Chapter 15

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A month went by and L knocked the door at the Yagami household. The door opened and Sayu answered for him, allowing the dark haired 22 year old to the stairs. He went to Light's room and found him by the deck there. He opened the screen door and greeted him. "Hey, Light." He said, forming a smile as he wanted to see him again after one whole month of not talking.

"Hi, Lawliet." He greeted him back, hugging him and continued to doing so for an hour. Once that ended, Light held his hand and smiled a little. "L, I'm so sorry for yelling at you like that last month. You didn't deserve it and I understand you were trying to make me laugh and smile again. Things haven't been good with us, especially myself. But I'll try to accept everything that has happened, including the miscarriage itself. You are my best friend but also my fiancé and I can't let anything bad happen to us." He said to him.

"I understand. I forgive you and I'm really mostly sorry all the stress I've caused you is partially my fault." He apologized as well and they made out passionately afterwards. They held hands and went to this park Light and Sayu spent their childhood at and continued to kiss. Thankfully, there wasn't any kids so they decided to have some fun some more. It was then they used the merry go around and then the swings, using the slide and just everything. L used the sandbox as he hasn't been in one since he was little. The same year his parents died.

Light was playing by himself as he just enjoyed it. He was standing by and saw the view with happiness. He then landed in the slide as he fell and L ran to his side, wondering what just happened. "Are you okay, Light?" He asked him, freaking out.

"Yeah. It was nothing. Oh my god, L! You should've seen that happening!" He answered, wiping any dirt and sand from his arm and everywhere else. He then started laughing as well, which surprised L as he hasn't done so in 5 months. Five whole long ass months. He was just so happy and so full of life again, L knew this was the most surprising moment to ever happen and he was happy too.

That same day itself, he and Light watched a movie, while cuddling in the couch together. Light laying down next to L, smiling and kissing each other. Watari then came home finally with the groceries and was delighted to see them both very happy again. He grabbed his phone and started calling Soichiro about this. "Yes, both our boys are smiling and kissing each other." He told the older Yagami this and he was too, happy to hear this.

"I'm so glad they have made things better. It's about time they did so." He answered, very glad to hear that Light and L truly have moved on from this whole thing. Even the loss of their unborn child, they somehow moved on from this whole thing. Once the movie ended, L asked Light if he was willing to have sex again.

"I don't think I can. My entire stomach still doesn't feel right and I feel like I'll bleed again." He answered, rubbing his face a lot as he was tired today. Especially since he was unable to sleep. He then told L that they can have sex again when the timing is better and when they do, use protection at all costs. Even to use the right size condom this time, because it seemed obvious as such how this whole mess started.

"I'll make sure of that." L said, kissing his lips and kissed his chest, then his neck and started sucking it. Light started moaning, feeling aroused and couldn't stop, feeling himself getting hard all of a sudden. The two 22 year olds ended up fucking each other's brains after, despite the whole no sex policy L just agreed on. "Light, are you sure about this?" He said and Light pulled out a condom.

"I'm all yours and forever." He told him, smiling deeply some more and started unbuttoning his jeans for him and unzipped them.

"That's the second condom I bought 5 months ago." He said, showing him and he looked at it, his body shaking uncontrollably and tears flowing down his eyes. "Light, I'm truly sorry for doing this to you. I was truly trying to make you happy again and I messed up again. I guess we can't be together anymore." L said, sobbing hysterically after.

"No, you didn't cause this onto yourself. It just happened. Please don't make this any fault of yours to continue. It just happened. The same goes with the miscarriage. It just happened." Light assured him, allowing him to cry as well. They both continued to cry, with L knowing this whole day was supposed to make things better and instead, he ruined them again. He continued to cry and changed into his bunny PJs as he really didn't feel like having sex after all.

That same day, it's now night and during dinner Watari noticed L wasn't eating which normally doesn't happen for him, but it did. "L, aren't you hungry?" He asked him and he nodded, looking at him with sadness in his eyes. He was then allowed to his room and he walked away with more tears.

"I tried to tell him that it's not fault our intimacy isn't his, but he continued to cry as much as I did." Light lied, but explained to Watari what happened there. He went to check up on L after and told Light to continue his dinner.

"L, are you okay?" He asked him and found him sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. He was sitting down in the floor with tears in his eyes, sobbing deeply. "Lawliet, I know you and Light wanted to try having sex again." He softly said to the dark haired 22 year old, wrapping his arms around as he sat down next to him.

"Watari, I just–I don't–" L said, then feeling himself getting hotter and fainted for some reason as his entire body was feeling this way and he couldn't control it. Watari got up, picked him up and placed him in his side of the bed, checking his forehead. It was definitely hot, like very feverish but not extremely dangerous. Just hot in general.

"Okay, L. I'll just turn the fan on and make sure it cools you down. If it doesn't work, I'll take you to a doctor." He told him, stroking his forehead and brushing his bangs with his fingers. L then had a dream and it was his him with his newborn child.

"Asahi, I'm so glad you made it alive. Me and your mommy or papa, love you very much and you're the luckiest baby girl we ever could wish and pray for." He told the baby girl this, as she has a striking appearance to Light's eyes and nose, but has L's dark hair and complexion.

"Is she alive and breathing?" Light asked, feeling himself still in pain but worth it in a way.

"Yup. She's perfect." L told him, kissing his cheek and handed their daughter to him. "Oh my god, she's beautiful..." He said, sobbing tears of joy as she was indeed the sunlight of their joy. It was then L saw Light as Kira and Asahi became Kira number two. He started breathing heavily, screaming in bloody horror as he knew he was going to be killed instantly.

"AHHHHH!!!!!!" He screamed, seeing Ryuk writing his name down with his signature grin still and laughed as usual.

L Lawliet, cause of death: heart attack

When the nightmare itself ended, L woke up and found himself in his bed and Light was holding his hand. He kissed his forehead and knew he was having a fever dream of sorts. L breathed heavily, feeling an agonizing feeling in his collarbone and it hurt a lot. Watari checked to see if it's broken or not and it's not. Regardless, he went to get a bag of ice and placed it next to the area.

"It's okay, L. You'll be okay in no time." Light told L and he nodded, grimacing some more as the pain was still hurting.

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