Chapter 19-moving on

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The early morning sun started to peak through the blinds in the bedroom "good morning spence" Evelyn whispered playing with his hair, he had been growing it out for a while now and his curls were coming through "no we're not awake" Spencer smiled keeping his eyes tightly shut. "You have work" she whispered tracing her fingers across his chest "how long do we have" he said finally opening his eyes "an hour" she said looking up at him. Her head was on his chest and she could hear his heart beat synchronising with her own. "I think i am at the office today how about I come see you at lunch" he said with a yawn "I'll come see you there is nowhere good to eat near set" she sat up and gave him a smile
"There is 11 places to eat near your set"
"Yeah but that place near Quantico is better"
"Okay. I'm going to get in the shower" Spencer said getting out of bed.
"I'll make breakfasts" she said following him. They both got dressed and ate before leaving for work.

"Evvy hey" Noel called out from the other side of the set she ran up to Evelyn "got a lot to do today hurry we're in hair and makeup for ages be today." Noel said pulling Evelyn into her room for the makeup artist to start her makeup. Twenty minutes later someone knocked on the door "come in" Noel called out the team was only half way through Evelyn's makeup by this point. The door slowly opened and Issac walked in "hello Issac" Noel said quickly returning to Evelyn's makeup "hey dressy pants. Hey Lynny how's my vampire girlfriend"
Noel and Evelyn gave each other an odd look "I'm alright thanks Issac" the small talk lasted a few more minutes before Issac left. Noel's team finished Evelyn's makeup before Noel gave her the outfit she'd be wearing for the scenes and she got changed before heading over to the hair stylist. They did her hair and she walked to set "ev before you start you have a miss call from Spencer" Grace called,it was her last day on the show and she was being killed off. Evelyn ran over and called back the number.
"Hello" Spencer answered
"Hey spence I had a missed call from you"
"Yeah I got called out on to a case and I'm on the jet now so I can't have lunch"
"Don't worry spence I'll see you soon"
He hung up and she went back to the scene.
They filmed graces death and a small reaction and everyone left by five. Evelyn drove to the department store and picked up a few cans of paint a roller and a  floor tarp. She drove back home moving all the furniture in the bedroom away from the wall. She painted the wall behind the bed the same green from Spencer's apartment and part of the next wall the same colour. While she waited for the first coat to dry she moved on to her bathroom she painted all the walls a pale blue. She finished one coat before she went to sleep. The next day she didn't have work until four pm so she did the second coat of the bedroom and bathroom. Two coats was enough for both rooms. By the time she had finished it was time to go to work. She filmed a scene and left around ten O'clock she got home and turned the news on. The news reporter began to speak
The body's of Riley main and kacey O'Malley were found deep in the Dc woods. The two girls went missing the eighth of November, four days after Mary-Elizebeth Conner and Sidney robberts were found dead. Police have confirmed they believe the cases are connected and will come forward with more information when they can. However they asked that everyone stays vigilant especially brunettes in their twenties as all the previous victims match that description.That's all for tonight I'm Aaliyah Nkosi and this is Fox News.
Evelyn flipped to the next channel before checking her doors were all locked. She sat back down and dialled Spencer's phone number. After a few rings he picked up. "Hi ev are you okay." He said. She could hear him walking away from people "I um I just saw the news. Two girls were found they were killed last November and two other girls were killed last November which is four. Spencer I know you were on the case when the first two girls died. Do you think it was Harvey" the line went silent "I don't know the case went cold but it could be a possibility"
"I um- okay I'll see you when you get back"
She hung up the phone and started to walk around her empty house. She had no one. Grace had moved in with Derek Spencer was gone all the time. She picked up her keys and was about to leave when her phone rang "hello, oh hey dad"
"Hey princess I just wanted to let you know that me and Andy are coming to dc"
"Really what like for the weekend I'll make the guest rooms up"
"No actually we're moving to dc, permanently"
"What really oh my god this is amazing"
"Look it's really late but I just wanted to tell you I'll see you soon"
"Bye dad" she hung up the phone and. Went to bed.
