Chapter 17-red roses

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The February air was harsh and cold as it whistled around throwing crispy amber leaves to swirl around. It had been a month since Evelyn went back to work and she had started seeing a therapist shortly afterwards. The pain her mother had cause was slowly slowly healing.

"So what are you and muscle man doing tomorrow. You know first valentines and all."
"You know Evelyn I am here"
"I'm well aware muscles. As I was saying Gracie what are you doing tomorrow"
"I have no idea what we are doing because someone thinks surprises are a good idea"
"Hey woah woah woman I am gonna blow your socks of tomorrow" Morgan interjected
"So when is my best friend coming back to me Morgan?"
"Soon enough"
"Well I have got to go I'll see you guys soon"
Evelyn hung up the phone and walked into the building. The walls beige and mostly empty besides the degrees hung on the walls. She walks through the waiting room and went into an office the words doctor A. M Cherist are engraved onto the metal plate mounted to the door

"Evelyn it's lovely to see you again, how are we
feeling today" the woman spoke softly
"Oh doc you know me I'm just peachy"
"Evelyn hiding your feelings and sarcasm will not help you. What seems to be the issue"
"Woah take a chill pill doc. I know you have them"
"I know I'm sorry we'll it's valentines tomorrow"
"Yes it is are you and Spencer doing anything special,"
"Well I'm going to make him breakfast, which isn't particularly special because I do it everyday he stays over, that man can't cook to save his life. But the rest of the day is for me to dot dot dot"
"And now that's good what is it that is causing your sadness"
"Morgan, I mean Derek called me earlier he wants me to help him decorate this house he restored. He wants to move there with Gracie"
"That sound like a great thing for grace"
"Yeah and I'm like so happy for her but I'm going to be alone."
"What makes you think that"
"She's not going to just be upstairs when I need her she's going to be in a different house on a different road I mean we have lived together since we were eighteen"
"That's eight years of friendship and memories that you will have forever and she isn't leaving you she's moving forward with her life but that doesn't mean she's leaving you behind you will still be friends work together a bond like what I've heard about you two seems pretty strong"
"Yeah, I mean I know but what if I asked Spencer to move in with me and he thinks we're going to fast and leaves?"
"Firstly you don't have to move in with Spencer because grace is moving in with Derek and secondly if that's something you want go for it, it's almost been six months. Statistically majority of couples move in at around four months. I'm sure Spencer knows that"
"Yeah but I think if grace moves out I'll move too"
"Why's that"
"Well I mean it's just going to be me or me and Spence why do we need a five bedroom house. I think I'd like an older house one with more personality."
"Well that's nice. But you have a lovely house you might want to see if you can give the house the personality you want it to have"
"Good idea. Look as much as I'd love to stay and talk about my amazing life I have to go Spencer gets back like now"
"I think I can manage for one day but we're going to have a proper session next week"
"Ok bye Ava"
"Good bye Evelyn" she smiled as Evelyn walked towards the door.
She got in her car and started to drive back to the house hey Morgan when do you want me too come over I'll help whenever she sent the message before walking into the house. "Spence Gracie anyone home?" She called out placing her keys on the table "yeah I'm in here." Spencer called out from her room."
"Well hello there darling." She cooed giving a quick kiss and sitting beside him on the bed "whatcha doing"
"Oh just reading, also I'm a bit tired of Beethoven do you have any records or CDs I can listen to. What are your favourite"
Spencer didn't get tired of Beethoven nor did he get tired of most things. He was very much stuck in his ways. And he already knew all of Evelyn's favourite songs. He knew all the words to them too. She knew that but played along either way.
"Well I think Eminem probably isn't your stile but maybe Fleetwood mac, abba, I do love the smiths, and Vienna by billy Joel might be the greatest song ever, followed closely by star man by David Bowie Lana del Rey, anything else?"
"I think that should suffice for now"
"Want to go get coffee or something take a walk in the park?"
"Yeah I'd like that" he smiled putting the book he was holding on the table.
She walked into the closet and opened a draw, quickly stuffing a little black box in the back behind some clothes. They left the house and started to walk to the little coffee shop closest to the park. They spent the day walking through the park amber leaves marking the path in front of them.

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