fault..." He finally said, covering himself with the blanket and cried some more there. He never wanted to talk ever again after confessing that part. He knew everything was just so horrible and rotten towards him, even after all these years of finding the Death Note and everything.

"Light, I want to say that it's not your fault the baby died. It's nobody's fault when something like this happens. I know it's hard to accept the fact the miscarriage happened and it's quite sad, you should really speak to any of us about it." Soichiro told him, hearing the sound of his son's cries more and was deeply upset and worried about him.

"And he straight up fired me for my violent episode towards Aizawa and didn't let me explain what happened." Matsuda sobbed as he was talking to Sayu in her room, crying.

"Matsui, I hate to say this. But you should've known better. I get that you don't want to hear what I have to say, but you could've easily done worse to him." She said, disappointed in him for acting this way to Aizawa and not even thinking the consequences behind his actions.

"I know. I just wish I could stay with you and keep my job. But now, I'm basically a failure. I'm sorry, Sayu. I really am." He answered, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"You're not a failure. You just need to think better and remember that violence isn't always the answer." She said, kissing his cheek. He smiled a little, feeling better and kissed her back. That same day, Matsuda went to headquarters and Aizawa spoke to him.

"Matsuda, I'm sorry for getting you fired and losing Sayu. I'm also sorry that I wasn't thinking properly with L and Light's unborn baby. You have every single right to get angry at me for not being respectful towards them." He said, hugging him shortly after as he felt really terrible for today's events in a nutshell.

"I forgive you." He said, feeling a bit okay now. "I'm actually here to be looking for Chief Yagami." He told him and was being told how Light has been truly hurting a lot still, as well as L fainting and how they both will be at home still, not fully recovered. Just then, a bunch of phones in the room were given the same text message at once.

Light is in an ambulance right now.

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