Chapter 4

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Ever since last week, I've been trying to stay positive and not be as upset as I am about this whole loss. To say how upset I am, it's a lot. I've been crying as well, but silently as I don't want anyone to see me like this. Light and I cried together and continued doing so. We haven't seen the rest of the Task Force since Tuesday of last week as each of them just had find it hard to talk to us. Soichiro is the only one who actually has made an effort to talk to us. He really is sorry and sympathetic to Light and I, knowing what it's like. He really is a great man, as well as a father and husband. I can give him kudos and points on that, knowing he truly understands what we are both going through. The door knocked and I went to answer it as Watari is buying food for today's lunch.

"Hey, L. How's it going?" Matsuda said, greeting me with a hug.

"I'm doing alright. Not well, actually." I answered, then hugged him some more as I continued to cry. He stroked my back softly and the back of my hair. I wiped my eyes not long after and Light showed up, holding his stomach.

"Light, are you alright?" Matsuda asked him as he and I saw him clutching it in pain. He shook his head no, crying and grabbed my hand to feel his belly. It's still hard to accept the fact Light was pregnant and we didn't know this. But even more so, to also accept the fact we are going through a horrible tragedy right now. I know if I was the one who was pregnant, I would've done my hardest best to avoid a miscarriage from happening. Not saying Light wasn't doing his best, but I just think it's very possible I would've done my best to avoid having one in a more healthy way.

"Light, can I feel your belly?" Matsuda asked him and he nodded, allowing him to do so. "Wow, I had no idea that you truly were pregnant. That's insane. I mean, how did this happen?" He said, wondering how men can get pregnant.

"Matsuda." I said, getting annoyed by his question as it's not something that we need to talk about.

"Sorry. I'm just so curious. You know Curious George?" He asked Light and I, which I sighed as I grew up with the books at a young age. "Sorry. I just find myself just like him in that way." Matsuda told us and I rolled my eyes.

"No shit." I retorted, clearly angry and annoyed at all once. The three of us then played video games and Light wasn't interested in playing, so he simply gave up and got his phone out, texting Ryuk. It still amazes me that phones can work in the Shinigami realm and it is in very fast reception. Not long after, Ryuk showed up and I handed him Light's Wii remote.

"What's this?" He asked with his goofy grin he always has and it made me chuckle a little, but not much.

"It's a Wii remote. We are playing Mario Kart Wii right now." I told him and he smiled even more, wanting to play it.

"Move out of the way, Light. It's my turn to play the best video game in the human world!" He grinned and Light shrugged, going somewhere and opened the front door, leaving shortly after. I truly didn't want to play as I felt myself feeling sadder than ever. But at the same time, I needed to do something to get my mind off this loss itself. During the game, Matsuda was Yoshi, Ryuk was a Mii of Light and I was playing as Donkey Kong. We kept racing each other and I, trying to see who would win. Matsuda, for being an idiot, he's actually really horrible at this game. I'm not surprised given he sucks at driving in general.

"Who's the winner? I am!" Ryuk taunted, dancing around and it was honestly just terrible. I mean, I never seen him dance before and it's really bad. Like so horrendously, that even I knew they weren't great. I went to see how Light was doing, based the way he walked away was super worrisome. I can't blame him for not talking to anyone, but he needs to open this up to his therapist as he hasn't seen him in two weeks now. The door opened and it was Watari.

"L, Light has passed out again." He told me and I went running to where Light was. I found him by the 20th door in the hall and he was unconscious. I placed his head on my lap, waiting for him to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a lot.

"Light, how do you feel?" I asked him quietly, holding his hand and he didn't respond. I placed my hand on his stomach, rubbing it softly. He moaned and fresh tears came flowing down his amber eyes. I then lifted him gently and we went back to our room. I explained to Watari that Light needs to see a doctor right away about the pain he's having. He then went to make a phone call after.

"What's wrong with Light, L?" Matsuda and Ryuk asked in unison.

"Light passed out and needs medical attention for it." I explained to them quietly. Not long after, Light was in a hospital bed, laying in it and Watari had already called his family about this. He went to wait for them in the hall, while Matsuda and I stayed with Light, making sure he's okay. He's been very feverish and will definitely have to stay overnight for some tests. An hour later, the Yagamis showed up and Sayu saw her brother looking like this.

"Light, how are you feeling now?" She asked him and he moaned again, blinking his eyes from the agonizing feeling.

"I think he's just tired." Matsuda said to her, seeing how tired he is and he held his stomach as he was in agony. I placed him back in bed, stroking his forehead as he was breathing heavily. I softly assured Light that when he's discharged, that we will see a counselor for the miscarriage itself. He shook his head no, bawling.

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