Chapter 9

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Back to reality and Light was awake, crying in the bathroom as he couldn't believe the dream itself was a nightmare in fact. Not the part where he was giving birth at home in a pool, but the part where he died and never saw his and L's daughter. He couldn't stop crying as he really wanted to move on from this miscarriage but it was hopeless and that made him feel worse than ever. He got up, went to get a fresh pad and took it off, getting it on. "Owww..." He moaned, feeling himself bleeding still. It was insanely horrifying like a horror show made wrong.

The door knocked and he didn't know who it was. Probably just his imagination. As he thought, but the door kept knocking. "Light, it's me, Ryuk. Can I come in?" The voice revealed, none other than Ryuk himself. Light got up and went to open for him.

"Hi, Ryuk." He quietly said, crying still as his eyes were red and puffy.

"Light, are you okay?" He quietly answered, making sure to not wake up L and Watari. Light took his hand to the deck and he opened it for him, then closed it after.

"I'm not okay and I never will be. This baby was supposed to be making me happy again and ever since it died, I don't feel as happy anymore. Nothing feels right anymore and I want to cry myself to sleep. Did I not mention I'm in a lot of pain again? Probably not." He told the Shinigami this and explained the very last part on his surgery and how it was.

"I don't want to hear more of it. It's making me dizzy." Ryuk said, trying to not freak out as he was already feeling dizziness. Instantly, Light felt this way too and breathed heavily, clutching his stomach again and fell to the ground. Ryuk gasped, picking the human up and went to put him in his room, laying down in his side of the bed and checked his pulse and breathing, which were fine on their own.

It is now 6 am and L woke up, taking off his sleep mask with lavender in it and was seen by Ryuk, who was holding Light's hand. "L, I'm so glad you're awake. Last night, Light fainted and I had to put him back in his side of the bed. His breathing and pulse were just fine, but I don't understand what happened to him." He explained to him and L was still tired, so he couldn't comprehend it.

"That's probably because he's still recovering from surgery itself." He said, then yawned not long after. Light woke up and felt nauseous still, resting his left hand on his stomach. "Light, let me get you some tea and a piece of bread." L told him and he nodded weakly, moaning. Light had no idea what happened but from what it appeared to be, he was in the trash can, vomiting.

"Light, try to eat some more and then rest shortly after." Watari softly said, seeing how dizzy and lightheaded he is.

"I can't eat without my stomach hurting..." He weakly said, his vision blurring and he bursted into tears. L formed a line in his mouth and took his hand to the couch and he laid down there, his head on L's lap.

"It's going to be okay, Light. When you're 100 percent ready, we will go to a counselor and talk about the miscarriage and everything since then." He told him, kissing his forehead.

"I can't do so..." He sobbed some more, crying harder and couldn't stop doing so. It's bad enough he has to talk to his therapist, but it's even more difficult to talk about their loss as he could get judged for it. Knowing he's a guy and happened to get pregnant. He didn't want to even face saying the two words in a woman's life: I'm pregnant.

That same day, Light had his family over as well as Matsuda (as he is part of the family after all) and they were confronting him and L, trying to talk to them peacefully and assure them both it will all be alright, there is no need to blame each other for this whole thing. Just everything, even suggesting things to do to keep themselves busy. Light nodded, but felt like it still wouldn't make a difference as he felt his entire life crashing down. Watari gave him a fruit salad as well as for L, who's been eating them non stop for weeks now.

This was his way of actually eating a salad as he's not a fan of vegetables still, but would eat baby carrots and baby corn. He just likes them for some reason. Tomatoes, he can't deal with them because of the acidic taste it has in his tongue. Basically like a sensory reaction it is. As he and Light were eating, Light ate as he could, trying to focus on doing so and he took his glasses off, eating with his eyes closed as he felt more tears coming from his eyes.

"Light, try to remain calm as possible. You'll feel whole a lot better." L said, holding his hand as he was in a hospital bed, having a C-section.

"I...feel...tired..." He answered in between sentences, feeling like he's been in this table since yesterday, when it's been an hour. Everything went all black and when he woke up, he was greeted by the sound of crying and he couldn't believe his own eyes, seeing he and L have a baby boy.

Back to the present and Light had just woken up, having a cold compress to his forehead. He was in the living room still, breathing heavily and continuously doing so. His family was still in the apartment and he couldn't even fathom right now if he really wants to speak to a counselor or simply continue talking with his family about this whole thing. He then fainted again, feeling more dizzy as he had trouble sleeping these past weeks. "Owwww..." He moaned for the thousand time, clutching his stomach hard.

"Here, Light. I got you a bottle of Tylenol. The doctor said it would help you." Matsuda said, opening for two pills for him and handed the glass of water not long afterwards.

"Matsuda, you're too kind. Thank you..." He smiled weakly, closing his eyes again.

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