Chapter 18 (2)

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During the ultrasound, Light and L were going to have a girl and they couldn't stop crying tears of joy even more so. Light was super emotional the most, knowing this was truly not a dream. He knew he was having a real baby girl as this was truly the most exciting moment of his life. L smiled as well, knowing he's going to be the best second father in the world and he knows it. That same day, Light was on his computer, doing some work but also trying to take things easy as he had to give himself a break every now and then.

Matsuda saw Light smiling deeply along with L and they looked at him, turning around and then whispered to them. "We are having a girl. Her name is indeed still going to be Asahi." They quietly said, smiling even more so and Matsuda threw his hands in the air.

"Woohoo!!!" He exclaimed, which made the rest of the Task Force look at him with raised eyebrows, wondering what it is. "It's nothing. Just me being happy as usual." He told them all that it was nothing and they shrugged. Light and L made out some more, smiling so deeply and L rubbed Light's belly, kissing it.

"Asahi, you're going to be the most luckiest girl in the world. We all love you, even your mummy and I." L whispered, letting out a hug.

"L!" Light whisper shouted, embarrassed by the fact he chose to refer him as a mother and not a father as well. He then took L's hand and spoke to him in private, that way nobody will hear the conversation itself. "You cannot refer me as Asahi's mother!" He exclaimed, clearly upset.

"Why? I figured for the first four years of her life, she would like to know and then understand by the age of five, you are her father as well." He said, trying to explain to him as such how this will work.

"But I don't want to be her mother. I'm fine being her second father." He answered, getting upset. He started crying as he's been very emotional lately as part of his mood swings and hormones. About a week went by and Watari told Light and L he's going to be moving out as he and Roger found a place for each other and it's very close to headquarters.

L was delighted to hear this, alongside with Light. Not long after, Watari ended up packing all his stuff and started to move out as the new place he will be living in, is actually new orphanage and all the children from the one in Winchester will be there, including Near, Matt and Mello. That same day later, Watari was having a party to celebrate his new life with Roger as they are finally living together fully for the first time since before L started becoming the world's greatest detective.

"This party is also to celebrate one other thing, actually." L said, smiling proudly as well as Light, who was drinking fruit punch.

"What's that?" Mogi asked, sipping his champagne as well as everyone else, minus the Yagami's and Matsuda.

"Well, as this is a party for Watari, it's also a gender reveal party. Light and I are having a girl!" L exclaimed and everyone was delighted to hear this, even Matsuda was jumping in joy with Misa and Sayu, which was super exciting too. Sachiko hugged Light and then L, telling them they are both very lucky and blessed to have this moment happening even more so, knowing everything will be better. Especially for them, given how they have had dark periods of depression and sadness.

"I'm just so happy for you two, especially the fact that I'm now going to spoil my granddaughter." Sachiko commented, already writing down on making a blanket for her. Soichiro nearly died laughing, knowing this is a moment he will never forget as well. Ryuk grinned as usual, feeling Light's belly, which felt insanely round to him.

"Already? That was faster than expected." Light laughed, knowing this is truly the best moment to happen. The party lasted an hour and Watari was mostly very happy and touched by the fact this party happened. He then told L and Light they'll be great fathers, wishing them the best of luck, even though he won't be that far from them. Six days later and six weeks later, L bought online a crib and it's one of those that are wooden and classic. Light has bought baby girl clothes and everything feminine, but also making sure the room is minimalistic, knowing it's definitely what their daughter will prefer.

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