Chapter 16

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It is now 6 months since the miscarriage happened and things have gotten so much better for L and Light. Especially, Light who was deeply upset about the whole thing and was emotional as well. But now that things have gotten better, he and L have been more comfortable with each other as well as loving each other than ever, knowing this loss has helped them try to get them get over it but slowly. Especially since they have a common moment now: losing their loved ones and important people in their lives. Whereas L lost his parents and Light losing their unborn child. It all came full circle now and they've accepted that as it is. One day, Light was smiling and blushing more than usual and L kissed his cheek, patting it so sexy.

"You have the softest cheeks right now." He told him and Light flirtatiously punched his shoulder in return.

"You do." He answered, doing the same thing as they both argued happily some more.

"No, you do." L continued and tickled Light as he was also very ticklish right now. This lasted for 7 minutes and Light continued laughing and finally stopped, staring at L deeply. They both made out again as far as going to Misa's old room, making out some more and started having sex there.

"Oh my god..." Light moaned, his eyes closed as the feeling of L inside of him again finally for the first time in ages, which felt so good and yet so beautifully rewarding. "Lawliet, I think I am–AHHHH!!!!" Light screamed as he was orgasming deeply, feeling a load of cum inside of him and died happily.

The next day later...

Light woke up extremely full of happiness and L woke up as well, his hair all messy than usual and he kissed Light's neck, smiling. They both were full of bliss and couldn't stop kissing each other. "How did you sleep last night?" L asked Light, who was about to take a shower.

"Better than ever. Who knew sex after 6 months would be worth the wait." He told him, kissing his cheek. L smiled, finding this funny and they kissed some more. During the shower itself, Light sat in the shower itself, feeling tired still. "L, can you wash my hair for me and simply bathe me? I don't feel so great..." He asked L, asking him to do one thing for him and he accepted it, wanting to do so.

"Light, I just want to know that if you don't want to have sex again like this, that's totally fine. We both carried ourselves a little too much." He said, using the shampoo and lathering it to his hands, placing it over Light's hair.

"I guess you're right. I just wanted us to it again since I felt very happy and saw how happy you are, as well." He told him, taking a deep breath as he was shaking from the warm water. The shower itself lasted for 30 minutes and once it was over, Light was too lazy to go back to the apartment and get a fresh pair of clothes so he went for the same thing he wore yesterday. They smelled fine still, so it was all okay.

"You know something, Light?" L said, getting his jeans on as they seemed alright smelling wise. His shirt was still brand spanking new.

"What is it?"

"I'm glad we had sex again. I truly missed it, but to also wait until everything gets better, is just such a good feeling, because we both were hurting inside for 4 months and five months was to get to understand each other better. You losing our unborn child and me already having lost my parents. That's a common moment we have now. These three people meant a lot to us."

Light didn't say anything, but turned his head around, tears flowing from his eyes. L placed his hand in his shoulder and allowed the younger Yagami cry as he felt bad for saying those things now. "Light, I'm truly sorry for what I had said. I really thought of this, but realized I shouldn't have said them to you." He told him, apologizing deeply for his words. Light still remained silent, crying some more and went to the main room as he wasn't really in the mood to eat or talk.

That same day, Matsuda was talking about his biggest proposal on the start of summer party. It'll be tropical themed and everyone has to dress in tropical clothing. Well, that is if they want to do so. The Task Force agreed and thought this was a great idea, whereas the money used will be for charity or simply new equipment. "Light, do you have any ideas for the party?" Matsuda asked him and he shook his head no, going to cry somewhere in the building. He was about to follow him, but L stopped him.

"Matsuda, leave him to cry. It's solely nobody's fault, but mine." He told the dark haired 27 year old this, placing his hands in his shoulders.

"Why?" He said, wondering as such. He was curious to know as Light walking out like that was worrisome to say the least.

"Because he needs to be alone. I'll talk to him and make sure he's okay." He told Matsuda and kissed his forehead, which surprised him.

"Alright." He said, taking some more notes for the party itself and continued doing so. Meanwhile, Light was crying a lot, feeling worse than ever. The fact that L had said what he said to him, really made him feel horrible. He was just moving on from the miscarriage itself and to now know what L had said about them having a common moment like this, it just hurt him and he was upset.

Not angry, but simply upset. He never felt this embarrassed and ashamed at the fact he is still going through a hard time like this. Especially a day like today. He sobbed harder, feeling like he's practically useless now. Even more so, knowing that the pain is still there and it'll never be replaced. Just then, Light heard familiar footsteps and didn't say a word, remaining calm as he swore it could been an intruder. He stayed still, hoping whoever it is, will leave him alone. He felt someone tap his shoulder and he placed his hands in the air.

"Light, relax! You're not in any danger." Soichiro said and he looked at him, breathing heavily as he thought it was some kind murderer or whatever. "Are you okay? L said you're crying and I wanted to make sure you are alright." He asked Light and he nodded.

"I'm not okay. I just can't seem to find myself to move on from the miscarriage." He told him, crying some more and sat down.

"It's really not easy indeed. When your mother and I lost our first unborn child, I remember asking myself if I can ever be a father or not. Especially after all the things I've been through as well. I prayed hard for a little boy to be the light of my life too. After three miscarriages, I was about to give up on parenthood forever and sometime later, I was being told I will be a father and you were born." He explained to him how his and Sachiko's miscarriage was and how it affected him deeply.

"Thanks for letting me know. I'm going to cry some more and be alone." Light said, going somewhere in headquarters so he can be truly alone and nobody will find him.

He then came to the realization that he shouldn't feel sorry for himself any longer but simply accept the fate that's happened. He wiped his eyes and went back to the main room, feeling happy now. He was truly ready forever to get over his own loss and make himself better, knowing what L brought up about them having a common moment like this is true.

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