Chapter 8-first a toast to us

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I'll be there trust me we're landing soon"
"You best be otherwise I will I will.... I don't know what I'll do must it will most likely be illegal"
She laughed at her own response as she bid him farewell.
"Does pretty boy have plans with his not girlfriend" Morgan called over from where he was sitting "yes I do and she's-
"Not your girlfriend yeah, yeah you have been telling us this for over a year"
The plane landed and they drove back to Quantico "Everyone go home I'll make sure that you have at least tomorrow in your own homes" Hotch said as he walked back into his office
Spencer was packing this thing up much quicker then most days

"Hey come on pretty boy where are you going"
"It doesn't matter" Morgan perched himself on the side of Spencer's desk
"come in I won't tell anyone is it something boring? Is she nerdy like you?"
"No she's not nerdy. And it's not boring"
"Ok so tell me what it is"
"It's a premiere"
"A premiere? Like a movie premiere? Who is this girl?"
"Fine, her name is Evelyn Lewis we're going to the premiere of after dark the first season was just released we're watching the first episode at the premiere"
"Let's go" Morgan stood up and walked to the elevator "what? What do you mean let's go?" Spencer followed him to the elevator "I don't believe you I want to meet her"
"No I've got to hurry up and get ready"
"I'll be quick" they stood out side the elevator for a moment, Spencer contemplating the idea
"Fine hurry up" he clicked the elevator button and the two stepped inside.
"Ok how the hell do you know Evelyn Lewis she's famous."
"I met her three years ago at NYC film school I was bored and I though the letter about getting this job was gonna come so I ended up in one of the classes and sat next to her she was filming her first film at the time
I didn't know who she was when I met her and her friend grace Moore was in the class I thought her name sounded familiar but I didn't know her either "you know grace Moore as well. How does that make sense."
The two drove back to Spencer's apartment
"Look I've got to get ready just uh wait there"
Spencer walked into his bedroom and Morgan looked around the living room. The walls were colour an olive green and the walls were plastered with books and shelves. On one shelf there were some frames photographs. One of the team,One of Spencer himself and Garcia, one of Spencer Evelyn and a puppy, one of grace Evelyn and Spencer, one of Spencer and his mom and one of Spencer Evelyn grace, a singer called Kiara and two other men he didn't recognise.
Just then Spencer came out in a tuxedo "very nice pretty boy"
"Grace and Evelyn have a spare ticket if you want to come, there like around the corner I hope you have a tux at your place"

The girls had just parked out side Spencer's apartment when a large man with a shaved head ran out of Spencer's complex and got into his car
"Spencer I hope that was Morgan other wise someone just stole your car"
"Yeah it's Morgan I'm coming out now "
Just then Spencer came out of the complex and Evelyn got out on the limo they had rented.

she was wearing a dark teal dress. It had a Mesh Panel corset bodes and a long flowy skirt that brushed the floor her dress  sparkled in the setting sunlight. Her heels were the same shade of teal as the dress she wore. Her hair was loosely curled and dangled over her shoulders. She had a silver diamond necklace and matching earrings she was wearing a ring grace had bought her last year for Christmas.

"Spencer" she ran up to him or what ever people did when they tried to run in high heels and enveloped him in a hug "I've missed you"
"I missed you too, come on we need to hurry we will be late"
"What about Morgan?"
"His place is on the way"
They got back in the limo Evelyn sat opposite grace and Spencer "ask her out" grace whispered to him as he sat down. A tinge of red coated his face
They stopped outside outside Morgan's apartment to pick him up graces boyfriend had dumped her a few days prior and she hadn't found another date so they had a spare ticket.
"Holy- you actually know them, hi I'm Derek Morgan" Evelyn and grace had swapped Seats so Evelyn was sat next to Spencer "I'm Evelyn Lewis and that's grace Moore" She was wearing an emerald green dress with a low cut .The dress was just above the floor as her heels added a few centimetres they were the same shade of green as the dress she wore. Her hair was in an up do with flowers in her hair. A pearl necklace was hung around her neck and a matching pair of pearl earrings.
"Ok we're almost there ready to be in the papers" grace laughed as the limo came to a halt. As the door was opened a cacophony of questions and flashes of cameras erupted. Spencer emerged first with Evelyn attached to his arm "Evelyn is this your new boyfriend" "Evelyn who are you here with "Evelyn will there be a season to of "After dark"
"I can't say if there will be a season two but I am hopeful and he isn't my boyfriend he's just my friend"
"You have been spotted with him over the course of three years are you sure your not dating"
"We are not dating we are just very good friends" the two took some photos then walked down the red carpet into the theatre
Then grace and Morgan got out"
"Grace who are you with tonight"
"Who's the mystery man"
"Have you been signed for any other movies or shows"
"Are you and mystery hunk dating" a reporter pointed at Morgan "no but it's only 7:15" she kissed him on the cheek and they walked inside "sorry about that give them something to write about" she whispered into Morgan's ear
"Don't worry about it" he laughed as the four of them walked into the the theatre. The episode was 49 minutes long and after that there was a cocktail party type thing in another room. Spencer hadn't been drinking very often since Tobias last year but he didn't drink a lot before anyway so it didn't effect him that much. There were a few times he let himself drink. He had stoped drinking at Rossi's dinner party's but on holidays and big events like this he didn't mind one or two.
So they drank and they talked and they laughed. And at ten they left and went back to Evelyn and grace's house. And they drank some more
And then the girls drank more
And more
And then some more
Until they were cut off by Morgan and Spencer after grace and Evelyn started dancing on the table to "girls on film by Duran Duran"
"Ok how about we get you to bed" Spencer called as he aided Evelyn of the table "noooo spe-spen-Spencer im fine" she slurred as she stumbled towards the island where a blender full of Margaritas "no no I think you have had enough come on" he dragged her out of the kitchen towards her bedroom "no bu-but I'm having fun "yes and it's currently 2:47am I think that is enough fun, come on I'll take you to bed" he lead her to the bedroom and she sat on the bed "good night evel-"
"Lay with me?" She patted the spot on the bed next to her
"Lay down with me, please"
He moved over towards the side of the bed. She was drunk that was all this was and it's not like they had t fallen asleep together on the couch. She just wanted a hug thats all. So he climbed onto the bed and laid down next to her and she placed her head on his chest "Spencer you know how I'm not very good at spotting signals and hints and things"
"We'll grace seems to be a bit better at it then me and she says that you want to ask me out and god don't the think it all sounds so childish she said that he likes you" is that what she though he was childish was this all very one ended
"If it is true I hope you'll ask me out tomorrow.
Good night Spence" and just like that she fell asleep on his chest. Their heart beats synchronised the world slowing just for them everything dimmed their breathing feeling like the loudest thing in the world.

