Chapter 5

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Two weeks have passed by since Light was discharged from the hospital and he's been sleeping way more than ever, but also still in pain both mentally and physically. He doesn't want to see a counselor about the miscarriage itself, as it'll remind him of the pain he is in and talking just makes him feel like he has nothing to say, other than the fact he feels like this is his fault for allowing his and L's unborn baby to die.  Which is why it's hard to now confront anyone about this. He just wanted to be alone, crying at his belly, knowing his true happiness is gone forever. Watari saw him like this and asked him if he could finally eat now. Light shook his head no, still not talking.

"Light is still not wanting to leave the room." Watari told L, who has been very upset and still is rightfully as such. But he's trying to make sure he's healthy and attempt to move on. Even though it's not an easy process or thing to do.

"I understand. He's been very emotional more than ever. Last night, I was sleeping and I heard his cries in the bathroom. I went to see where he was in it and he was sitting in the tub, sobbing." He told him, explaining about last night again.

"Has he finally said anything?"

"He didn't. He just cried and cried. Even when he was sleeping, he continued doing so. I can also tell he's very angry as well from the way I asked him that we need see a counselor. He simply slammed the door and refused to even say a word even more so."

"Try texting him and seeing what that can do."

"It's no good, Watari. He doesn't want any form of contact and that even includes texting us. After texting Ryuk, he even went more silent."

Watari knew this was going to be harder than it ever was. He couldn't stand to see Light and L in misery all the time, knowing things like this truly happen and they can't control this feeling. He then asked L how he's feeling, other than being sad all the time. He says he feels fearful and guilty, not knowing Light was pregnant or recalled him ever having pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness or anything for that matter. But aside from that, he just feels really sad most of the time.

"Watari, what if Light gets depressed forever to the point we can't help him?" He told him, tears flowing from his dark eyes.

"Lawliet, don't say that. Light will heal eventually as well. He just needs to have time and space for himself. When he gets better, he will talk again and speak to a counselor." He assured him, allowing his adoptive son to cry in his arms. Once L stopped crying, he went to the deck and sat in his chair, wiping his eyes. A month has passed by and while he and Light have gone back to work, Light still hasn't spoken at all.

"Welcome back, Light." Mogi said to him as well, with Ide and Aizawa by his side. He didn't say anything to either of them and tried to focus on his work, having a mental breakdown shortly after and started throwing his laptop in anger, crying hysterically.

"Son, try to breathe and relax. It's normal to feel this way." Soichiro said, holding his shoulders and allowed him to continue crying his eyes out. "It's going to be alright. We're here for you and L." He told him softly, which didn't help him at all and he continued to cry. L then held Light's hand, kissing it and stroked it.

"This is harder than ever." Aizawa commented, feeling horrible that this is still going on. Even Eriko never had any complications during her pregnancies. L thought to himself that if he and Light were to have another child, it would be probably in four years as by that point, he and Light would be married and having more of a somewhat settling down career. As in L works from home and Light is a stay at home father. At least that's their definition as such.

"Aizawa, I think you should understand that even if you and Eriko never dealt with something like this, it will take some time to get life back to normal." Matsuda said, trying to explain this to him.

"I get it, Matsuda." Aizawa sighed, really not wanting to hear a lecture from a virgin like him. Matsuda then punched the hell out of Aizawa on the shoulder, saying he's being a complete dickhead for not being more understanding and respectful. "What the fuck was that for?" He screamed at the 27 year old.

"You know why!" He answered, then kneed him in the balls in return. Aizawa was doubling over in pain and barely could form a sentence.

"You...fucker!" He moaned, unable to even think properly and laid down in the sofa to rest. The rest of the Task Force saw this, worried about him. Light simply didn't pay attention as he had his head laying down in his desk, crying.

"What the hell is going on in here!" Soichiro screamed, really angry now. He demanded an answer and rightfully so as he's never dealt with such unprofessional behavior from anyone like this before. There have been moments here and there, such as L calling Matsuda an idiot, but that's to remind him to not be one.

"Sir, with all due to respect, Matsuda was being crazy. He punched my shoulder and straight up kneed me in the balls." Aizawa answered, passing out not long after as the pain got to him.

"Matsuda, is this true?" The older Yagami asked, crossing his arms in fury at his future son in law. Matsuda didn't say anything, other than an angry look in his face. "Answer the damn question!" Soichiro screamed once more.

"You don't yell at me, you're not my dad!" He screamed back at him and was about to walk away, but was stopped.

"Pack up your things, Matsuda. You're no longer allowed in the Task Force or allowed to keep your job. I never want to see you again or have you in my family again!" He yelled at him, being the most angry he's ever been in. Matsuda growled and walked away, flipping him off.

"You're being a fucking jerk!" He shouted, slamming the door and stomped away. He was really angry, but mostly upset now. How was he supposed to get a new job, but also tell Sayu that they are breaking up? He couldn't lie to her and refuse to tell her about his violent behavior today. He then went back to the main room and went to Soichiro.

"If you are going to fire me and have Sayu and I break up, she will never forgive you!" He shouted and he pointed for him to leave this instant. That same day, L went to see how Light was. He was still crying and sniffling, still not saying anything. L hugged and kissed him, stroking his hair and placed his hand on his belly, which still has a small bump. Light sobbed at it, still knowing their child is truly dead and there is nothing to bring him or her back.

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