Chapter 13

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Some time later in headquarters, the Task Force were having some kind of pizza party and Light was extremely hungry for his as he hasn't eaten any in the past four months now. He has been focusing on eating stress-free foods mostly and now that his body is completely well again, he can eat his favorite things again. L didn't have to worry much, knowing he wasn't the one who was pregnant and suffering most with the miscarriage. But he was indeed really upset about it and still is. Especially since he just lost the most important person in his life, right after his parents. He was just really not in the mood to eat right now. But he at least was willing to continue supporting Light through this time.

"L, are you okay?" Aizawa asked L, seeing how green he was looking. He didn't answer but he did vomit and it was bad. Watari saw this and wondered if he was getting sick or he simply ate something really bad. Light was eating his favorite pizza and asked L if he would have a bite, which made the world's greatest detective vomit again.

"I don't think I can manage the smell of pizza..." He knelt down and went sliding down the wall, fainting afterwards. When he woke up, it was in the sofa and Light hugged him, kissing his forehead. He was being told that he fainted for no reason. "That explains a lot..." L moaned, feeling sick to his stomach for some reason.

"It's alright. Just take this lactose pill and that's it." Watari said, giving it to him so he doesn't have any issues with the cheese itself. L took the pill and swallowed it with some water. Fifteen minutes went by and he quietly went to the pharmacy for a moment. He bought himself a pregnancy test, paid for it, went back to headquarters. Once he went inside, he went to the bathroom and went to pee and then did as the test said.

Let's hope this works. He thought to himself, feeling his heart racing shortly after. Just then, the door opened and he didn't know who it was. He heard the sound of someone peeing and remained quiet. He then heard singing and knew it had to come from Mogi and he smiled, thinking he normally doesn't do so. L checked to see how many minutes for the test to do it's job will be and he knew it was going to take a while. He sighed, feeling like 30 minutes is a lot. We then see Light walking to the bathroom and when he did so, he knocked at the stall.

"Anyone in there?" He asked, really needing it. He actually refuses to use a urinal for his own reasons so he simply prefers a stall instead. "Hellooo?" He sang, wondering who it is.

"Hellooooo!" L said in a falsetto English accent, which was funny and Light couldn't tell who it was, but he was getting spooked and started screaming, running away.

"There's a ghost in headquarters!" He screamed, making it back to the main room.

"What was that, Light?" Soichiro asked his son, wondering what he just said.

"There's a ghost in here! Call the Ghostbusters!" He screamed, pulling his shirt collar.

"There's no such a thing as ghosts." Matsuda laughed, finding this strange and odd. The rest of the Task Force (minus Light and Soichiro) laughed as well, finding this the funniest thing ever. Back to L, it's now 30 minutes and he checked the pregnancy test. One line was negative and he smiled to himself, knowing he isn't pregnant. He then threw the stick away and went back to the main room. He went to Light and hugged him, wrapping his arms around his chest.

"L, there's a ghost in here." He told him, whimpering as he started to cry. He sobbed a lot, knowing he hates them as they remind him of his childhood and he went with his classmates. He actually joined them as Sachiko thought it would be alright if he did so, just to be a bit more social, than he normally is. In other words, just to make friends. That plan didn't do so well and it backfired.

"Maybe it's just your imagination. I mean, we have taken shrooms before." L said, laughing at his joke and Light sobbed harder. He then went to one of the rooms to take a nap, knowing it would be better this way and he will feel somewhat better. That day, he went to check up on Light and found him crying. "Light, I had no idea you were scared of ghosts. I'm sorry for scaring you like that." L said, apologizing to his fiancé, who was sobbing.

"Why do you keep scaring me??? The cold water incident and now this?!" He screamed, getting angry now. L didn't know what to say, other than the fact he's scared now. "Get yourself a fucking brain for once and stop being a total jerk to me!" Light screamed some more, not wanting to hear any excuses his fiancé has in his sleeve.

"I'm not. I just wanted to make you laugh again for the first time in 4 months." He told him nervously, stimming with his fingers.

"You think losing a baby is funny? Lawliet, how could you laugh at that!" He shouted, running off as he couldn't believe it. He started to cry again and refused to even show up at the building once more. He sobbed hysterically and went to the bus stop, waiting for a bus to take him to his old house. L genuinely didn't mean to imply he was laughing over the miscarriage. But now that Light is really mad at him, he couldn't even find anything to say other than another apology. He went back to the main room and took a deep breath in, feeling horrible.

"L, where's Light?" Ide asked him and he explained to him and the rest of the Task Force about how he got really angry and doesn't want to talk to him right now because of it. Soichiro felt bad and hugged L, who was crying at this point right now.

"It's okay, L. You were just trying to move on and be funny. It's not your fault or Light's." He confronted him, allowing him to cry in his arms right now.

"I feel bad. Why did I screw everything up with the love of my life again? I just–I don't know what I was thinking..." He sobbed harder, knowing Light is sure to dump him now and forget he even existed. L cried for several more minutes and when he did, he wiped his eyes finally and went to his desk. Watari came by with strawberry shortcake and handed it to him, then was explained what happened.

L didn't want any cake and only wanted Light. He knew if he can't eat anything, he can't go on without his lover and best friend refusing to talk to him and possibly breaking up with him. He got up and went to see if he was in the bus stop. He walked to the one he went and found him there, crying. He sat down next to him and hugged him. "Light, I'm going to apologize one last time. I'm sorry for making you believe I was laughing at our unborn child. If I was, I would've been a worse fiancé and best friend. You have every reason to be angry at me and I don't expect you to forgive me. Thank you for listening to me. I love you, Light Yagami." L said, apologizing and kissing the younger Yagami's cheek, then walked away back to headquarters.

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