Chapter 18 (1)

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Four weeks have passed by and Light wasn't doing so great again. He felt extremely nauseous and vomited a lot each morning, feeling sick as hell. He didn't know what was going on and went to L, who was on his laptop and doing his work. Watari was out, buying groceries. Light felt himself extremely dizzy and a headache happening and he barely could concentrate because of it all. "Light, are you okay?" L asked him, seeing how he's looking and how awful he is.

"No. I think I'm coming down with the flu." He answered, then vomiting in his shirt. L wasn't mad, but he did freak out as this shirt was his favorite one out of all the ones he has. He then placed the shirt in the washer machine, making sure it gets wet. He then decided to wear his new black long sleeved shirt he recently was given as it's only for emergencies only. Just then, Light vomited again and L went to see what's going on.

"Light, if you're feeling this sick, you should see a doctor about it." He told him, seeing how bad this is for him.

"I guess–" He answered, then vomited some more as he continued to vomit as the smell of bleach in the room is nauseating. That same day, Light was eating a plate of napolitan spaghetti and while the smell was nauseating, the taste was actually good and he added lots of whipped cream, which surprised L and Watari. Even L was surprised the very most, thinking he must be that hungry for something sweet.

"Want some dessert after, L?" Watari asked, smiling nervously. He shook his head no, worried about Light some more. That afternoon, L went to see Light in the deck and found him reading. He sat next to him and kissed him. Light looked at him, wondering what he wanted to talk about.

"Light, if I may ask, what made you decide to use whipped cream onto your plate?" L asked him, worried deeply.

"I don't know. I've been craving something sweet a lot. Especially whipped cream. Plus, it just happened." He assured him, kissing his lips and they tasted so good like sugar, which made him run to the kitchen for anything that sweet. L formed a line in his mouth, thinking there was no way Light could ever be addicted to sugar now. Especially today.

About 7 weeks have passed by and Light was still the same as usual. Nauseous and craving sweets a lot, which didn't seem to help L's concern for him. He then wondered to himself if it's possible he might be, then let out a gasp very loudly call feeling his heart thumping loudly and ran to see Light, who was trembling a lot and crying. "Light, are you alright? What's wrong?" He asked him, holding his hand and he looked at him tearfully.

"I don't know. I feel nauseous and dizzy a lot. I've never been this way before and I was thinking if you can take me to a doctor about it. That is, if you want to." He sobbed, crying harder as he really was scared deeply for some reason.

"Sure. Do you want to go walking or take our bike?" L nodded, then asked Light which way to go to the hospital would work.

"I think we should go on our bike." He answered, hiccuping a sob. He nodded and they left the room shortly after, taking the elevator down. Three hours later at a clinic, Light was having an ultrasound as it was necessary. "Ryuzaki, I'm scared. If this ends up being like the miscarriage all over again, I'll never know what life is all about again." Light whimpered, breathing heavily and L kissed his hand.

"You have nothing to worry. That was a few months ago. Just relax and breathe out." He told the younger Yagami and a doctor finally showed up. Light was feeling super anxious and during the ultrasound itself, he felt tears flowing from his eyes.

"Mr. Yagami and Mr. Ryuga, you two are having a baby. Congratulations." The doctor told him and L this and Light started to cry again, but tears of joy mostly as he really thought she was joking until he saw the sonogram itself.

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