Chapter 8

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Two days have passed by and Light started to feel better, but still didn't want to go to work as it was all too hard for him. L felt the same way as well and Watari saw this, calling the Task Force not long after. Light started to vomit uncontrollably and started breathing heavily, puking some more. L took his arm to the couch and he laid down there. "Would you like to have some tea, Light?" Watari asked him and he nodded weakly, feeling nauseous still. That same morning, Light was feeling alright.

"Light, I want you to know this whole miscarriage itself is never your fault. I understand you've been feeling this way a lot, as well as angry and upset, which are normal feelings to have. You're going to be alright, because you have us, including myself." Watari told the younger Yagami this.

"I just don't want to believe I was pregnant and this stupid to not do anything about it." He said, crying at this point and L heard those cries become very much more saddening. He went to Light and told Watari if they can take a small walk. He nodded, going along with it, as some fresh air would help them. During the walk itself, Light doubled over in agony again, feeling like he's bleeding.

"Ryuzaki, this is–OWWW..." He moaned, feeling a wave of pain some more as it was super heavy and excruciating. "Motherfucker, it feels like I'm in super huge labor right now..." He moaned some more, blinking his eyes and breathed heavily.

"Did you bring any pads with you?" L asked him and Light nodded, his hands in his lower stomach once more. With that being said, L went to look for a building with a bathroom in there until he finally did so. "I'll go inside for a moment and ask." He quietly said to Light and he nodded.

"Please hurry, I don't think I can even think properly without–" He answered, then was stopped mid sentence as the cramping feeling was worsening. L then went inside the building and asked for the bathroom and the employee pointed to the door for it. He thanked him and told him it'll be for a friend, which he bought. The dark haired 22 year old mouthed to Light to go inside and fast, which he did so.

He went in the building immediately and breathed heavily, clutching his stomach harder as he was bleeding harder. When he made it to the bathroom itself, he went to use a bigger stall as it's more convenient and nobody will see him like this. He unzipped his Chinos, figuring out how does a sanitary pad work as he took sex education whereas they separate the boys and girls. Light, you can do this. Don't freak out. He said to himself, closing his eyes as he didn't want to see the blood.

"Try to relax, Mr. Yagami. Breathe in and out." A doctor said to Light as he was in the operating room during the D&C procedure itself. He shook his head from the image of the image of it.

"You're doing so well. Just relax some more and it'll all be over shortly." That same doctor said and he passed out from the amount of blood he's losing.

"He's hemorrhaging!" Several surgeons said as Light was unconscious at this point. Back to the present, Light got the pad on and tried his hardest to remain calm as he felt a sigh of relief from the feeling not as bad right now. He got his pants back on, his hands shaking a lot. He took his glasses off, splashed his face with some cold water, getting his glasses back on shortly after, leaving the bathroom finally.

That same day, L saw Light very tired and dizzy from the amount of blood he had and asked if he needed any water to drink as well as some more crackers. He nodded, falling asleep shortly. When he woke up, he had a glass of water with a straw and a packet of crackers too. "L, I don't think my stomach can settle anything after..." He weakly said that afternoon. He continued to moan and L saw his forehead sweating a lot. He went to get a cold washcloth and placed it on, making sure it'll bring down whatever it is.

It's now night and Light was in his side of the bed, sleeping on his back and breathed heavily, feeling like his entire body is going to explode. Especially right this exact moment. L placed his hand on his stomach, rubbing it softly, which made the light brown haired 22 year old grown quietly as he was in extreme agony still. Even after two days, he still felt this way. Light felt entire body felt super exhausted and tired and couldn't stop shaking because of it.

"It's alright, Light. Just remember to breathe and push." L said, holding his hand during childbirth in a dream.

"It burns!" He answered, feeling like he's going to pass out from the feeling itself. He just wanted this whole day to go faster. He has been in labor for ten whole hours and it's been so painful, that he wants to rest and sleep forever. 15 minutes went by and he was still pushing and screaming, breathing while L placed the wet rag in his forehead some more.

"You're almost there, Light. Just give it one last push." The midwife said to him, as he screamed as well. A cry appeared in the room and L was so happy. He couldn't believe it. His firstborn is a girl and he couldn't be any happier than ever.

"Light, we have a beautiful baby girl. She looks just like you." He told him, holding their daughter. Light didn't respond. In fact, during that very last stage of labor itself, he had felt a splash of more liquid out of him to the point he passed out, dying at this point. "Hi, Asahi. I'm your dad and I will make sure you and your mom are going to be okay." He told his newborn daughter as she was still crying and kissed the top of her head.

Not long after, Asahi was being taken to be measured and cleaned, all that with newborn babies and L held onto Light's hand, trying to wake him up. "Light, when you wake up, you're going to be surprised at Asahi and how beautiful she is." He told him and Light slowly opened his eyes.

"That's nice..." He murmured, closing them again and died quietly in his sleep as the feeling of childbirth made him lose a lot of blood. Not to mention how sick he was feeling shortly after.

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