The house was quiet, her room was even quieter except for the faint sound of breathing. She opened her eyes and the reality of the previous night came flooding back to her the embarrassment had a tight grasp on her mind. Fot a moment she could wallow in her own self pity, for a split second until she realised she wasn't alone. There she lay on his chest, his finger tracing circles against her hand
"Evelyn" His voice was raspy
"Spencer?" She phrased it as a question as if she wasn't laying on his chest as if his suit jacket wasn't at the foot of the bed as if his curls weren't brushing the top of her head
"Oh Spencer I'm so so sorry I shouldn't of said what I said and I shouldn't of asked you to lay and-
"I shouldn't have gotten that drunk that was stupid
"And I'm really sorry if I made a bad impression on Morgan
"And if you don't want to be friends I complete-
She was spiralling she hadn't noticed him lean in and soon enough she was being silenced by his lips touching her own. He placed a small loving kiss upon her lips her face growing the the same shade of red as the roses she kept by her bed. When he pulled away his own face was tinged with the same red her own face wore
"Did that answer your question"
She nodded her head the words of a reply escaped her. All she could think about was him. His lips and how soft they were on her own, his hair and how it fell just in front of his face, his smile and how it made her feel safe. So she kissed him, deeper than he had kissed her but it was kind and passionate and how she had longed for it. He reciprocated pulling her closer to him. They had gone from strangers to friends to whatever was happening now. But not a single second had been regretted now they sat in her bedroom the same breaths that were calm and relaxed last night were short and quick hands in hair lips on lips. Spencer Reid hadn't much experience with women or dating or love or even kissing for that matter but Evelyn, well she had much practice but at least a bit more experience then him. His hands fumbled around looking for somewhere to reside after a moment she placed them at her waist.
892 days they had known each other they had explored their fears and joys hurt and happiness together and now a whole new chapter of love had been opened
When they released one another they sat there just for a moment perplexed on how this happened
She's way to pretty for me.
He's way to smart to be with me
"You hungry?" She broke the silence
"Pancakes at Sal's" Sals was the diner at the end of the street and they often got breakfasts there
Evelyn wore a lavender tracksuit and her converse tying her hair back in a bun. Luckily spencer had left a cardigan here so he didn't have to wear a tuxedo. Changing his blazer for a navy cardigan.

Evelyn grabbed her phone and purse then they into the living room It was a mess, beer cans and cocktail umbrellas scattered around, blankets and heels and Morgan's suit jacket. They looked over the the sofa to see Morgan and grace blacked out on the couch. Morgan's shirt had been undone and he had lipstick marks trailing down his neck. "I guess something happened with them too" Evelyn whispered as she grabbed her purse and they left. The September air was crisp as they walked
"Spencer, I want to be with you. And if you don't want that then you don't have to you know that" she mumbled as they turned the corner

"We have know each other 892 days we have had two Christmas' three birthdays three halloweens three Easter's. We have watch 1765 movies literally countless pints of Ben and Jerry's you've seen me at my worst I've told you about my mum and my dad. When jj calls will and Hotch calls Haley on the jet I call you. Um a study was carried out that showed The average time for men to fall in love is 88 days and Neurologically speaking, the bonds we feel that we know as love are due to the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which activate the reward centre in our brain. But those hormones don't just kick in when you meet a potential love interest. You have to get to know them first. I have know I wanted to share my life with you for 593 days after we went to England see your family and visit London and we sat by that lake for hours and just talked while you made daisy chains and put flowers in my hair after it went curly when we got stuck in the rain. I've had Around 6 times the 88 days it takes to fall in love and I care for you more than anyone else so um yeah I think I'd like to have a um a re- relationship with you"

They opened the door to the diner and sat in a booth in the back corner and ordered their food. "So Morgan is currently asleep on my sofa but when do I get to meet the rest of them it's been three years"
"I think I could arrange something sooner or later" he said eating a bite of bacon
"Bacon from America is actually so disgusting why do you think I get my uncle to ship bacon over all the time"
"Yeah the bacon we had in London was much better"
"I know right so much better" they laughed and they ate and they talked and everything felt normal well better than normal there was no more nervousness about liking each other they both knew. it was easy to be around him. She took up more of his heart with each passing moment.

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