Chapter 7-losses and gains

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His family seemed to be falling apart. Emily was trying to quit Hotch was getting transferred and Gideon had been MIA since his friend was killed by frank.
"I have no idea what's going on we're down three profilers and we have Strauss in the field with us but anyway how's work"
"Bittersweet, it's like I can't believe this is ending this is what I wanted to do since I was 11. And now I'm famous how does that happen" she laughed through the phone even in the chaos her laugh anchored him he could sit there and listen to her for eternity.
But such bliss wouldn't be permitted. Strauss shot him daggers as he talked signalling him to hang up "hey I'm sorry I've got to go but send me some photos of what you do today maybe we can do it on Halloween bye"
"Bye spend be safe"

He walked over to what of the team remained
"Sorry about that" he mumbled as he sat down
"Was that the secret girlfriend no one knows about" Morgan joked
"She's not my-
"I believe it's proper protocol to brief everyone before the plane lands" Strauss cut them off as they started to discuss the case

"Yes, ma'am.
This UnSub is abducting women from
very public places with no witnesses.
He holds them 48 hours
with no sexual assault,
and then he dumps their bodies with
their hearts carved out of their chests.
There's an obvious dichotomy
in the skill the UnSub exhibits
in abducting these women and the fact
that he cuts their hearts out so crudely.
We're probably looking at somebody
in a psychotic break."

When they arrived they went straight to the latest crime scene.
"You the FBI?" A tall man with grey hair he looks to be around 50 called out
"Derek Morgan.
Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau,
and Section Chief Strauss." Derek showed his badge as he introduced what part of the team was here

"Vic Wolynski. Milwaukee PD."

"You worked the Jeffrey Dahmer case.Sixteen years ago I've studied it." Reid called out from behind JJ
"And you remember my name?" The detective questioned
"He remembers everything It's what he does"JJ brushed of the remark from the detective
"What can you tell us?" Morgan inquired

"A local merchant noticed her
a few hours ago,
but considering he didn't see her
when he first came to work,
we figure that she was
dumped there between 7:50 and 8:05.
Same window as the others." The detective spoke

"All the bodies were found
in this area, right?" The detective nodded agreeing with Morgan's question
" Wauwatosa is an upper-middle-class suburb approximately 15 minutes from here.All the women were abducted from there in the afternoon and turned up here in the morning,
two days later." JJ stated

"All this foot traffic
and no one saw anything?" Strauss questioned

"Well, he wraps the bodies loosely, so
they're not immediately recognizable.Eventually, the wrapping comes open.
My guess is he has a van or a truck,
something he can back up," the detective answered

"so he's shielded when he makes the drop No prints on whatever he wraps them in?"

"There have been traces of paint and wood stain Most of it's just common stuff you'd get at any hardware store."

"He's trying to demean them,putting them out like trash." Reid spoke as he observed the body

"This guy might work or live around here He gets off on the reaction to his handiwork."

"What can you tell us about the victim?" JJ asked the detective

"She was taken from a supermarket Her husband says that most days she would have been picking up her son at school, but he was spending the afternoon at a friend's."

"This is your fifth victim, right?" Strauss interrogated
The detective agreed

"You should have called us sooner." Her tone short and cold

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