Chapter 14 chrismas preperations

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With Christmas right around the corner Evelyn was in a frenzy trying to get 6 people flown from England to Dc and having them all cram into the three spare rooms
"I'm going to buy my own plane and hotel it will be cheaper at this point
"I can always help if you need the money"
"No it's fine it's just I'm just stressed"
He beckoned her over and wrapped his arms around her then the phone rang he let go and she picked it up
"Hello Demi."
"Oh mum hi, it's been awhile"
"Yes we'll forgive me I was morning the death of my son"
"Look mum I'm really sorr-
"I saw my other son yesterday he said your flying him your dad and your grandparents out to New York to see you for Christmas I though you were coming back for Christmas this year "
"Mum I don't live in New York I live in DC I have lived here for years. And I was going to I tried calling you I left a voice mail saying my boyfriend had been shot and wouldn't be cleared to fly until after Christmas"
"What so now some boy you have known for what a month is more important then your family"
"Four years, but no that's not what I'm saying he was going to come and meet everybody but he couldn't come there so I called and asked if anyone could come here and I said I'd fly out for new years and he could meet everyone else then"
"Right we'll I assume that because I was mourning and missed your call you had no way of telling me you were flying me out so message me my flight details good bye sweetheart I love you"
"Right love you mum"
She hung up the phone her face pale like the life had been sucked through the phone
"What's wrong Ev"
"My mum wants me to fly her out for Christmas"
"Do you want her to come?"
"I don't know I mean I love her but she's been awful since I left"
"Call her and say you can't fly her out"
"I can't she won't understand. My mother is coming for Christmas"
"WHAT mother Cindi is coming for Christmas"
Grace ran into the kitchen
"Something like that"
"Oh it won't be bad you know your mum she hates to start in-front of company"
"Yes but she will want to stay in the guest room. So when she expects everyone to go to their hotels what do you think will happen a lot happened this year"
"Oh come on it will be fine"
"I'll go crazy"
"Your already crazy"
"You know medically you don't say crazy well you could but the real terminology is psychosis or someone suffering from a psychotic disorder"
"Spencer are you calling me psychotic"
His interjection had finally dawned on him
"Oh I- um no no that's not what I meant I just meant the correct term is psychosis as the word crazy tends be an insult used at people suffering mental illness like schizophrenia or bpd so you wouldn't be classed as crazy if you're worried"
"My apologies ev your not crazy you're just a little crazy oh and my mum and Freya are flying out the 23rd right and your grandparents on Christmas Eve"
"Yeah your mum and Freya are flying out with my dad and Andy"
"So if your dads flying out the 23rd when's mum flying out"
"Looks like I'm booking another flight. No offence but I'm so glad kiara is spending Christmas with her family this year because there is no way I can cook for like 15 people and not get sent to the hospital"
"Yeah kiara had a baby with Marc"
"How did she get a boyfriend and a baby before us she's younger"
"By 36 days"
"Know it all" grace snapped as she grabbed a cookie "ok I'm going out bye"
"With Morgan"
"Definitely with Morgan"
"It's a 97% likely-hood she's going to see Morgan" Spencer remarked taking a cookie off the platter and taking a bite
"Yeah well you two had sex last night so I don't think who I'm getting coffee with matters, bye"
Spencer face flushed a deep Red as he choked on the sentence he had just heard
His back pocket started to buzz, it was his phone
"Saved by the bell"
He picked it up and answered it
"Hey JJ."
"No I'm not at my apartment"
"22 aspen lane"
"Take a left outside my apartment go down apple-tree walk take a right to Seymour lane follow the road to the end take a right to aspen lane then follow it to the end it's quite obvious which house it is"
"Okay I'll see you in a minute bye JJ"
He hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket"
"How would you feel about watching Henry for the night"
"I'd love to but why"
"Well the team got called in on a case and will can't get out of work until late today. So usually he'd be with the nanny but she called out sick and her mom lives to far away for such short notice and they don't want to leave him with a complete stranger"
"Yeah it's absolutely fine poor grace though she probably didn't even make it to the end of the road she was looking forward to seeing him"
A few minutes later grace and jj walked in
"Hi I'm so sorry this is so last minute but he has bottles formula toys pacifiers diapers clothes everything's but the set up crib because you have one but it's at your apartment"
"I'll go get it it's fine"
"Ok here is wills number and my mums in case there is an emergency and call me obviously but I really have to go will is going to call you he is going to pick Henry up so don't give him to anyone else. Love you Spence thank you guys so much you literally saved my life."
They said good bye and JJ ran back out to her car and the three of them spent the night with Henry Evelyn booked her mom a flight and then they played with Henry until it was time for bed

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