Chapter 4-The sin

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Five hundred and eighty-five days. And they were some of the best he had lived. He had friends who cared for him a mentor who gave him the nurturing and teaching his father hadn't and a job he loved one where he could help people. His life seemed nothing short of perfect.

The team had just been called out on a case to Atlanta. A couple had been murdered in their home and the two voices could be heard on the 911 call one of the unsubs made. JJ played the recording of the call.
your emergency?
I'm at 1527 chestnut drive.
I know where you're calling fro calling from.
What's the emergency?
He thinks they're too greedy.They have too much.
Too much what?
Stuff,you know,possessions.Things they don't need.Hurry!
You're calling because these people have too much stuff?
No,I'm calling because raphael- That's enough.
I know why he's calling,because raphael is going to kill the sinners that live here.
I'm sorry,did you say someone is killing somebody?" JJ stoped the recording
"Well,unsub one definitely sounds frightened." Morgan said
"Maybe he's doing this against his will." Emily responded
I doubt it.
"Sinners? Sound religious and Raphael? I think we have a religious killer"
"Wheels up in 30" Hotch spoke getting up and leaving the round table
Most of the team set up at the Atlanta PD while Morgan and Emily and Reid went to the crime scene. They looked around were the couple were found looking through belongings and looking at the way the unsub, or unsubs. Entered "talk to me baby girl" Morgan said into his phone, it was obvious it was penelope on the other line. "Is there a small burgundy settee at the crime scene?" "If a settee is a tiny couch then yeah" Morgan replied walking over to said the settee "oh my god my friend just sent me the link to a video, it's gone viral. I'm pretty sure it's a video of your crime scene, more specifically the Kyle's being murdered" Morgan's face contorted into a puzzled expression "Garcia, there is a video of this murder posted on the internet." they went back to the station with the kyles computer. They plugged it in at the station for Garcia to look into

"Agent franks does this building have wireless internet?" The agent nodded in response to Reids question "that camera is on their watching us" Reid pointed to the computer sitting in-front of him. Everyone huddled around the computer as projected a message onto the screen and turned off.

Reid walked back into the bullpen from the file room stopping in front of his team "so,franks is right,none of the open knife cases fit so I looked at it a different way. I looked for unsolved home invasions. And directly outside of the kyles' house." He showed them a case file of a prowler seen scaling the fence of the house opposite the kyles
"A prowler?" Morgan question "The witness was walking his dog in a nearby park.
Going back to his car, he saw a man in dark clothing go over the back wall and start sneaking up to the house.
By the time the state police got there,prowler was gone."
Only one man? Emily said trying to understand where this was leading Apparently.
Was the witness able to describe him? Hotch spoke in his usual monotone voice
"If he did,it's not in this case file."
"Is there a name and address for the witness?" Hotch replied
Reid scanned the page looking for an answer "Tobias hankle,Lives about an hour from here." Reid said after a second or so
"It's a long shot,but he might be able to give us a description.
Why don't you and JJ go out there, see if you can find mr.Hankle and see if he remembers something." The two nodded and left.
"Agent Hotchner, the detective walked into the bullpen "there has been another murder" the team followed the man out to the cars and went to the crime scene.
The detective greeted them at the crime scene "agents there is something weird about this scene"
"Aside from the dead people?" Morgan mocked
"Person, there is only one victim a local handy man. Husbands away in business says he isn't getting any work done on the house. And the wife should be here her purse keys and car are still here" the group looked at each other searching for answers. "So you think our unsub took her?" Emily inquired. The detective nodded his head in agreement. the team looked around the crime scene collecting evidence. When they got back they received a call from Garcia "your on speaker baby girl"
"A video was just uploaded I'm downloading it now" the team looked at each other concerned looks plastered across their faces.

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