"Good morning" he whispered her eyes fluttered open to see his curly hair still neatly in place "your home when did get back" she said sitting up excitedly "just now actually. I have to go back in a few hours and do my paperwork "
"It's 8am so you haven't slept yet" he put his go bag and his messenger bag on the floor "I slept on the jet, you painted the bedroom"
"Yeah I did it's the same green from your apartment and the I painted our bathroom light blue. But that doesn't matter get changed and come to the bed" he agreed put something more comfortable on and got into bed with her. She laid her head on his chest and played with his curls. "My dad and Andy are moving to dc they got an apartment and everything their gonna be here next week" she said coiling his hair around her finger "that's great Evelyn" he said tiredly
"I'm sorry I'll let you go to sleep" she smiled sitting up "no no I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude" he said sitting up she gave him a kiss on the forehead before standing up "your not being rude but I'm awake now and I have a lot to do around the house it's a bit of a mess if you didn't realise" she laughed she left the room and boiled the kettle for a cup of tea before moving the sofa to paint the living room walls. She had a dark blue for behind the sofa. Most of the kitchen was brick wall so she didn't need to paint anything. By the time she finished the wall Spencer was up "good morning beautiful" she joked giving him a kiss trying to be careful not to get navy paint on him but failing "morning I like the colour"
"Thanks I was thinking I have to run into work around one today but maybe afterwards we could get lunch. He nodded his head and walked over to the kitchen to make a coffee "I heard you get in the shower so I made you a tea if you want" she smiled. He thanked her and took the mug on the side "it's Saturday how comes you have to go to work "oh I only need to sign a few things and pick up my script it should only take maybe twenty minutes which is how long it takes you to do your paperwork so it's perfect.
She dropped him off at Quantico before driving over to her set. It was pretty empty as they weren't shooting that day but Issac Noel Conner her director and a few other cast members were there. She said hello to everyone before signing the papers and getting her script "oh Evelyn the photographer is here we need just one picture of you and Issac kissing for a social media post about the new season. "Oh yeah sure okay" she walked over to the back drop where Issac was Noel quickly did her makeup and then he lent in and they kissed "more passion" the photographer called out Issac put his hands around her face and kissed her passionately. Which she returned but she hated it
Did he even brush his teeth his breath smells and Ouch he just bit my lip
She pulled back and the photographer said he had all the photos he needed and everyone was able to leave she got in her car and drove to Quantico she parked across the street and got out of her car "Lynny" someone called out she knew exactly who "Issac what are you doing here" she said shutting the door to her car "what are you doing here this is the FBI did someone hurt you"
He rushed towards her "no, no one hurt me. I'm fine Issac" he looked at her with a weird look taking a step towards he putting his hand to her face "Issac what the h-" she tried to push him away before he crashed his lips into hers she held her lips shut trying to squirm out from under him but he had pinned her against his car. He started to move his hands down from her face before there was a noise "get off of her" someone yelled Issac turned to look at who ever it was still not freeing her from under his grasp "look pal she's my girl friend so back of" she looked over to see Morgan her face was glossy with tears "really because I would say differently and so would my gun" he said moving his hand towards his holster
"Morgan she whispered" tears streaming down her cheeks "you know him" Issac turned back to Evelyn and she gave him a weak nod. "Look I didn't mean any harm I'll go" Issac said finally letting Evelyn go she ran over to Morgan and stood behind him "I don't think so that was assault put you hands behind you back your under arrest" Issac scoffed at the remark then Derek pulled out his gun and he was very willing to cooperate. Morgan put him in handcuffs and told Evelyn to go up before they did she ran into the Quantico office and got a visitor pass before going up to Spencer's foor she sprinted to his desk and collapsed in his arms and cried so much she was shaking.
"Evelyn what's wrong talk to me what happened" Spencer asked with growing concern that was until Morgan came up with Issac in cuffs "you can't kiss like that and not mean it you love me you told me you did "what did you do to her" Spencer yelled trying to stand up from his seat. But stayed where he was he sat Evelyn in his chair and crouched down beside her. She was still balling uncontrollably "Ev what happened" he said gently moving the hair from her face "he pinned me to my car, and h-he kissed me i didn't want it" she cried as he pulled her into his chest Penelope jj and Emily were in Penelope's office and all came out hearing the commotion "evvy what's wrong sweetheart" Penelope called out running towards her Spencer shook his head and the four just consoled her. Morgan walked Issac into Hotch's office where they called the local police. "Spence?" She whispered "I'm sorry" he gave her a sad look "ev you have nothing to be sorry for it wasn't your fault" he gave her a hug before they went home. Evelyn slept for the rest of the day or atleast she stayed in bed all day.
The next day she woke up to her face plastered all over magazines and newspapers
Evelyn Lewis and Issac James caught making fiction reality.
