Chapter 10

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It's now two months since the miscarriage has happened and Light has been super tired still, knowing the pain of dealing with it, has made him very different hormonal wise. L gave him a facial, knowing how to do so, as Misa showed him how it's done. Light was feeling somewhat okay, but kept feeling very emotional still. He finally decided to talk about this whole incident with his therapist as opposed to a counselor with L, while holding his hand. He was extremely anxious and super sad. He still is, hence why he is getting a facial. So he can relax and feel somewhat distracted by the whole thing.

"Light, have you had any dreams lately?" L asked him, nearly done with the facial itself. Light didn't answer as he was sleeping already. "Light, wake up. I know you're exhausted and still mourning, but please wake up." L told him.

"Maybe later..." He quietly said, still fast asleep and the world's greatest detective sighed, kissing him. Once he finished doing Light's facial, he then called Misa about it. He hasn't told her about him and Light having a miscarriage and how it's affecting them, especially Light. Mostly because she will get angry at the fact L knocked him up and it is super ridiculous how that was able to happen.

The door knocked an hour later and L went to answer it for Misa. She hugged him in happiness and squealed. "Shh. Light is sleeping." He told her and she lowered her voice down.

"Got it." She whispered and he closed the front door, so they could talk in private at the deck. L opened the door to it for her and she smiled. He then closed the sliding door itself and took a deep breath. "L, why did you invite me over?" Misa asked with a worried expression on her face.

"To tell you that Light and I had a miscarriage recently. Two months ago now." L answered, tears flowing from his eyes and he started crying and placed his hands in his face.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry." She gasped, tears flowing down her eyes and she started crying as well. "Is Light okay?" She sniffed, tears running down her eyes and her mascara was at least waterproof.

"He will be. He's really upset about this whole thing as he was the one pregnant and has been mourning, as well as the fact he's been blaming himself for this whole loss. It's just so much, especially since he never knew he was pregnant or even took a test to see as such." He explained the whole thing, recapping it in a nutshell.

"I can't believe it..." She sobbed, crying harder than ever and he nodded, hugging her. For the first time, L actually wishes he never told Misa the truth, but he knows he had to and he did so. He's not even jealous of her as much anymore. In fact, he sees her as a really good friend now.

"It's weird he got pregnant as men tend to not. At least those that are not cisgender. In other words, those born as a female." He clarified and she nodded, wiping her eyes with her tissue.

"L, I'm so glad you told me. You're a really great friend and Light is lucky to have a fiancé just like you. I love you." She told him, hugging him again and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, Misa." He said to her, kissing her back. They went back inside and Misa saw Light sleeping still, knowing he's been like this for almost two hours now. L went to make her a cup of coffee and she thanked him, saying he's very kindhearted and has a good heart. Just then, Light woke up and saw Misa in the couch.

"Misa, what are you doing here?" Light asked, not sure what she is doing at the apartment itself.

"L invited me over. I'm so sorry for your loss." She told him, hugging him and stroking his hair. He growled in anger, then pushed her.

"How can you let that bastard tell you?!" He screamed at her, getting really angry and he's boiling red.

"Light, he had to. You probably wouldn't and L knew how to. Because he was the father of the baby." She said, trying to assure him as such and he got even more pissed.

"That's not okay! I would've told you but instead, the sugar freak decides to tell you and make me worse now!" He screamed, hot tears flowing from his amber eyes and he broke down, crying hysterically at this point. He felt a sharp pain and a whole bunch of agony came rushing through, he fainted. When he woke up, he was laying in a hospital bed and had an IV in his arm due to how dehydrated he is and from his dizziness.

"Light, try to rest. You nearly lost a lot of blood." Sachiko said, stroking his forehead. His family, including L, Watari, Matsuda and Misa were in the room and he was unable to see properly due to how tired he is. L held his hand, kissing it and hugged him a bit.

"I don't feel so great..." Light moaned, feeling worse as he felt like he was going to puke right now. Watari went to get a doctor and ask for a bucket as well. Shortly, he came back and saw Light was heaving and shivering.

"It's alright, Light. I'm right here." L softly said, kissing his forehead and was handed the bucket. He took it and allowed the contents of whatever he last ate to be thrown up. He ended up breathing heavily and laid back down afterwards. L felt his lower stomach side, seeing if it's likely he is pain there again. He isn't as much, but for some reason, he felt even more worse. "I'm going to need each and one of you to leave the room for Light and I to get some privacy. Matsuda, get a doctor and go to where our family is after." L instructed to everyone and they did as so.

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