Chapter 23- high highs and low lows

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Jaya Vandanapu

Evelyn's brother Andy's girlfriend she's shy and very sweet Also sorry this took so long I kept adding things and the ONE thing I needed to add kept getting pushed back also TWWW MENTION OF SELF HARM⚠️

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Evelyn's brother Andy's girlfriend she's shy and very sweet
Also sorry this took so long I kept adding things and the ONE thing I needed to add kept getting pushed back also TWWW MENTION OF SELF HARM⚠️

Morning Spence" she whispered rolling over to lay her head on his chest but all she found was a pile of pillows "Spencer?" She called out, there was no response. She got up and went to the kitchen there was a note on the fridge
Already at work I'll call you later I don't think we will have a case but I'll let you know
Love Spencer
She couldn't help but have a smile on her face as she read the last line of Spencer's note. She decided it was time to get up so she put the kettle on and started to get dressed.

At the office Spencer had just finished his paperwork and went to go make some coffee.
"Lady's and gents your presence is requested at the round table" Garcia bellowed from the kitchen looking at her phone. Spencer walked up to the room and put his bag down.
"Lauren Reynolds is dead" Emily said to someone over the phone. He gave her a perplexed look Prentiss didn't seem to notice. She said her goodbyes and ended the phone call
"Who's Lauren Reynolds" Spencer asked
"Um a friend" Emily said turning to face him
"How'd she die?" Spencer inquired
"A um a car accident" Emily said Spencer gave his condolences before the rest of the team joined them. Garcia presented the case. A 25 year old woman had gone missing her car was left in a car park with her phone purse and bag with enough clothes and toiletries for a weekend. Her disappearance was very similar to one that happened four months earlier the victim turned up dead in a lake three days after going missing.
"Wheels up in 20" Hotch said to the team picking up his file and leaving the room.

Spencer and the rest of the team filed out of the room back to their desks. Spencer picked up his phone and called Evelyn after a few rings she picked up "hey Spence have you got a case" she asked there was a lot of noise in the background so he figured she was at a coffee shop or something "yeah I do, we're leaving in twenty minutes but I'll call you when I have a chance."
"ok I'll see you soon be safe I love you" he smiled at the sound of her voice "i love you too be safe" he hung up his phone and put it back in his pocket "hello lover boy how's lover girl" Morgan said resting his hand on Spencer's shoulder "she's fine" Spencer said putting a few things in his bag.

Two hours later they were at the precinct they went over the files and spoke to the previous victims family they found out that she had been suffering from depression and after an incident was treated at Syracuse General. Seaver and Reid went to the dump site of the first victim and Prentiss went to molly, the missing girls, apartment. She found a second room that someone had quickly left yet there was no record of molly having a roommate anywhere. Under Molly's own bed Prentiss found pills and an intake journal counting her calorie intake and output how many she burnt in exercise. The last entry was about ten weeks ago. After finding this Prentiss got Garcia to look at her grocery spending while Rossi spoke to her father. After a while Rossi found out that molly had been emitted to Syracuse General after collapsing from malnutrition she was kept thirty days.
With this information Garcia looked through security cameras feeds from the times both girls were hospitalised. One thing stuck out a woman following the girls one day buying something the girls were wearing the next day and using it as a conversation starter. Morgan and Reid got a list of patients who went to the same treatment center that both Gail and Molly went to at Syracuse General and who grew up near Onondaga Lake. A few moments later Garcia found Jane Gould, whose grandparents had a house by the lake.  Jane was a self-harmer after her grandparents died. She was kicked out of several foster homes for violent behavior and destruction of property. She fits the profile after looking into Jane Garcia finds a picture of Jane.
It's the girl from the CCTV video.

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