Chapter 2-goodbye to the places we knew

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Flight C14 from London to DC Washington is de boarding now" the voice came through the intercom of the airport. And a few minutes later a short brown haired girl came running up to him, her even shorter blond friends trailing behind her
"SPENCER" she cheered as she enveloped him in a long awaited hug "you didn't have to meet us here" she mumbled into his shirt still embracing him "yeah I know but I didn't have a case so I figured we could go get lunch together have you guys started looking for places yet?"
She finally broke away from him and stared up at him with those same deep blue eyes the same ones that burned themselves into a part of him mind a part only for her.
"Not yet why?" Three words that made him light up
"Okay so when I was on the jet I called Penelope and asked if there were any apartments availability's around me in dc she found 2 apartments in the same building two blocks away from me, a pretty big house with three bedroom two bathrooms a garden balcony two living areas and a huge kitchen 7 blocks away all three have open house I was think we could look at them"
The two girls shared a look, one he couldn't find the deeper meaning to but could figure they were In agreement with him.
"Lead the way doctor grace chimed in grabbing her suit case and jogging the little distance between herself and him.

They decided to stop at Spencer's apartment to drop off their luggage before going on the housing hunt. Evelyn had been to Spencer's apartment once or twice but the time they did spend together was usually spent in parks and coffee shops, museums and other things Spencer wanted to teach her. But grace, she had never even been to DC they were close just not as close as Evelyn and Spencer, they only met up when he made the trip to New York.
They walked up the couple flights of stairs to his apartment. He opened the door and the three of them walked inside his apartment felt familiar even to the blond who had never been inside. The walls were painted a sort of olive green, a brown leather sofa was placed in the middle of the room and the walls were lined with bookshelves paperwork and books were scattered across the dark oak coffee table. "Just put your bags anywhere" he said tidying the paper work up that was on the table. She found it fascinating how his home could so perfectly represent what of his personality she had discovered. It was true they didn't meet up as much as Evelyn and Spencer but they were close he had shared his life with both girls but the deep thing, we're left only for Evelyn.

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It was 11:50 when they left Spencer's apartment and the fist open house was at 12:10, the house was first. They decided to grab coffee before leaving as it was only a 7 minute drive.
"Hi what can I get for you"
"Oh hi can I get a black coffee" the barista took down his order "anything else" he turned around to face the two girls behind him "what do you guys want?"
"Can I get a-" Evelyn began her order then flash.
It was a camera "Evelyn Lewis grace Moore why are you in dc" another flash, it was a reporter "who is he" the reporter pointed to Reid who had turned to face the barista again. The reporter was trying to photograph Reid that annoyed Evelyn and grace, they both knew he couldn't be in the news as it could jeopardise undercover work.
"STOP IT" she screamed at the reporter who lowered his camera "that guy just offered to buy us coffee that's all I would appreciate you deleting any photos of him you have and if you have some questions we would be happy to answer them. But not at the moment we are in a bit of a hurry we're are moving to dc for filming now we would like to buy our coffee and leave good bye" the reported had a look of shame on his face as he scribbled down her words and left
"Spencer I'm so sorry" he laughed as he grabbed his wallet out of his bag "don't worry a few weeks ago I was in a magazine with Lila Archer, what do you want" she gave him a look of complete confusion, why hadn't he told her?" Oh yeah um can I have a caramel frappe" the barista jotted it down "ice coffee please" grace asked the barista left to make the drinks . They collected their drinks and left getting back in Spencer car to go to the open house "you know Lila Archer? " it was less of a question more of an accusation "yeah um I met her when me and Gideon were in California we went to an old friends new art gallery" she nodded along, she was jealous, of what that Spencer now knew three movie stars that Lila what prettier more famous she didn't know what but the thought was nagging at her
"So why we're you in a magazine?" We we're talking she had a stalker and she was in love with Lila we ended up kissing in her pool and we upset the stalker we were talking before we left decided not to go any further" that brought her to look at Spencer "you made out with a movie star in her pool" if she wasn't jealous before she definitely was now "um uh yeah" he was embarrassed now it was clear. "Wait a go Spencer" grace leaned over from the back seat patting him on the shoulder.

They arrived at the house at 12:11 it was a nice house had a garden with a heated pool there were two bedrooms upstairs.One,the master bedroom, had an ensuite and the bedroom downstairs had a mini living room and bathroom attached. It was in a price range for just for Evelyn but if the two shared it. The rent wouldn't even dent their income, if they bought the house it would set them back for a little while but nothing they couldn't afford to do. "Spencer this place is amazing" Evelyn cooed running over to him from the garden grace following behind her "we should put a deposit down" grace chimed in, followed by an agreement from Evelyn "go ahead it's your money" he laughed as his phone rung. The two girls walked off to talk to the realtor "doctor Spencer Reid here...... yeah ....... Ok on my way I'll be there in 20." He pocketed his phone and walked towards the girls "Spence guess what we put the highest bid if no one out bids us by the end of the day it's ours"
"That's grate, um I have to got to work i can leave my car and I'll get a cab" "no it's ok go be a hero" the two girls laughed as they hugged him good bye
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As he walked back to the hotel room with Morgan he played his voice mail "you have one new message;
Hey Spence it's me I don't want to interrupt u but just though I'd let you know we got the house we move in next month call me when you get a chance."

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