Chapter 11

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Light was moaning a lot, tears flowing from his eyes as the lower side of his stomach did hurt again. He told L to leave the room when he was given a certain exam shall we say, but he promised him he will be there by his side, knowing he needs someone to talk to. He nodded, feeling okay with it. During the exam itself, Light was sniffling a lot, feeling extremely emotional from the moment itself. He was also to be given an ultrasound appointment as for two weeks, he wasn't able to and would rather push it two months as well. Once the exam itself was over, he was silent but was truly crying as tears flowed down from his amber eyes. He then had to lay back down as he was going to have an ultrasound afterwards.

"Light, do you want to cry? It's okay to do so. This won't be as bad as the previous exam itself." The female doctor asked him and he nodded, feeling himself still very much to cry. That same day, he was laying down in bed still, while also in a different room and it was a lot quieter so it was okay to call L by his real name and not Ryuzaki.

"Light, is there anything you want to drink?" Soichiro asked him, seeing how sad he is due to the emotions he's been having. During the ultrasound itself, Light was mostly alright, but told to still not have sex until next month to 6 months. He didn't seem to really mind or care, knowing this miscarriage is still affecting him horribly and he ugly sobbed.

"I'll have an iced matcha..." He weakly responded, feeling really not that thirsty or hungry today. He ate chicken and rice, but that was it. He was super not hungry due to the overwhelming amount of sadness he was having. Not to mention, he just doesn't want to be in this building anymore than he already is.

"Alright then. Anything for you, L?" The older Yagami responded and asked L for food or something to drink. He told him he would go for the same drink as Light as he needed one as well. Not long after, Soichiro went to the cafeteria, leaving the two 22 years old alone. Light didn't really want to talk, given how bad his stomach was feeling. L saw this, then held his hand and watched his breathing getting heavy.

"It's going to be okay, Light. I'm right here and I won't leave your side." He told him, kissing his forehead. He knew his fiancé was really hurting and felt bad for him. Like really bad for him. Of course, he could never not do so. Even if they were still rivals, the world's greatest detective would have some remorse for the younger Yagami.

"Lawliet..." He moaned, his eyes shutting down as he couldn't even keep them open any longer. He started to cry again, mostly feeling the pain worsening and L called for a doctor, panicking at the sight of his fiancé being like this.

"Please hurry!" He screamed, tears forming in his dark eyes as he started crying as well, really scared and terrified what'll happen. A doctor showed up not long after and saw Light in agony. He saw him breathing heavily and L explained what happened. He nodded, seeing what he's saying.

"Mr. Yagami, I'm going to have to ask you to stand up straight for a moment." He said to Light and he nodded, slowly doing so. He closed his eyes, hoping this would clear his pain away. He felt a pushing sensation to the lower side of it, but didn't wince or grimace at it. He felt the same thing again to be sure exactly and breathed heavily at it, feeling it agonizing more.

"Oh god, hurts...owww..." He told the middle aged physician this, moaning a lot as he began to breathe even more heavily, feeling an uncomfortable feeling of it all. He then laid back down, panting heavily too.

"So, I'm going to have to say Mr. Yagami is definitely still stressed and that could be a reason why he had a miscarriage." The doctor whispered to L, making sure Light wouldn't hear it, even though he probably will.

"That's not true! He's been managing his stress levels with his medication. How on earth can he still have been without it?" He snapped, whisper shouting as well.

"I'm just saying that may be a possibility." He assured him. Soichiro came back and gave Light his iced matcha and then saw L and some doctor talking.

"What did I miss?" He asked and the physician looked at him, wondering who he was. "I'm Light's father and also head chief of the NPA." He clarified, clearing his throat after.

"I see. I was telling this guy that your son is stressed and that may be the cause of his miscarriage." He explained to him.

"Don't believe him." L quietly said to his future father in law this and Soichiro formed a line in his mouth. He didn't really say much. Few minutes later, L was drinking his iced matcha and Matsuda and Sayu spoke to him.

"Any cause why Light had a miscarriage?" They asked in unison, while drinking their beverages. Sayu had a milkshake and Matsuda had one as well, but with vanilla. He won't lie, he actually prefers it over chocolate as it's just overly too sweet to him.

"He's was super stressed, but I think it's likely his dizziness could be it." He told them. Meanwhile, Soichiro was with Light and tried to assure him to remain calm as possible.

"I feel dizzy and nauseous..." He moaned, needing some more of his drink as it was the only thing to help his stomach right now.

"Light, would you believe L and I if we told you that you could be still stressed and that's why you had a miscarriage?" Soichiro said as he handed him the plastic cup with lid and straw.

"I guess...Jesus Christ, this is so uncomfortable. I don't feel that good..." He said, puking in his bucket some more as the matcha itself didn't help at all. Maybe because he was thin and unable to eat and drink as much. His entire body has went back to the way it was pre-pregnancy but it made him extremely weak and dizzy. He ended up laying back down as he needed to rest, which he did and told Soichiro to leave the room for now. He agreed and asked if he could sing to him like when he was little, to the answer was no and he chuckled, heading out.

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