Someone had taken a picture of them "kissing" some made Evelyn look bad saying she was cheating on her boyfriend some thought it was strange a few hours later Issac face was on the front cover he had been charged with assault and stalking. That gave her some comfort
It was nine am and they were at the airport, it seemed like they were always at airports. Picking up family, well Evelyn's family, multiple times a year; Evelyn flying to different filming locations; Spencer being on a plane AT LEAST twice every fortnight. They should start getting discount the amount of flights they've been on this year and it was only march. But they were at the airport waiting for Andy and her father's plane to land. When they arrived they were going to get an early lunch, or a late breakfast. Before heading over to her dad's new apartment. Andy was going to start at Georgetown in September and would be travelling until then so her dad would be on his own. Around half an hour later people started pouring out of their terminal and a few moments later she saw her brother's dirty blond hair. They found her eventually and her father wrapped his arms around her "hey princess how are you" he smiled happy to see her even though it had only been three months. "Im alright dad"
"Yeah, yeah she's good he's good what about me" her brother joked she gave him a smile before asking him how he was "I'm great, thanks for asking. From here I'm going to vegas then we're going to.."
"Um Andy," she cut him off "the drinking age in America is twenty one what are you going to do in vegas" he gave her a stumped look for a moment before a light bulb went off in his brain. "I cant tell you because Spencer's here" he whispered he gave her a wink before dragging his suitcase out and everyone followed. They got out side and began searching for her car "dibs the front seat" Andy called out as he found the car "yeah no your not sitting in the front seat" he sighed and opened the back door. Everyone got in and she started to drive to Sal's. They found a parking space and walked in. "Ah Evelyn Spencer my favourite customers, ah and new faces, welcome I'm sal" sal said walking out from behind the counter "Jesus dem he knows your name what do you come here everyday" Andy said jokingly " pphft no, i wasn't here yesterday" she was in fact not at sals yesterday, she was running late for work.
"Sit anywhere and cherrie will be over soon" they sat at a table and took out the menus it was almost 11 by now so Evelyn ordered pancakes and bacon Spencer got waffles Andy ordered the cinnamon french toast and Adam opted for egg and avocado on toast. Cherrie took their orders and a little while later four plates of food were in front of them.
"So kiddo whats new" her dad said cutting up his food "Gracie moved out a week and a bit ago and me and Spence are redecorating"
"So you moved in together thats great sweetheart, you be good to her alright don't go breaking her heart" i don't intend to sir
"Ok I can't do this did you actually cheat on Spencer with that Issac whats his face i saw it in the news" she felt her stomach drop. Her dad smacked Andy's arm "pack it in you numpty i told you not to ask" she felt like someone was trying to rip her heart out. The news of her kissing a man who wasn't her boyfriend spread across the globe, but the minor detail that it wasn't consensual seemed to slip through the cracks. "No she didn't they were filming a set but the cameras weren't being used by camera men it was a little camera in the car so whoever took the photo didn't realise" he said putting his hand on her knee. She cleared her throat "yeah because the scene has had so much media and has been making things weird on set they scrapped it, so it was all for nothing." She gave them a forced laugh before carrying on with her food. How was it fair that after two weeks she was still a cheater he had been fired and his arrest was everywhere but people had to ask if she had cheated. Cheated on the love of her life the man who had protected her loved her stood up for her and saved her life in every way possible. People had to ask if she had cheated not asking him did you assault her. Did you take advantage of her. But Andy didn't mean any harm so they carried on eating. By 11:45 they were leaving sals and heading over to Adam's apartment, it was about a fifteen minute drive (17 minutes and 42 seconds according to Spencer) it was a fairly big apartment- two bedrooms; one bathroom; open plan living room and kitchen; a balcony with a decent view and a bay window. "Dad this is such a nice flat" they looked around before starting to unbox their things. Spencer and Evelyn were putting the kitchen together while Adam and Andy started to put their rooms together "are you okay you look like somethings on your mind" Spencer asked quietly, putting some cups into one of the cupboards. She let out a heavy sigh "i don't think im going to continue my contract with my show" he gave her a confused look "i thought u loved the show? Is it because of him" she shut the cupboard and walked over to the sofa Spencer following behind her "its partly to do with him partly to do with grace and also i want to do some other things I've been in mostly horrors and thrillers i want more variety i want to do romcoms and actions and comedy's i feel like im suffocating here" she gave him a weak smile and leant her head on his shoulder "do whatever makes you happy and there will always be another tv show, i think im not very up to date on when tv shows are produced" she gave him a laugh and a little while later they went home "how about we go to the museum tomorrow and you can tell me every gem that magic brain of yours has"

"I would like that"

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